i have been tagged

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1. What is your favorite drink?Watermelon mountain dew
2. Where do you go when you are sad? My bedroom
3. Loud music or soft? Both
4. Why did you join wattpad? I joined because I really like to read and I had some writing ideas that couldnt just stay in my notbooks
5. What is the last sport you played Last? Last sport does gardening count if not then capture the flag
6. What is the last song you sang? Blown Away by Carrie Underwood
7.what is your favorite peice of jewelry? my cross necklace that was my mother's
8. What is your favorite flavor/ candy? vanilla( in my drink or cupcakes or tootsie rolls)
9. How tall are you? 5ft,3 maybe🤔
10. do you have any piercings? No
11. How long does it take you to get ready? 10 minutes sometimes 20
12. Have you ever got I to a physical fight? Almost many, many times
13. What was the last show you watched?  Swamp people or the news

Enjoy, and have a blessed day.

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