Son of Chaos

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Percy was eating breakfast when he was flashed to Olympus. All fourteen olympians stared down at him from their thrones. "Perseus Jackson, you have been accused of aiding the enemy." Zues boomed. Percy thought back; the silent bickering with Gaia and torturing with Tartarus. He debated for a moment. They weren't truthfully wrong but he was supposed to be undercover. So Percy just tilted his head in a confused manner. Zues gripped his lightning bolt tightly. "We have evidence sea spawn." Athena growled. I rolled my eyes," my fatal flaw is Loyalty." He says. "Yes but where does your Loyalty stand?" Asked Annabeth as she walked into the room. She became immortal after the war, the new designer of Olympus. Percy and Annabeth split after that because she claimed to not love him anymore and he never loved her in the first place. They haven't spoken since and she seemed pretty sour towards him now. "My Loyalty is with my family." Percy stated. Annabeth 'tt'ed. Apollo stood," who is your family?" Percy looked him over, he could have easily lied and the god would not have thought twice. Percy tilted his head to the side playing dumb. "Answer us boy," growled Artemis. "The ones I am loyal to." Percy said with a smirk. The gods all glared at Percy. "That is it, Perseus, you shall die." Zues yelled, raising his bolt aiming it right at my chest," any last words." Percy smiled," Mission complete." Than Zues threw his bolt.

As the smoke cleared Percy was not alone, five other beings stood in front of him. Two girls and three boys, they stood protectively in front of him. You could feel the power rolling off of the group. The gods stood each grabbing a weapon. "Who are you?" Zues growled. Ares pointed his spear at Nyx's through as Athena did the same to tartarus. Gaia stepped threateningly in their direction but two arrows were soon pointed at her. Eros and Erebus growled, daring the gods to make another move. Annabeth had made her way around the group and had a sword around percy's neck. He however didn't look scared or possibly even panic. He looked calm. " stand down or Percy dies," Annabeth said in her most threatening voice. She was ready for their next move. Percy only glared when they tried to cuff the other beings in the room. "Touch them and you die." Percy growled. Ares scoffed," what are you going to do about it punk." Percy only tilted his head and the other five beings disappeared into smoke," oh you foolish gods know nothing, till next time olympians." Then Percy too disappeared into a column of smoke.

They reappeared in a different throne room with only one person occupying it at the time. He was at the head of the semicircle while there were six other tones split up on each side of him. Five of the six beings that just entered the room when and took a seat. Percy however stood in the middle grinning at the head being. Said person smiled," hello percy." Percy smiled back," hello father." The others grinned," finally happy to have you back little brother," tartarus said. " it is good to be back." Percy said as he glowed a silver color. When the light died down he was in his true body. A sixteen year old boy stood there with messy black hair and colorful nova eyes. He had huge, black silky wings and wore a tactical suit with combat boots. Growing to his godly hight, he walked over to the empty throne by tartarus. "So Chaos, what is the next phase?" Percy asked once seated. "We help them in the war against void."

green mist fell from rachals mouth,"
Your once enemy,
Now your ally,
To battle the evil he,
Reviled the once told lie,
And keep the peace."

[Percy's eye color]

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[Percy's eye color]

       Percy.                         Eros
    Tartarus.                       Gaia
         Nyx.                       Erebus
[How the thrones are placed]

Hope you like, part 2 will come shortly.

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