Son of Chaos pt.2

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Percy and Tartarus walked through the halls, having been called to the throne room. As they entered Chaos started talking," it is time to go. I can not aid you in the battle but you must help the demigods. Gather your things you leave in ten minutes." With that everyone ran off to their room and grabbed what they might need for their trip; clothes, weapons. The six siblings made quick work and were soon all gathered back into the throne room. "Ready?" Asked Chaos. They nodded and he created a portal and stepped out first. The six siblings followed after with Percy, the youngest coming through last. He was the smallest without his wings anyway, so he would not be noticed right away, which he was glad about. "Who dares interrupted the gods!" Zues' voice boomed. "Olympians, I am Chaos, I wish to aid you in your upcoming war. I have my best fighters, the primordials, to help you. Introduce yourselves." Chaos said, stepping out of the way to let his children take over. The five known primortals smiled. " We apologize for our past actions against you olympians, it was just to help you." Eros said for the group. The gods slowly nodded in fear. A laugh was heard behind the group and the five siblings split to the sides showing a much younger looking boy. He looked about the age of sixteen. " Who are you?" Athena asked not having recognized the boy. Said person straitened," I am Perseus, primordial god of elements and Loyalty. I am the youngest child of Chaos. I came after all the myths were written, that is why you don't know of me. In this form anyway. You all knew me once as Percy Jackson." The gods tensed. " Impossible, he died long ago." Athena said. Percy shook his head," believe me or don't, I don't care." His siblings snickered at his behavior. "You look nothing like that traitor." A voice came from behind the group. A girl walked around awaking her hips," Hi cutie. I am Annabeth Chase, immortal architect of Olympus." She smiled, batting her eyelashes at Percy. Eros gagged and Percy wrinkled his nose in disgust. Nyx and Gaia glared at the halfling. Percy rolled his eyes then looked over to Hades," where's Nico?" He asked as he stepped closer to Hades and away from Annabeth. The god of the underworld smiled," he is on his way, said you forgot something at his place last weekend." Percy nodded. "That is who you come to see when you leave, the death angel." Erebus asked. Percy nodded. "Every weekend since about five hundred years ago." Nico answered as he walked out of the shadow of Hades' throne. He handed Percy a spear," you left this last weekend after our hunt." Percy grinned and grabbed the weapon. It disappeared into a tattoo on his wrist. It was with a bunch of others; a bow and arrow, twin daggers, a sword, throwing knives and now his spear, all circling his wrist. "So camp." Nico clapped looking at Percy then Hades. "They can all stay in my cabin." Hades nodded, giving a small smile towards Nico. Nico grinned," thanks dad, see you later C. Let's go guys." Nico then created a shadow portal as Chaos called out," later Nico, keep them out of trouble." Then Chaos disappeared and the primordials and nico stepped through the shadow portal. They reappeared at the border of camp," time to face the camp"...

[This is what I mean by elements, also how he did the smoke thing in the first part

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[This is what I mean by elements, also how he did the smoke thing in the first part.]

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