14. Truth

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Authors pov~

As Elia was poking her head out the window, the wind tossed her hair as her face was gleaming from the sun. Her eyes wondering off above her to clouds that seemed endless.

She took a deep breath of some fresh air and closed the window. She sunk into the bed of hers with her face facing up, she felt exhausted off how much packing she had to do. Frank told her to pack today since tomorrow they were going to leave no later than noon. He wanted no rush tomorrow since they just had to put their clothes on and leave to the airport, simple.

Elia got up with voices telling her to stay there and sleep but continued to walk over to the hallway, and was looking at her messy hair through the bathroom mirror. She wished for Mrs. Anna to do those hairstyles like she used to back at home. It was really massaging for her. Besides she never really learned to do girly hairstyles because no one was there to teach her, like a mother.

She failed at putting her hair into some pig tales, she was getting frustrated now. Just as she was about to through the comb she stopped midway due to a knock on the hotel door. She was glad that she stopped herself, what if she hit an expensive vase. She chuckled at that thought reminding her of the vase she broke at home where dad didn't seem too upset.

"Coming!" Came Elia's voice calling out to the person behind the door. She unlocked it and turned the handle. She smiled when Frank came into her sight. His hands were packed with a cup holder that held two coffees and some bagels including honey packaged up in a small container.

Her lips turned into a smile when her sight reached the bagels, nice and toasted

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Her lips turned into a smile when her sight reached the bagels, nice and toasted. "Thank you dad!" She said while removing the cup holder from him and placing it on the table inside. Frank close the door and locked it, took off his shoes and jacket.

Elia dug right in with her bagel on one hand and her coffee in the other. A thought crossed Elia's mind when looking outside through the window this morning. "Um dad?" She said covering her mouth while mumbling due to her mouth chewing. "Yes sweetheart."

"I was thinking maybe we can just walk around the city, not even buying anything just eye-shopping?" Elia said while looking at Frank with a smile.

"Well sweetie..." "Please, please?!" She said cutting him off. "Alright but when we get back home you owe me two apple pies with extra whip cream." Frank said while chuckling. "Yup, we got ourselves a deal!" She said while high-fiving him.

After breakfast Elia cleaned up the small table and organized everything how it was before eating. She just got out of the bathroom doing her hair nicely, at last.

Just as Frank was getting his coat to head on outside with Elia that was getting her purse on her shoulder. An unexpected knock came through. They looked at each other and with their faces they agreed to open it, maybe it was housekeeping... or maybe not.

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