Famale Percy sister of Jason part 2

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I walked past the boys and down to my apartment. When I got there and opened the door, Lupa was standing in my kitchen. The boys had followed me into the room. I was quickly pulled into a hug. I changed my suit into a sweat shirt that I stole from Jason Grace, it had a superman logo on it. I had black spandex but you couldn’t see them because the shirt was so big on me. Lupa let go and looked at Red Hood, sniffed the air then turned back to me. Her face lit up,” you found him, you must be Jason Todd.” she was smiling so much you could see her wolf-like K-9 teeth. She then turned back to me,” he is blessed.” I nodded,” but by who I asked?” she sniffed him again. I looked at Jason, he had taken off his helmet and was watching us interact. Lupa just grinned,” Hades, Mars and myself. Have you not noticed his aura or teeth?” I just shook my head.” when did this happen?” she thought for a moment. She answered,” a few years ago. Aww, yall were each in a Pit, at the same time.” Both Jason and I flinched back at the mention of the Pit. She straightened her face and turned to me to speak in ancient greek,” he can master any weapon he touches, really good at any combat, he can hide in the shadows and sense the dead. I actually think he knows Di Angelo. He also has heightened senses and if trained can turn into a wolf.” I was gapping now,” do what…does he” she cut me off “no.” I can sense he is close to dimis. Athena and Mars.” I nodded,” ya Dami. They are brothers.” she aww’ed. “I miss the little, he did great with me.” She turned to Jason,” it was nice to see you again, it was nice to meet you Richard. I must go now, bye my little wolf pup.” she flashed away. Both boys yelled,” who was that?” at the same time. I just turned around and headed further into the kitchen.,”Her name is Lupa. She is somehow my family, on my dad's side.” I grabbed three water bottles and put two on the counter. I hopped onto the counter,” and before you ask, yes she has powers because of her heritage.” I smiled. We sat there for a minute until Nightwing broke the silence,” I am going on patrol. I have plans to meet up with someone in an hour, see y'all later.” with that he left. It was just me and Jason, he however didn’t make a move to leave. He sighed,” you are so different, then when we were little. I would love to get to know you better. I know I missed a lot, and I am sorry.” I couldn’t meet his eyes. “You are right there is alot about me you don't know, but there are some things i don't know about you weather and I would love to get to know my big brother better.” I pulled on my necklace and remembered when I got it. I was broken out of my thoughts when an IM appeared. Jason just stood off to the side watching. “ Hi seaweed brain, sorry about eliar. I should have warned you about the Joker.” I smiled,” it is alright Dami, it was fun. I liked some of the weapons yall used. They were cute.” He just rolled his eyes. “I kinda miss the armor and my spear.” my eyes lit up,” I actually have your spear. I hoped to run into you. Plus Clarisse told me to give it to you. She misses you, she said she would come with me to kidnap you and have some fun.” Damian smiled. “Are you coming back tomorrow, to explain everything?” I nodded my head. He then asked,”Can you bring your gear? I want to see some of the weapons you use.” I laughed,”of course. I want to see more of yours though.” he nodded then looked at the door,” I have to go now, night fish face.” I chuckled,” night lil’ assassin.” I swiped through the message. Jason just looked around once more. HE came up to me and hugged me once more,” I will see you tomorrow, good night sister.” For once I slept peacefully.

—-Time skip brought to you by Zoe Nightshade.----

The sun woke me up the next morning, it seemed extra bright today. I took a quick shower, and put on my outfit of the day. It was light blue ripped jeans and my bark blue t-shirt with black hightops and black leather jacket. The jacket was from a friend from Apollo cabin, he gave it to me the last time we saw each other. It was a little big on me but I loved it. I put all the hero gear in my duffle bag and grabbed my phone and keys. I looked at my door and went to my car. I walked over to my blue Mustang. I throw my duffel in the back and start my car. It wasn’t a long drive to Wayne Manor. The gate was open so I drove in and parked by Dick’s car. I grabbed my gear and walked upto the door. Before I could even knock Alfred opened the door,”Hello Ms. Percy. It is good to see you again. Come in, the boys are eating breakfast.” I set my bag down and followed Alfred through the house. We entered the dining area. Dick was eating pancakes with coffee. Tim just had coffee and was arguing with Damian about something. Damian had eggs and bacon with toast and water. Alfred cleared his throat,” Bruce will be down shortly, Master Jason had an emergency with a friend this morning.” The boys looked at me and Alfred asked,”would you like anything Mr. Percy.” I was very grateful for this man. “Some water would be nice, thank you.” I answered as I sat down next to Damian. He stopped arguing with Tim and turned to me,” good morning Percy.” I smiled,”good morning Damian.” Alfred brought me a glass of water. I nodded in thanks and he disappeared again. Damian smiled,” can you still shape it. How you use it for the kids, to make them smile.” I remembered, he was one of those campers. I felt the tug on my gut. “What shape?” Tim and Dick watched in aw.”how are you doing that?” Tim questioned. I smiled,”I was born with this gift and gained more over time.” Dick inspected the water. Tim asked,” so you can do more?” I shaped the water into a wolf, and it ran around the room. “Well Nightwing, I can do alot of things.” Tim looked confused and Dami watched the wolf. I heard steps coming and made the wolf evaporate. Bruce walked into the room,” good morning.” he said as he sat down. The boys said good morning and Alfred appeared with a plat of food and a mug of coffee. We sat in silence and my ADHD couldn’t take it. “ Do you miss camp, Alfred?” He stiffened a bit and everyone noticed,” I didn’t have many siblings and most of them didn’t make it on the quest they were sent on. I didn’t do anything and none of the other campers really talked to me. So I really don't miss camp. I like the life I have here.” He smiled at the end. I saw flashes of the bodys after the war.” I am sorry.” I say. DIck trying to change the sobject, stood up and said,” why don’t we move this to the living room?” We all got up and headed to the other room. Damian sat down on the couch next to Bruce. I remembered my bag. I went and got it and came back in and dropped it in Damians lap. He rose and eyebrowed. “It is my gear, you wanted to see it so I bought it.” His face lit up as he opened the bag. We ended up going through everything and discussing everything in a mix of latin and greek. Bruce watched us in amusement,” so you are the new hero, Iris?” he asked. I nodded,” and you are all the batfamily.” Damian looked up at me,” I know you have two others on you can I see.” I nodded and pulled out the riptide. He stood up and walked over to the side,” I just uncap it right.” I nodded and he did so. Tim and DIck jumped back,” how did you do that?” I winked at Damian and grabbed my sword and stabbed Dick. It went straight through him. Tim gasped and Damian laughed. “You could have hurt him,” Tim yelled. I capped riptide and Damian tt’ed. He answered Tim,” he is not important enough for the medal to hurt him.” I nodded and turned to Damian.”I almost forgot, did get your brand.” He pulled up his sleeve,” got it right after you left.” I smiled,” you don’t mind having something similar.” He shrugged. I flicked my wrist and an electric spear appeared in my hand. I handed it to him and it disappeared. I checked his wrist, there was a spear with electricity around it tattooed on his wrist. He was about to say something but the door bell rang. We went over to the door, it was Jason and someone else. I hugged Jason and hurd a voice I have not heard in a long time,”well if it isn’t that ‘dam’ sea princess.” I looked up,”Roy?” He scatched his neck and waved,”Hi Persephone.” I ran into his arms,” Oh my gosh, where have you been. You didn’t come to camp, we thought you were dead. Will was so worried.” I looked him over, not muched had changed. He had a few more scars. I had not seem him sence before Hera and my trip to the Roman camp. I saw the confused glaces, turning to afred and dami ,” Apollo.” They both nodded but now Roy was confused. I pointed to Alfred,” Athena” then pointed to Damian,”Mars or Ares” He held a face of shock then looked me over making sure I was serious. Jason caughed,” so yall know each other?” Roy nodded and I said,” we have known each other for a few years. We mat at camp, kinda like I did with Dami exept I met Roy in New York and Damian is California.” They all had a silent conversation with their eyes. I got bord and started picking at the jacket I had on, Roy had accually given it to me before he left camp. It made me remeber all the people at camp, I missed them. We had lost so many in the wars though. I couldn’t stay at camp anymore, that is why I stayed with dad. That made me think of all the underwater people, wich made me think of my friend Kaldur. We had met when I was young, he always seemed to be with me. Even before I knew my haratige. We became friends and he later became my personal gaurd when I was at the palace. He was a few years older then me but we were close. I wonder how he is doing? He accually tought me have to do that crazy water magic. Even the lightning part of it. “Percy are you even lestoning?” asked Damian. I shook my head,”sorry, I zoned out ADHD.” Jason looked suprised ,”you have ADHD?” I nodded,” and Dylexia and PTSD.” I said quietly. “I..what?” Jason stutered. I just took my jacket off. You could now see the scars on my neck and down my arms. You could also see my roman brand and other magical tattoos. Jason grabbed my arms, inspecting both of them. Bruce noticed the brand and looked at it closer. Damian seemed to notice his intentions,”they are a religious thing father. They chose to get them.” I nodded,” they do hurt though. Well mine did, I don't know about yours Dami.” He rolled up his sleeve and ran his fingers over the brand,”it was more uncomfortable.” Bruce grabbed his wrist and traced over the brand,” Roman. It is Roman, correct.” Bruce pointed to mine,”may I” I nodded and he grabbed my wrist. “Yours is a symbol for Neptune and Damians is a symbol for Mars.” Bruce said. I looked over to Alfred,” he knows his stuff.” Alfred shrugged,” he always seemed to fancy Roman mythology.” Bruce looked at my other arm,” do these have a meaning.” There were three lined up on the inside of my forearm. I pointed to the first one, a bow with lightning in the pace of the arrow,”this one represents my female cousin Thalia Grace.” I pointed to the next one, an Eagle made of lighting,” This one represents my cousin Jason Grace.” I pointed to the last one, a skull with roses around it,”this one is for my other cousin, Nico di Angelo and in memory of his two sisters.” They were magic, I could contact any of them with a single touch. All four of us had gotten them after the war. We used them whenever we wanted to meet up or needed help. They each had one for me, a trident made of seaweed and pearls. “Di Angelo, I know that name from somewhere.” Jason said, placing a hand on his chin. “Oh we know each other well, Jason Todd.” came a voice from a dark corner. Nico slowly walked over to me. “It is nice to see you again, Perce. Nice to see you living, Todd.” I hugged Nico,” nice to see you but what are you doing here?” I pointed to my forearm,” you touched the tattoo.” Jason was watching Nico,”I don’t think he recognized you neeks.” Nico looked around,” I looked different as Ghost King.” he glowed for a minute. When the light went down, Nico stood there with pitch black wings and a crown to match sitting on his head. He was wearing a black tactical suit with his sword on his hip and scythe in his hand. Jason’s eyes clouded over for a minute before he dipped his head,” your majesty.” Nico chuckled,” please no formalities, I am not Zues. Just Nico is fine.” He glowed again and went back to normal.” Nico this is Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Roy, Jason, Timothy and Damian. Guys this is my cousin Nico.” I was about to add something else but the doorbell rang. I went to open the door, you will never guess who was standing there. 


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