Percy is Norse

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( just to let you know in this story Natasha is alive because she blipped instead of Wanda. So instead of Natasha sacrificing herself it was Wanda so they could get the soul stone. Also loki is still alive because of some magic reason that we shall never know.)

Here I am walking through Olympus again. Who knows what I did this time. I was already having a bad day. Annabeth and I split on good turns though. Which I am thankful for, but now every girl at camp is trying to get with me. The aphrodites cabin is facing a field day. Piper was supposed to help me but that didn't last long. I walked into the throne room, all the Olympians were watching me. " What do you need uncle z" I asked. Zues rolled his eyes," we have a quest for you to become part of this mortal hero group called the avengers." I huffed," I don't want to babysit mortals. What am I to tell them if they ask about my abilities." Hera spoke this time," make sure they think you are just a mortal with powers. Unless you think you are unfit for this quest then we will get someone smarter." I balled my fist, she just called me dumb. I looked down at my fist, they were crackling like Thalia's or Jason's do what they use lightning. I opened my hand, lightning danced around my palm. A gasp was heard so I looked up and Hera was glaring at my hand. " How am I doing this?" I asked. My father looked at Hades who just shrugged then looked at Zues then back to Poseidon. Zeus looked mad. Hesta appeared in front of me," talk to your mother, young hero. You will discover great things on your quest." She then teleported me away. I went straight to my cabin grabbing all of my stuff and putting it in my magic bag. I mad sure to grab a few extra daggers and my new spear along with Riptide and my shield watch. I walked to the bighouse to tell Chiron. He and Annabeth were talking on the porch. I walked up to them," I have a quest, I must go soon." Chiron hugged me and said good luck. Annabeth can up and grabbed my shoulders," keep my updated, please don't die or get kidnapped.i don't know ow what I would do without my Seaweed Brain" She pulled me into a hug. I said bye to everyone and then headed to the border. When I got there I looked back at the camp then stepped through. I mist traveled to the outside of my mom's apartment. I knocked then waited a minute, hearing footsteps. The door opened revealing mom," percy?" I smiled," Hi mom" she pulled me into a hug pulling me into the apartment, closing the door. " I missed you so much percy, I am so happy you are alright" She pulled away. Looking me up and down, she landed on my eyes. She looked confused but smiled. Paul came around the corner, " Hi perce" I waved," hello paul." I looked back at mom remembering my earlier question." Mom, I have a question." She pulled me into the kitchen. I sat on the stool and watched as she started making cookie dough. " What was your question sweetie?" She asked while mixing stuff together and adding blue food dye. I opened my palm and allowed the lightning to dance around my hand. She turned around and dropped the bowl of cookie dough. " How am I able to do this?" I saw the fear in her eyes so I closed my fiat. She looked away," I was not completely honest, Perseus, I am not mortal." I looked at Paul. He was shocked and mom would not look at either of us. She continued, " I am a demigod like you percy. I am not Greek or Roman nor am I Egyptian. I am a Norse, daughter of Loki blessed by thor. So Percy it seems like you have that power also but you should get the hang of it rather quickly since you have the practice already. I can shape shift like your friend Frank and use magic. I can also use lightning and fly. You will be able to do all that stuff too. I locked it away when you were a baby because I wanted to keep peace with the Greeks. Your father did not know I was Norse, I am sorry percy." She picked up the bowl and put it on the counter. " can you show me?" I asked. She snapped her head to me," please" I asked again. She nodded with a small smile, opening her palm, lightning danced around it then it turned into a green flame. She also made her skin and eyes change colors. She even showed me she could shift into animals." I can do alot more but that is tiring and I am out of practice." I smiled and we ended up talking about how everything worked, I ended up getting it pretty quickly.
~time skip brought to you by my blue popsicle, that my dog tried to eat~

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