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"Bye Chiron, I am heading out." Percy called from the doorway. Chiron sighed,"ok my daughter, please keep in touch and stay out of trouble." Said girl snorted,"I will try. I am going to a place Grover suggested, said it was nice and had a great school." Percy hugged Chiron one more time before going to find Grover to say bye. He was with the demeter cabin in their garden. "Grover, I am heading out, come to say bye." He trotted over and engulfed the girl in a big hug. "Please call sometimes." He squeezed a little tighter," the earth and wild will always help you, you have my blessing." Grover whispered to Percy who nodded. They parted and Percy slowly walked to the border. "Prissy, you leaving me to train the punks by myself." Clarisse called out before Percy crossed the border. Clarisse handed Percy two boxes. "Here they are from Leo, a demi-phone and charm bracelet. The phone has everyone's numbers in it and every app leo said was necessary. And instead is monster proof. The bracelet has magic charms, each is a different weapon, just pull on the charm you want and it appears in your hand. Bye Prissy." Clarisse patted my shoulder then left to continue my journey. 

I walked through the border and vapor traveled to Bay city. Upon walking into the town everything was different. I walked around mapping out the city, all the roads and places in my mind. I found the apartment I had got a few weeks ago. It was fully stocked with everything I needed, thanks to Hesta, she had adopted me along with Aphrodites. The stuff would magically restoc itself because why not. I unpacked all the things I brought with me but had a few hours of daylight left. I grabbed my phone and earbud along with my skateboard. I skated to a park listening to a playlist of all the Imagine Dragons songs. The park was not very full, only a few boys in a group with one boy on the other side of the park. I went up a ramp and skated down and over another one heel flipped my board. I went to the grind rail and slid down. I went over to the half pipe, where the group of boys were."mind if I join." I asked the boys, they all shrugged and made a come-on gesture. I climbed onto the pipe and to the top right side. The boys watched as I skated up and down the pipe a few times doing different spines each time. Some soon joined me doing different tricks while others just watched. I learned their names and we talked and joked while skating. I learned that we all would be at the same school, Bay City high. I also learned that there were monster attacks often and a giant robot called Mechx4 protecting the city. I watched a boy that was away from the group,"who is that?" I asked. "He is Ryan Walker, he has his little friend group and usually sticks with it." They informed me. We skated for a little longer but everyone slowly started getting ready to leave. The boys disappeared and Percy slowly left the park as well heading back home.

The next morning I went to school and everything was normal. I was still struggling with every subject except Greek, which they surprisingly had. I found the others from the skate park and stayed with them at lunch. We talked about an upcoming competition at the park and who all were participating. I got all the way to the last period of the day before a monster decided to attack the city. The school went wild, everyone watching for the robot. I however noticed the boy from the skate park, Ryan ran in the other direction with three other boys. So me being me decided to follow them instead of watching like the other people.they all ran out of the school and stood in a circle. I watched as a giant robot came out of nowhere and stomped on them. Then they all left to fight the monster,which looked similar to a hellhound but with orange goo. I joined the other students watching the fight, it was quite odd. The monster was pushed back twords the crowd and everyone decided it was time to run. Pushing people aside and running over one another the students and staff that were watching slowly made their way to the other side of the school. I stayed to watch the fight and that turned out to be a really bad idea. The monster was apparently not completely dumb and decided to grab me in its tail. Mechx4 froze, mid swing because the monster held me in front of itself. I growled," why do you monsters always go after me." I grabbed my pen and started stabbing the monster in the tail. It released me after the fourth stab. The mech caught me falling from the air and swung its sword at the monster. I was put safely on the ground and the robot jumped off. 

I walked to my apartment and dropped on the couch. I fished out my homework and got to work. It didn't take me long because, despite what others think, I am not a Seaweed brain and am pretty smart. The glasses that Apollo made to fix dyslexia helped alwell. After I grabbed my board and a snack with my headphones and phone, I headed out back to the park. No one was supposed to be there, all the guys had something this evening. When I got to the park only one person was there, Ryan Walker. I walked over to the ramps and started riding around doing different tricks and flipping around. Ryan must have noticed me and skated over,"hey," he called. I looked up,"hi," I replied with a smile. "I am Ryan." He smiled. "Percy. I saw you at school," he nodded,"ya, I have seen you as well." I nodded skating beside him as we slowly made our way to the half pipe. "You skate often," I asked. He nodded," ya, you?" I also nodded while climbing up onto the pipe,"it is a hobby of mine, you know, to get out and clear my head." He climbed up after me and we set our boards up on the sides. We skated and taught each other tricks, talking about anything and everything. I found out about his brother and friends and what he likes to do in his free time. He asked me about my family and also what I did in my free time other then skate. We talked about classes and different teachers we liked, turns out we had quite a few classes together. We joked about different people from school and mimicked different teachers. We laughed at different things about each other and ended up trading numbers and blasting music throughout the park. It was getting late and Ryan said he needed to go home. "Thanks for the save, robot." I called him back to which we turned around quickly,"what do you mean?" He asked defensively. I winked and walked to my apartment.

The next day school was out because of a monster attack. I checked my phone and Ryan had texted me. He sent me an address and told me to be quick. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. I followed a map on my phone to the location, it was a junkyard. "Ryan." I called out, my voice echoing onto the yard. A few people appeared a few yards away, it was the people I saw with Ryan the other day. "You are Percy correct?" Asked the short boy with glasses. I nodded,"come with us." Added the oldest one, I believe he is Ryan's brother. They led me over to a huge ship and opened the door. The area inside was huge and housed none other the Mechx4. We walked to another opening in the robot and road an elevator up. When it opened, Ryan was standing in the middle of the room,"Welcome to Mechx4."

Sorry for not updating in a while, I have a few more stories coming up soon. If you have any ideas I will gladly write it or if you like my story ideas use them but please tell me so I van read. Thanks for reading.

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