Percy Jackson x Spy Racers

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Percy Jackson/Spy Racers(fast and furious) I have just watches the series with my sibling and loved it. Love Layla she is my favorite character. If you have not seen the series, you should watch it. I read so fictions where Percy met Dom and the crew but none where he meets Tony and his gang so I decided to write one. Hope you like.

Ms. Nowhere Pov- We have a new mission for Tony and his team. There is a person who is being suspicious and no one else will go after him so Tony and them get to go to New York. They walk in the garage door and walk over to flop down on the couch. They all look at me in a ‘why are we here’ way. There was a silence for a little bit before I spoke up,” I have a mission for you five. There is a person in New York I will give you his file. I want you to bring him back here so we can have a conversation.” They look at me and Tony says,” really, is this a joke? We don’t do this. We race, not babysit.” I sigh,” Listen y'all wanted harder missions, this will give you a chance to prove yourself. And the person you are looking for is your age. Gary will give the file to one of you later.” With that I left the garage to go back to the haler so I could start my own mission in Australia.

Frostie Pov- Ms. Nowhere left and we all just looked at each other. I spoke up,” is she for real or is this like a test. Why are we doing this, who are we going after? And what kind of conversation are we talking about here that we have to go all the way to New York '' they all shrugging their shoulders. Layla spoke up,” there are a lot of people in little o New York I have some family over there and tunes of friends that I call family. I just hope we don't run into any of them. Yall would literally die if you met any of them. That would be entertaining though.” with that she walked away leaving all of us confused. 

Gary Pov- I got the file and headed straight to the garage. Everyone was doing their own thing. I waved and they all came into the middle of the garage and stared at the file in my hand. Tony spoke up,” is that the file for the child we must kidnap and bring back here for a chat.” Layla smacked him on the head,” shut up.” I handed to them and looked directly at Tony,” this person was a suspected terrorist, his name is Perseus Jackson.”


Tony Pov- I looked through the file he did so much from the age of twelve. He is now seventeen, so he is around our age,” why does he have to be brought in?” Gary shrugged,” I believe the government is questioning all the ‘wrong place, wrong time’ accidents he has?” I could hear Layla laughing in the background but trying to hide it. I just ignored her because she was acting strange when they said we were going to New York. Gary pointed to the file,” everything is in there, be careful. He is said to be very unpredictable.” Layla laughed louder and then mumbled something about ‘what do you expect, isn’t the ocean unpredictable’. Gary left and Layla stopped laughing and said,'' come on let's get this over with, I have to call someone.” She walked away mumbling ‘Sally is going to kill me’. She turned around right before she could walk through the door,”Tony you better let me lead this one. Don’t ask questions because I can’t answer them but trust me.” 

Layla- I walked to the bathroom and ran the water and pulled out a golden coin that I have not used in a while but always keeps on me. “Oh, Folisy, do me a solid and show me Sally Jackson, New York.” The water shimmered and Sally was on the other side with a baby in her arms. “Hi Sally, do you know where Percy is? And just to let you know I will be borrowing Perce for a while.” She smiled and said,” what has he done this time?” I shook my head,” well I am just trying to prove he is innocent. Can you tell him to meet us in the park tomorrow at two?” She nodded. Just then someone knocked on the door and I looked at Sally,” I have to go, hopefully I will get to come visit soon. It was nice to see you.” I swiped through the massage and went to open the door. Echo was standing there and she said,” you need to pack so we can leave.” I nodded and went to pack. This is going to be a long week.

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