Percy goes to seabrook

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In this story Percy is sixteen and so all the stuff happened earlier and started when he was ten. He is also the son of Poseidonand Lupa because I can, which means Sally is not his real mom but she did adopt and raise him. She is sister to Addisons mom which is how he and Addison are related. So enjoy it.

"Addison, hurry up. Your cousin is coming, he should be here any minute." My mom's voice came from the stairs. I was setting up an extra bedroom so my cousin could stay with us for the school year. He had tried all the schools from where he was from so his mom is sending him here with us to try and get him to stay at a school longer than a year. I am happy to see my younger cousin, I have not seen him since he visited last summer and that was a while ago. I finished making the bed as the doorbell rang. I rushed down the stairs. Mom was at the door. " Hi, how was your trip?" She asked. She moved out of the way," it was nice, thanks for asking." He looked around and finally noticed me," addi!" He said he hugged me. " Hi Percy, how has it been?" He smiled."it has been something, I met my dad and my birth mother. They are both um how do I put it, crazy but kind. They both stayed super busy and didn't want to take me away from Sally and she will always be my mom. I met my family on that side and they are chaotic. What about you, I heard some interesting things happened in Seabrook last year" I laughed. I took him to his room and helped him set his stuff up as I told him about the zombies and my new friends. He asked if he could meet some of them and I told him we would go out later and find Zed. He asked how cheer camp was. I told him it was fun and I won, I also told him about the bus crashing and the forest. I finally got a good look at my cousin, he was tall with messy black hair with white straps in the front and bright sea green eyes. He had a few scars on his arms but I put it off as he is super clumsy, which he is. He was wearing two necklaces with clay beads the other with a clear stone that was shaped like a crown. He was wearing a blue shirt with ripped blue jeans and gray high top shoes. He had a gold ball point pen in his pocket and a thick gold cord on his left wrist. It had charms on it. A bow with an arrow, a shield, what looked to be a spear and what looked like two hunting knives. " So I get to meet your boyfriend." He asked, snapping me out of my evaluation of my sixteen year old cousin. I nodded and we walked down the stairs. " Mom, me and Percy are going out, we will be back before curfew." I said walking out the door with Percy following me. I led him into Zombie town and the different people waved at us. Percy smiled at everyone and watched everything, taking it in. I walked up to Zed's door. I knocked and Zoey opened it. " Hi Addison, I will get Zed." She rushed off and Zed came back down the hall a few minutes later. " Hi. Who is this?" He asked me, turning to Percy. " I am Percy Jackson, Addison's cousin. You must be Zed." Zed smiled. " That would be me. It is nice to meet you Percy. Addison has told me alot about you." Percy snorted," all good things I hope." I blushed. Zed nodded his head. " Why don't we walk around?" I said, trying to get off this subject. Both boys nodded. They walked around zombie town talking about a little bit of everything. My phone rang, I was Bucky. " hi." I answered. " I didn't know our cousin was in town, where are yall I want to see if he can still do some of those tricks we taught him and introduce him to the 'aci's as my adorable little cousin." I rolled my eyes." We are with Zed at the moment but I will bring him to cheer practice before school in the morning." He sighed," ok whatever, see you then Addison" he said then hung up. I turned back to the boys. " it is getting late, Addi, shouldn't we get back." Percy asked. I nodded," bye Zed, see you tomorrow." Zed waved." It was nice meeting you percy, see y'all tomorrow." It was silent as we walked home. 
The next morning, I woke up and got ready. I ran to percy's room to wake him. He was already ready in some black jeans and a white shirt with a Seabrook football jacket on over it. Bucky had sent him a cheer and football jacket over the summer because Percy would send them letters of new cheer moves and new football plays in the mail with his usual letter. We started writing when he was ten and Bucky thought it was 9nly fair that he had some Seabrook bling. He had on the two necklaces and cord bracelet from yesterday and his pen in his pocket. He grabbed his bag and we headed down stairs. " Good morning you two." Said my mom. " Good morning." Both me and Percy said back. We ate some blue pancakes and blueberries because that is one of Percy's favorite things. We ate quickly and raced to school. " Bucky wants to see you and you came with me early so you can come to cheer practice." I said. Percy followed me to the gym where the squad was rolling in. "Percy." Bucky yelled as he saw him and ran over to hug Percy when he got here. " Hi Bucky, how's it been, use any of the cheer moves I sent." Percy smiled. Bucky nodded," of course. The football Team won with some of the plays you sent too." Bucky turned to the rest of the cheer team and the aci's, " guys this is my awesome little cousin Percy. Percy, this is the Seabrook cheer team." Percy blushed, not being the one for all the attention. He waved and said 'hi' nonetheless. " want to cheer with us perce." Asked Bucky. Percy shook his head. "No I didn't bring anything to cheer in, these are not the clothes I want to cheer in." I understood where he was coming from though, I wouldn't either. We all got ready and started warming up as Percy sat on the bleachers to watch. "Jackson." Was heard at the other side of the gym. The football coach had come through the doors. " sup, coach." Smiled Percy. They hugged and the coach took him out of the gym probably to go see the team. Well guess I will see him at lunch. 

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