The twins little sis

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Two bikes pulled up to the highschool of Beacon Hills. One carried a male and female the other just a male. Once stopped the males got off and each shouldered a bag. The female herself took off her helmet revealing long wavy black hair and bright green eyes. She placed her helmet under her arm and swung her leg over the bike. Grabbing her own bag she nodded to the two males, twins. They walked to the doors of the school with a twin on each side of the female. They passed tons of people in the halls as they made their way to the office. The door was already open," what are your names?" The principal asked as they walked into the room. The oldest twin answered," Aiden, Ethan and Persephone Steiner." The woman behind the desk looked through the papers on her own desk. Soon she pulled out three files with everything they needed in them, schedules, locker information, Id's anything they might need. As the three siblings walked out of the room and into the hallway they looked over each other's schedules. "We all have lunch together sis but that's it." Ethan commented as they walked. Percy frowned. She was always with her older brothers except when they did dirty work for the alpha that took the twins in long ago. They didn't want her to do what they did for Deucalion and so they kept her away from all the others. She was the only real pack they had left, the only survivor of the pack they ripped to shreds. Their mother had her about a year after the twins but she was different, blessed by the moon itself. She had an ability to turn into a wolf herself, midnight black fur with turquoise and silver eyes. "See you at lunch then." Percy said as they went their separate ways to get to their fist class.
Percy walled into the lunch room, looking for her brothers. Spotting them close to the wall, waiting for her. She smiled quickly making her way over," what are you two up too?" They grinned," we are trying out for lacrosse." They both answered. Percy cocked her head," really when?" Ethan was the one to provide an answer,"this afternoon, you can come watch." She nodded," surr but why don't we get lunch now." The twins agreed and went to get in line. Percy watched the twins glare at some blond dude. "Is that who you're after?" She asked as they sat down at a table. Both Twins heads whipped in her direction." That is the beta who got away from Deucalion and has valuable information. He says the pack is a danger to the alpha pack." Percy listed off what she had learned so far," and you two are tasked with taking them out." She added. Aiden sighed as Ethan nodded sadly. Percy looked over to the pack, strong and loyal. She pushed her plate away," see you at practice. Good luck" She kissed both their cheeks then grabbed her bag and left the lunch room to go find her next class. She met up with Danny on the way, a boy she had made friends with, they talked about classes they shared and teachers as well as the cool coach. Once school was over Percy walked to the field, to watch her brothers tryout for lacrosse. She sat on the lowest bench closest to the field. She watched all the boys, recognizing Danny and the boy her brothers were after, Issac, she believed his name was. Her brothers were waving at her so she waved back. A strawberry blond sat next to her," Hi, what is your name?" The girl asked. "Percy, what is your name?" The blond laughed," Lydia." Percy nodded," who are you here watching?" Lydia shook her head and told Percy everything she knew about every lacrosse player. By the time she finished the boys were hitting the showers. The girls continued talking about different people around the school, each waiting for someone. The twins existed first, both smiling and looking around for Percy. Once they found her they ran over, both holding up shirts, numbers 19 and 23. "We made it perce." They both called waving around their shirts. "Now I need a shirt with both of your numbers on it, yay, good job." Percy said then looked over at Lydia. The girl stood frozen. "Lydia this is Ethan and Aiden, guys this is lydia." Both nodded in greeting. The captain of the lacrosse team walked over and the twins pushed Percy behind them. He smiled at Lydia," Scott." Lydia greeted back. Another boy walked over, Issac she realized after a low growl came from both of Percy's brothers. They pushed her further behind them, protecting her. Issac growled at the sight of the twins, flashing his gold eyes at them. Scott 'oh'ed also flashing his gold eyes. However her instincts said alpha. This was going to be a long mission.
 The following weeks the Hale and McCall packs seemed to be playing with the alpha pack. The twins seemed to like playing the game with the two betas as well. Percy tried to stay clear of the alphas radar but her brothers feared Deucalion was catching on. There is now why the three of them stood in the animal clinic, waiting for the hale-mccall pack. The twin shielded Percy from anyone's view when anyone walked through the door. Once someone finally did, the business had started. The whole pack walked through the door. "What do you want?" Derek Hale said as the alpha of the pack. "Protection" both boys said at the same time. Scott tilted his head in confusion being the softest werewolf there. Ethan and Aiden stepped to the side revealing Percy. Everyone gasped. "We don't want Deucalion to find out about her and use her like he did us. Please help us, help our little sister." Aiden said. "Please." Ethan added. Percy frowned," but I don't want to go, I can help you." Her eyes turned a silver color and filled with tears. Both Twins shook their heads," no, he can not find out about you." They turned to the pack." Please," Aiden asked again. Scott walked over," she can stay with me and my mom. We will keep her safe." The twins smiled and handed over bags. " Please Aid, E, please. I can't lose you, you my big brothers, I need you." Ethan and Aiden smiled sadly," it is ok little moon. Your time will come but something. Big things are going to happen soon and you're all we have left, we can't lose you. Please go with Scott, please." Ethan said. Percy nodded, crying as her brothers pulled her into a hug," we will see you again soon." They placed her at Scott's side and walked out the door. Percy fell to the floor, Scott sat beside her hugging her. Stiles soon joined, then trying to comfort the crying young lady. By the time they made it home, Malissa was there, she was ording some pizza. When Scott and a crying girl came through the door she gave them a look. They had a lot of explaining to do.

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