My cousin Scott

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"Aunt Malissa, I am here." Percy said as she stepped through the front door of the McCall house. No one seemed to be home. "Well I will just set my stuff in Scott's room and head to the game." Percy said to herself as she walled up the stairs. She didn't have anything else to do, everything was taken care of for her to start school here in a few days. Every demigod had died in the war, plus she wanted to get away from everything and her mom had a baby so Percy didn't want to indanger it. The gods had gifted her once she said she was leaving. Most giving her weapons or small blessings. Lupa's was by far her favorite though and the one she used most often. That was another reason she decided to come to bacon hill's. The mention of a strong pack caught her attention sence her only pack member other then Lupa was here, Derek. She had met him while training with Lupa, he was so grouchy all the time so Percy decided to take the challenge. They bonded quickly and kept in touch afterwards, even after the war. They were packmat3s even if she was human at time, he still claimed her. Percy set her stuff down then left to go to Scott's lacrosse game.
~TIME SKIP(when they were moving Brent off the field)~
Percy followed the people who were moving the boy to the locker room. Something was about to happen and she could feel it. She knew it as soon as the body's hit the ground. Percy took off into a sprint, quickly getting to the locker room. She pushed the girl off the beta and into the lockers. Placing the boys haed in her lap the girl rushed past her to the other room. Percy took some of the betas pain away as she listened to the fight going on, on the other side of the wall. Then someone hit the wall and tumbled to the ground. She looked down at the boy who's head was in her lap," hey don't sleep. Stay awake, talk to me. What is your name?" Percy whispered. The boys eyes drooped," Brent." He answered trying to stay awake but losing the battle. Smelling the air Percy smelled Alpha and something else that was human. Percy didn't look up when, watching the beta in her lap, waiting for something to happen. She slowly set his head down on the floor and stood stepping into the shadows, appearing back in the shadows of the bleachers. She saw the cops and everyone watching them take the girl away along with Brent. She focused on finding her cousin, he was standing with some other kids, talking in hushed tones. Percy went up and hugged Scott from behind," Hi Scotty." She said. He tensed up for a moment," oh my," then turned around wrapping her in a hug," Hi, when did you get here?" He asked. Percy smiled," three or so hours ago. My stuff is at your house." She answered. Scott smiled then turned to his friends introducing each of them. Percy smiled in greeting as the others waved. Stiled looked apologetically at Percy," sorry to cut your time short but we all have to be somewhere." Scott agree but hugged Percy one more time," stay out of trouble." Percy smirked," it is not my fault, trouble follows me." She said as the parted ways. Once out of sight of everyone she entered the woods running deeper to a clearing. She took a deep breath and howled, signaling her only packmate she had arrived.
Derek felt a shiver then herd a howl, one that could only mean one person, Percy. He howled back, still waiting for Stiles and the other werewolves. It didn't take long for the blue jeep to pull up and a beta be dragged out of the jeep. The doctor got to work fast, doing everything that needed to happen so they could save the boy. When the body started seasing, they were fighting against it trying to keep him still. Peter punched the beta and Percy arrived at the same time. Percy however decided to stay in the shadows behind Derek and out of sight. They all watched at they doctor worked on the hurt werewolf. "Poor Beta," percy commented, making everyone but Derek jump. She stepped out of the shadows and started combing through the boys hair with her fingers. "Hello Percy." Derek said. She nodded," nice to see you Der, I came to see your pack." Derek frowned," you are pack too, we have been pack for years. You should come by the den and meet them." Percy smiled. " you know each other?" Asked Stiles pointing from one to the other. Percy shook her head with a smile on her face," come on Stiles, let's go."

The 4 left the clinic and were at the meeting place first, which was Derek's loft. Percy placed herself in the rafters while Derek and Peter leaned against the dest and Stiles paced the floor in front of the door. It didn't take long for the others to arrive all while Percy silently watched from the rafters. She noticed everyone that came through the door were people Scott was talking to earlier. Then said man walked through the door. Percy didn't know how to feel about this. She jumped down and landed in the middle of the group. Everyone jumped back, eyes flashing and teeth glaring. Derek and Scott were the first to snap out of it, both telling the others to calm down. Scott looked confused,''Percy, what are you doing here?" Said girl ignored the question and studied the group. Her face went emotionless," for the love of lupa Derek, Scott's the alpha." Derek winced at Percy's tone," how do you know him?" Derek asked. Percy glared," he is my only mortal cousin." Derek gave a sheepish smile," I didn't bite him." Then pointed to Peter. Percy growled," I really don't like you Peter." Said man shrugged. Percy turned back to the group and relaxed a little. Her face brightened a little," aww Scott has a beta. That is so sweet." She then turned to Derek," I can't do that, have a beta." Stiles waved his arms around,''Wait, you're a werewolf?" Percy nodded. She allowed her eyes to glow bright sea-green and fangs to grow. Scott looked like he was about to lose his jaw. Derek looked over at Percy who just released what all this meant. "The fates are gonna die" She said and started to walk out the door. Derek grabbed her wrist," no, he is safe with us. He does stupid stuff by himself and is still alive now."  Percy nodded," they promised to keep my mortal family safe. He can't die, I can't lose him too." You could feel the sadness and rage coming off Percy. Scott stepped forward to grab percy's face," Hey it is ok, I am safe, you're safe." She laughed," for the moment." She then quickly turned to Peter. She punched him in the face, breaking his nose," that is for Derek." Then kneed him in the stomach," that is for Scott." Peter doubled over in pain while Percy walked over to Derek. "How do you know each other?" Asked Lydia. Percy sniffed the air," we are pack, can't you smell it?"  Liam was the first to sniff the air, on Derek he could smell a small scent of ocean, then sniffed Percy and she had a scent of Derek. "We have been apart for a few years." Derek added," it might be faded." Percy nodded  in agreement," I was also half human at the time." Derek nodded towards Stiles," he is human, only human in my pack now.'' Percy nodded in understanding. " That makes Lydia the banshee, Kira the fox and Malia the coyote." Derek grinned," you do listen." Percy smacked at his arm," only sometimes, only you." Malia interrupted their banter," do you smell that?" Percy and Derek sniffed," let's take this outside." Derek said and led them out the door. " How many?" He asked once they got outside, turning to Percy. " 12" she answered, pulling out a pen. "You got them?" He asked. Percy nodded," ya you can sit and learn sourwolf." Derek made a 'pff' sound then went to lean against the nearest tree. He pointed to the park and then the ground," Sit. Watch." He looked at a percy," creek is right over there." She smirked," Good, let's play." She pulled the top off her pen and it transformed into her sword Riptide. The hellhounds surrounded her quickly. Scott went to get up but Derek stopped him," watch." He was about to protest when a laugh broke their staring contest. Percy laughed," babies, aww they are just babies." 12 car sized, black hellhounds advanced on Percy. The fist lunged only to turn into golden dust a few seconds later. Derek wined," come on, I haven't seen you fight in years. Put on a show for your guests, show them what you can do." Percy nodded," freeze!" Percy yelled. Everyone froze, even the pack. Water started floating through the air towards Percy. They soon formed ice shards and stabbed through each hound making it explode into dust. She dramatically turned around and bowed. Derek slowly clapped," just like your uncle." Thunder rumbled in the distance. " Please, more like my father." Percy waved a hand around. " He built me a whole palace." She laughed. "Who are you?" Asked Malia. Percy turned to the pack," I am Persephone Jackson, daughter of Posidien, last demigod in the world." 

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