Piece Of Advice

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Josh's POV:

As I get home, I collapsed down on the couch, not even bothering on opening the lights. I just lay there doing nothing, staring at the ceiling, thinking of how I’ll be able to move on after this. I need someone to talk to, to help me sort my feelings out. Mostly things like this, I talk to Jennifer or Liam back when we were filming Hunger Games. But I guess that’s not going to happen right now. So I call my best pal, Avan Jogia.

Josh: (gets his cellphone) (calls Avan’s number)

Avan: (answers) Hey bro! What’s up?

Josh: Hey Avan. You still at the party?

Avan:  No, I’m on my way home now. Why?

Josh: Can you come over? I need someone to talk to.

Avan: Ok. Sure bro.

Josh: Ok. Thanks. Bye.

After the phone call, I showered a little and changed into a black V-neck T-shirt and some blue boxers. Just when I was drying my hair with a towel, the doorbell rang.

Josh: (opens the door) (one hand on his hair)

Avan: Hey!

Josh: Hey Avan.

*makes a boy handshake*

Avan: (enters inside) So did you like the party?

Josh: It was okay. (goes to the kitchen)

Avan: (scoffs) “okay” ? (sits on the couch) It was amazing dude! Lots of food, refreshments, and……. HOT GIRLS!

Josh: Yeah. (opens the fridge) I meant amazing. (gets two beers)

Avan: Oh! And congrats on the best kiss award. (looks at him)

Josh: (approaches him) (tosses him a beer)

Avan: That was pretty steamy kiss you gave her. (smiles at him)

Josh: Yeah, it was. (opens his beer) (sits with him)

Avan: (opens his beer) What happened with you anyway? After the blackout we just couldn’t find you. (sips beer)

Josh: (looks down) (serious expression) I was with Jen. (sips beer)

Avan: Ooooh! Di you two danced? (sips beer)

Josh: Yeah. (pauses) (looks down) Then we kissed.

Avan: (spits his beer) *coughs* You what??

Josh: (looks at him) We kissed.         

Avan: Yeah, I heard that. But why? (sit up straight)

Josh: I don’t know….. We just….. did. (sips beer)

Avan: So…………. Does this mean, you’re falling in love with her?

Josh: (pauses) I…………. have fallen in love with her.

Avan: (stares at him)  WOooooooHOOO! (jumps from his seat) I KNEW IT! (laughs) Ohhh I’m happy for you bro! (pats his arm) You two look perfect for each other. (sips beer)

Josh: (looks at him, serious)

Avan: (looks at him) What?

Josh: Are you like…….. High right now?

Avan: No! I………… I think so.

Josh: (still looking at him serious)

Avan: So when are you planning on asking her out?

Josh: (not saying a word just looking at him)

Avan: Why do you keep looking at me like that??

Josh: Avan…….. Jennifer has a BOYFRIEND.

Avan: Oh yeah……  That Nicholas guy. Ohhhhhh…….. so is that why you wanted some talk?

Josh: Yeah. (sips beer) (looks down) I saw him in Jen’s house when I gave her a ride home. And she seemed pretty happy with their reunion. (sad expression)

Avan: Ohh I’m sorry man. (pats his shoulder)That must’ve been hard for you.

Josh: It is. (still looking down) (playing with the tin bottle)

Avan: You really must’ve fallen in love with her. I can see it with you right now.

Josh: (scoffs) How stupid am I? (looks at him) For falling in love with a girl that couldn’t be mine?

Avan: Pffff! Don’t be so hard on yourself dude. You’re Josh Hutcherson! You know how to pick up a girl. (pats his shoulder) I’m sure you got more moves than her boyfriend.

Josh: But this isn’t just a “girl”. It’s Jennifer Lawrence. (looks at him) I don’t want to do anything that could upset her feelings. (scoffs) (looks down) Honestly bro, I don’t think I have ever felt this way before with other girls….  Jennifer is just so…… beautiful inside and out. She’s so…… perfect. (looks at avan) Maybe that’s why it’s so hard to try and forget her.

Avan: (scoffs) Forget her? Why would you do that? If I were you I wouldn’t just let her go. I would wait for the right time for us to be together. Be committed to what you’re feeling. At least give importance to that.

Josh: (looks at him) (smiles) Yeah. But……. What would I do now? Act like nothing really happened? That I didn’t got ……… hurt?

Avan: Well…….. You have to lay low for now. You know….. chillin and party, you can even date girls if you want. But I’m not saying that you’ll have to avoid her but just not……. Think about it too much. Don’t stress yourself. Just be Josh and have fun with your life. Later….. maybe she’ll come around searching for you instead of you chasing her around. But still….. keep that feeling you feel for her. Do you get me?

Josh: (smiles) That’s pretty good advice from a drunk man.

Avan: (smiles) I’m glad I helped.

*both toasts*

Avan made me realize many things. The more that I worry about this thing I feel for Jen, will only end up with me getting hurt if some things won’t live up to my expectations. I’ll just have to go with the flow of life and not rush things with her. I’m sure the time destined for us will come. All I have to do is just wait.

After that conversation we had, me and Avan hang-out for at least an hour or so watching baseball games and talking about things we always talk about. And when it was almost midnight, he decided to go home. I thanked him for the advice that he gave me because if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t know what to do with my feelings right now. I was pretty glad that he was the one I got to talk to. It made things more easier. More clearer.

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