percy and mako mermaids

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Rikki and Percy had been friends for a long time. Ever since they met a few years ago quickly learning each other's secrets and sharing their stories. That is why right now Percy was with rikki at a book signing, watching her sign books was so boring but the merpeople in front of her at this present moment where very interesting to watch. One because Percy had never seen merpeople out of the water and two because they looked just as bord as him and it amused him. They seem like a powerful bunch. Three females and a male, the male was surprising because the mermaids at mako feared merman. He had a feeling as they walked away, he would see them again soon. The three girls reminded him of Rikki, Cleo and Emma we they first became friends. When they were all still together in one area. When Percy had left on a short quest from his father when he returned all the girls had went their separate ways. He still wasn't sure of the whole story but he wished they would all come back together again. I misses them. 
When Rikki was done signing books they went to get a drink. Percy had left to get another water only to turn around and see the mermaids from earlier had surrounded her. He smirked, they must need something or at least senced Rikki was a mermaid. He stayed back watching and listening to the seen play out infrount of him. They were having an interesting conversation before Rikki's schedule man came up saying it was time for another book signing. Man that dude always came at the wrong time and he was mean. When Rikki first asked Percy if he wanted to tag along that man asked her why a boy like me should be anywhere near her. She just insisted but he still doesn't like me at all. I was going to follow Rikki back to the book signing but decided to follow the mermaids instead because that was much more fun. We ended up going to a soccer game but they talked the whole time. The only one paying just alittle bit of attention was the girl they called Mimmi. She watched one guy the who time, they must be dating. They all started arguing about mermaid stuff and mimmi and the boy got into it, they fight like siblings. She took off twords the beach without a second thought and Zac, the boy, went after her soon followed but the other two girls. Percy sighed to himself, well that is not how I hoped it would play out. He turned back and head back to the book signing. He quickly found Rikki and asked her about the mermaids and she told him she would tell him later. So he waited and watched all the people that came through to get their books signed. No one said anything to him but some did look his way. He would just smile and wave at them hoping they would not say anything. 
After the last book signing of the day and last one around mako Rikki pulled him into a room. The room held artifacts that Rikki had collected from her dives that he sometimes tagged along on. She went to a case with a beautiful dragon bracelet. This one was a powerful relick, good to have around percys dads side of the family. She grabbed it out if the case and locked the case back. She told him to wait in the corner and have her back when she nodded it. He wasn't quote sure what she meant but he had a hunch it had something to do with those mermaids. So he just sat in his corner waiting for them to show up. It didn't take long with Percy was happy about because his ADHD was acting up. They came in invisible so he decided that would be his best course of action also. He felt them walk over to the case and open the lock and the door but found nothing. They quickly became visible and searched the cases never finding what they were looking for. That was until Rikki walked from around the corner with they bracelet in hand. They all froze as she slowly examined the bracelet. "Why do you want this so bad." She asked. The blond, I believe her name is odina spoke " We need to save mako, to save mermaids to save people like us." What was she talking about nothing goes on in the sea without him knowing. There was a dragon but she poses no real threat unless threatened. Rikki didn't seem to believe them because she threatened to call security on them. One of them pulled water out of the water tank next to Rikki and held it over Rikkis head preparing to drop it. Rikki smirked and heated up the water, evaporating it slowly but that didn't last long because one of the girls used her moon ring to enhance their original water. I had almost forgotten about mermaids around here having moon rings. There is supposed to be a trident around her with a moon stone in it as well but bigger. I think something happened to me though because Posidien was talking about it a few months ago. Percy watched as Rikki pressed her call bottom and the water dripped on her and the mermaids disappeared all in one moment. Well Percy guessed he should have intervened when they pulled out the water. He walked over to the now mermaid Rikki and she glared up at me. " You were supposed to help me." Percy grinned," sorry, at least they didn't get the bracelet." He started helping her dry off by using her powers which Percy found out last time he could do all of them. They were almost done when the footsteps guards came sounding on the other side of the door. Rikki started heating up the doorknob while Percy continued to dry her off. It didn't take much longer before she had legs again. We walked out of the room with the bracelet still in hand. She placed it in its case and pretended to lock it. She knew they would come back and she was going to let them get it. 
We walked to the loading trucks, watching as they loaded all the artifacts into trucks. The mermaids with Zac were already there waiting for us. I smiled at them, this was going to be interesting. All of the girls glared at me trying to get me to leave, they don't think I know. Zac watched me wearily as I wasn't fazed by the looks. I stood by Rikki and watched with an amused grin. The girls were going to tell me to leave. " You can have the bracelet along as Percy is with you to use it." Rikki said. I looked at her. She grinned," I know you wanted to stay at Mako for a little longer so here is your excuse. A fellow mer needs your help, it is your fatal flaw, right." I sighed, mermaids are not my thing, I might be one but that is Triton's domain. But this would be fun and I would be able to stay a little longer. I wanted to find some of the older mermaids that might know of me and try and help this mermaid that is right now a dragon. I nodded," ok I will stay but when my mom asks where I was you better back me up." I said pointing to her. She pointed to the case and I turned invisible to get the bracelet. Handing it to Mimmi I looked around. Rikki grinned," Good luck, prince percy" I stuck my tongue out at her. She walked over to the trucks and got in waving at me. I waved back as the cars left. Turning around, the merpeople all stared at me. " Right so, Hi, my name is Persus Jackson but I go by Percy. I guess we will be working together for a while. So where to." They all stared at me," how do we know we can trust you." Zac asked. I sighed," well I am a merman. Just like Zac except um I have a lot more powers than any regular merperson." Odina scoffed. I just rolled my eyes," where are we going, I am trying to be nice about it." Mimmi furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought," just come with us." I smiled at her," thank you." 
They led me to the water, Odina jumped in first followed by Waylon and Mimmi. Zac looked at me so I jumped in and he followed close behind. They looked at me surprised, I had a tail that was bigger and more detailed than theirs. Mine was sea-green to match my eyes with dark blue tips while there was blue for Zac and the girls were orange.  I swam around them for a minute loving the feel of having to use my tail again. They led me again to a grotto that looked oddly familiar. When we surfaced I knew exactly where we were. I smirked at the merpeople, they have some connections too but mine are better. I pulled myself out of the pool and instantly dried myself. Zac followed, helping the girls out. They dried themselves just like Rikki and the girls used to. I heard a meow from down the hall, it was Rita's cat. " Poseidon," I called. The can appeared at the door and I picked it up, he instantly realized who I was and rubbed against my chest. Zac and the girls just stared at me, I smiled. Zac led me into the actual grotto with the girls behind us and Rita was there with veridia. Both of their reactions where funny. Rita sqeeled and ran up to me hugging me. Veridia on the other hand gasped and dropped to the ground in a bow. Let's just say Zac, Mimmi, Odina and Waylon were confused to the moon pool and back. When Rita pulled back I turned to Veridia, I smilled," please Miss Veridia don't bow I and not Zues. I am just Percy when I am here this time." She slowly stood and I walked over shaking her hand. " it is nice to see you both again." I said. "You as well Prince Perseus." I shook my head," no formalities please Percy will do." Rita hugged me again," it has been a while perce." I laughed," I missed you auntie rita." She smiled at the name. " hold up, who are you?" Odina asked. I turned to the young mermaids. " Sorry I was not completely honest with you earlier. I am Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon. I am Prince of the oceans and the sea." They all dropped to a bow and apologized for how they treated me. I sighed," please rise. I am not the person to bow to and please no formalities it makes me uncomfortable." I turned to Rita and veridia," I am here to help with you mermaid trapped in a dragon situation, they got the bracelet and I know yall have a plan so what are we going to do?"

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