zuko's friend

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The war was finally over but at what cost, even the greatest hero, Percy Jackson was gone. No one knows what happened to him other than he fell off the maps. He was injured at some point though because Apollo came and took him away but what happened to him after that, no one knows. 
“All hail Fire Lord Zuko,” rang across the crowd. The people cheered happily. One figure in the back smirked at the new leader of the fire nation then vanished into thin air. No one seemed to notice but one person. The great avatar saw the figure disappear. He was standing next to Zuko, who he looked at soon after. He looked back to where the figure once stood, why did that figure look so familiar, seem so familiar. 

When the day had passed, the gang met in the living area of the fire nation's capital. Aang sat wondering if anyone had seen the figure dressed in water-tribe clothing, in the back of the crowd by himself. They were all talking about how to fix the world when a crackle was hurd. “Such a shame, one of you spotted the one person who will help you pave the way. He will be your saving grace before the darkness that will come to the next generation. Find him, you will need him.” a voice echoed through the room. A chill went through the room and Aang started to glow,”I am here for you to find prince zuko." Then he dropped to the floor out cold. "Aang'' Everyone cried as he fell and started mumbling to himself. Zuko checked on him but he was fine, just asleep. " Ok gang , it is time for rest, we will figure this out tomorrow. Good night " 

Sitting on his bed, tossing and turning, thinking about what the voice had said. Who was the person they needed to find and what was the darkness to come. Thoughts and possibilities wormed his mind until he finally drifted off to sleep. 

He was reliving an individual memory, when his mom had brought his best friend to the palace for the first time. He shifted through different times of him and his friend all the times they had spent together. His sea-green eyes and messy black hair was something Zuko could never forget, it was so different then what he was used to. He kept seeing flashes of his face before it all stopped and he Heard a voice," find me, come find me. I will be waiting for you prince z." 

Zuko jersey awake, the dream was no coincidence. ' I need to find him' zuko thought as he paced the room. He looked up at the map to see a certain spot glow. " there you are, I am coming for you." He gripped the map and ran to the other rooms. Aang was still asleep but he managed to wake the girls. Suki opened her door first " what is the problem zuko?" She asked sleepily but worried at the same time. " I know who we must find." It took a moment for the information to register in her mind but once it did suki jumped up," who? We must go, where are we going?" All the girls were now put in the halway. Upon hearing the news they all disappeared into their rooms. They packed and woke the rest of the gang up. 

" What are we waiting for? Let's go." Cried Toff. We headed to the stables where appa stayed. "Where are we going exactly?" Asked aang as they walked climbed aboard appa. Zuko pulled out his map and pointed to where it glowed earlier than showed everyone. " There is nothing there, just water." Said aang confused. Zuko shook his head," there is actually, me and an old friend found it when we were fifteen. I had just been banished and he took my side. It is hidden for a reason. This is where he has been hiding these past four years." Aang looked surprised," ok but how has it stayed hidden for so long." Zuko answered," my friend hid it, somehow only a few people can find it. Even if you do find it most people don't remember their time there." Katara spoke " how did he hide this island from the whole world." Zuko rolled his eyes," I am not quite sure how he hid it, something having to do with his abilities. When we first met I thought he was normal but my mother said he was something beyond our understanding. I later found out what she meant once he showed me what he could do, I was convinced he was the avatar but mom said he was so much more. I still don't quite know what he is but he can do some crazy stuff." Said Zuko remembering different times he had with his friend. " We should be arriving soon but I see nothing in the distance," said Aang as he looked at the gang then back to the water ahead. Zuko stood up and looked over to the side," we are close, hold on, I will call for zoey." Zuko whistled loudly and everyone looked at him like he was crazy. You could hear the flapping of wings in the distance. A beautiful white Pegasus appeared out of nowhere. Zuko smiled," hello Zoey, it has been some time. Can you lead us to the island?" Zoey nayed then took off into the clouds. " follow her." Cried zuko. Appa followed closely behind the Pegasus and an island soon came into view. It had a huge house with animals and gardens surrounding it. Appa landed in the water where a bunch of water spirits were sitting talking about something. " Where is Prince percy?" Zuko asked. They all giggled 'riding' echoed through the group. Zuko nodded hoppeding off appa and onto the grass. He walked up the hill and looked around. The gang slowly follows behind, taking in everything about the island. Zoey appeared this time with another black Pegasus. This one had a person on its back. A boy about nineteen with black hair and glowing sea-green eyes. He was wearing blue and green robes. " Hello percy." Zuko said. The boy smiled," nice to see you prince z" the boy hopped off his horse," Hi my name is Percy, welcome to my island. Who are each of you?" Zuko smirked," this is aang, the avatar. Katara, water binder. Toffee, earth binder. Suki is an ex-earth kingdom warrior. And this is sorta the best sword master of this time. Guys this is Percy Jackson prince of the sea in another world." Percy chuckled as everyone said hi. '' that would explain the water spirits and island." Suki said. The black Pegasus nayed. " oh and this is Blackjack." Zuko said. The horse nayed again and Percy laughed. " What did he say?" Asked zuko. The horse made another noise and Percy laughed even harder. Zuko just rolled his eyes," ok horse whisper, let's go, we have to talk about some stuff." He said as he grabbed percy's arm and dragged him to the house. " Where is Ursa?" Zuko asked. Percy looked around," probably inside, she tends to like the fireplace." Aang finally seemed to snap out of a trance," wait, who are you and what do you mean another world." Everyone froze, turning to look at Percy and zuko. They sighed," I am Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon and numerous other titans. I came to this world many years ago trying to get away from my family and the problems that came with it. I was brought to this world at a young age and taken in by zuko's mom, Ursa. Me and zuko became friends instantly but I had to leave the palace when Ursa disappeared because Ozai didn't like me. I moved to an earth Kingdom and learned to earth bend. When I found out zuko was banished I quickly joined his quest and followed him on his quest to find the avatar. I was on his crew for a while till I decided to take a break and I have been watching all of you since the beginning. I felt I needed to contact you all to talk about your future. Sorry for the call, it was a little different than what i am used to. Sorry aang." Katara looked skeptical," what can you do, how did you use aang." Percy chuckled nervously. "I can do anything with water or any liquid really as well as the earth. As for what I did to aang, um I believe yall call it blood bending mixed with alittle aquatic magic. Sorry again." Aang just smiled. Blackjack nayed again. " Ok this is getting awkward, let's go inside." Everyone followed Percy through the front door, into the house." So why are we here?" Suki asked. Percy smiled," to build your future."

I haven't seen many of these I like so hope you like mine-tay

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