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Dun dun dun! :) A new treat for you all since Valentine's Day is coming! :D SO i hope you enjoy this new chapter in Joshifer's lives. :) But again....... sorry for a delay. :( You know, the usual..... School. And we just had our JS PROM so I was too busy these past few weeks because of that. :) But anyway, I would really try my best to post another 2 chapters this month.. :) Hoping! =)) Okay, that's all! =))

I wish you would enjoy this chapter! =)) Leave your comments below.... 

Josh’s POV:

Seeing Jen again “soon” was sooner than I expected it to be. Not that it’s a bad thing, of course it isn’t! In fact, spending almost a week by myself and without her by my side, it was WAY more difficult than what I thought it would be. At first, I thought it wouldn’t be that hard being alone cause I have done that before. A lot of times actually, when Jen and I weren’t together yet. I used to go out and hang out with my friends every time I end a filming of a movie or something. And that wasn’t that long ago either, when me and my best buds used to go out clubbing or go to some place and do something crazy, like doing a bizarre drinking game (I won’t even go into details). Those are the best days of my life, when I get to have fun on my own. But…… That’s what I thought. In these past 4 months, I have been doing all of that with my girlfriend. Well, not exactly those things. I mean, we are always together whenever we have free time. Whether it was during filming or not. We start and end our day together. We were inseperable. So after our Christmas holiday with my family back in Kentucky, and after Jen left………. I have never felt so alone. It’s like…… it’s a new thing for me to spend my day without her. And even if I started to go with my friends again, it still didn’t feel right. I couldn’t really enjoy my time with them unlike before. Because now, I am always thinking about how she’s doing.

So now…… now that we’re done filming Catching Fire, we have to wait for 6 months or so until we get to spend time working together again. I mean, until we get to see each other again on an everyday basis. But for now………….we’ll both be busy doing our individual careers, like what we really do, but the difference now is we’ll be having more time apart. And we’ve never been separated for such a long period of time since we’ve been together. So I don’t know how things will go.

So being with her again in The PCA’s today is a really big help with keeping my nerves down. But I feel that this would only make me miss her more when the day ends again and we’ll have to go separate ways. Ohh….. I hope this will be a long day….. And that I get to be with her for as long as possible…….

But that isn’t important now; the important thing is I get to see Jennifer again.


Liam: Josh! *pats his shoulder*

Josh: *faces him* Liam! Hey bro! *hugs* What’s up? *unlocks* What’s up? How was your holiday? *smiles*

Liam: *chuckles* Everything’s great! Despite my busy schedule, Miley and I got to spend the holidays together. We were with my family and it was such a great time.. *chuckles*

Josh: *smiles* Yeah, and I heard that you even got that chance to secretly marry, huh? *smiling while poking his stomach*

Liam: *laughs*

Josh: You owe me an apology bro. *serious voice* You said I was invited!

Liam: Come on Josh. *chuckles* You really believe those crap?? Can’t some couple spend quality time together and have fun?

Josh: *chuckles* Oh I know. I just wanted to mess with ya. *smiles* Oh! Speaking of your wedding, how was it going by the way? Did you guys already talked about a date?

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