Percy Grayson

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Diana's pov
I have it, I figured it out. The mysterious Batman is really Bruce Wayne. That means Nightwing is probably Dick Grayson and Timmy Drake is Robin. Yes, I did it. I have to tell someone, probably Bruce himself. I walked through the halls of the watchtower looking for a curtain bat. "Diana, daughter of Zeus." I turned quickly, an Iris message was behind me. It had a minor god on the other side that I can not remember the name of. " yes" I answered. They shook their head," you are sumand to Olympus. Your escort is at your office. He has blond hair and blue eyes and a scar on his lip. Follow them to Olympus, he will lead you there. Your father must talk to you." I nodded and they ended the message. That was eventful. I thought about continuing my previous quest. I ended up finding him and Nightwing talking at the computer. I walked over after making sure no one was around. " I figured it out Bruce Wayne." He turned it his seat." Took you long enough." He spoke. I turned to Nightwing and he smiled. I stuck out my hand," it is nice to meet you Dick Grayson." He shook it," likewise Lady Diana." I smiled then turned back to Batman, " I need the afternoon off. I have family matter to attend to." He thought for a moment," there was a mission but I think Nightwing can handle it." He turned back around in his chair and Dick turned to the screen as I left the room. I zeta beamed to my office. As expected a boy with blond hair and blue eyes was seen there fiddling with a coin. " hello." I said, gaining his attention. He turned around. " hello Diana, I am Jason Grace, I was sent to give you a ride." I nodded and he led me to the roof. He let out a whistle and it echoed through the air. Thunder boomed in the distance as if responding to the whistle. It got closer and closer until it was right on top of us. A horse appeared out of the cloud. He came up to the boy then looked at me. " can you carry out guest.?" The horse trotted over to me and I pet his snout. I mounted it and the boy smirked," race ya, Tempest." The gorse now named Tempest got ready. "Go!" The boy yelled. He took off into the sky as fast as lightning. They raced all the way to the empire state building in New York. Tempest ended up winning by a few seconds. When Jason landed Tempest trotted over with a happy face. " ya I know you won, here you go." Jason threw something at him and he gobbled it up quickly. " Blackjack and o 'rally should be around here somewhere, maybe even Aaron. " I got off and the horse disappeared into thin air. Jason made a follow me jester. I followed him to the destination in the building. " I need the keycard to the 600th floor,"Jason said. The man at the dest did not even look up," there is no such thing kid, run along." Jason sighed and was about to say something else but a voice broke him away." Bro." His head snapped in the direction of another boy." Sup bro." They hugged for a minute. "Sorry we are late BJ and I stopped for donuts." The boy was about 17 with black hair and sea-green eyes. He looked very similar to Dick Grayson." Hi, I am Percy Jackson. Who are you?" He asked. " Diana Prince." We shook hands and he turned to the desk. " I need the key to the 600th floor." The man behind the desk sounded bored," I have said it once, I will say it again there is no such thing." Jason balled his fist," I'm about to light him up, Perce." The other pulled out a pen and uncapped it, taking a beautiful Greek sword and setting it on the desk. Jason pulled out the coin from earlier and got ready to flip it. " oh, it is just you two. Here, take it. Ares is in a bad mood so watch it Jackson." Said boy smirked and Jason spoke," thank you sir. Percy I know that look and no, we shall not be doing anything to Ares." Percy pouted as the walked to the elevator and rode all the way to Olympus. Percy barged into the throne room. I thought he was about to die right then. " We are here, what do you want?" He spoke kinda rudely. Hesta giggled and waved at Percy. Zues rolled his eyes," there are a few more people we are waiting on." Just then a girl popped out of the shadows in Hades thrown." I did it, take that Nico." A boy appeared behind her " I never said you couldn't do it." He said as he put his hands up in surrender. Hades smiled at the kids. They both looked up at him," hello father." They said together as they sat beside his throne. He looked at them," hello Nico and Hazel."  Percy had left Jason's side and made himself comfortable on the armrest of Poseidon's throne. Jason sighed as lightning struck right beside him. A girl who wore similar to what Lady Artemis had on with short black hair and electric blue eyes. Zues watched her with a blank face and she walked over and leaned against Lady Artemis' throne. " Now that everyone is here. This is my daughter Diana Prince" the throne room all yelled," what!" The girl that was over by Artemis mumbled," are you serious. This is the whole reason for the hunt and my own father can't even keep it in his pants." Hason watched her then looked at Zeus to Artamis back to the girl. Percy laughed and Zues glared at him, but it was cut short when Poseidon glared right back. I played the girl's words in my head again. " I have siblings who aren't gods." Jason turned to me." Hello sister, I am your little brother Jason Grace son of Jupiter, Roman version of Zeus and Champion of Juno Roman version of Hera." I smiled at him as the girl came over." I am Thalia Grace, daughter of Zues and commander of the Hunt under Lady Artemis." Percy walked over," Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and champion of Lupa and Artamis." The two Hades kids came over. The dark skinned girl with gold eyes spoke first," I am Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto, Roman version of Hades, blessed by Hecate.  Nice to meet you." The boy with pale skin and dark hair and eyes. " My name is Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, immortal Ghost King." I smiled at each of them until Hera spoke up," why don't yall go get to know each other." They all looked at each other. " the falls right." Percy asked. " of course Seaweed Brain. Beat you there." Thalia said then disappeared in a flash of lightning. Percy smirked then disappeared into thin air. Hazel and Nico took off running into Hades' shadow then disappeared. Jason sighed, once again. " Come, Diana, let's go." He touched my arm and I felt the wind pick up around us until it stilled a few seconds later. We had appeared in a cave behind a waterfall. " We won." Yelled the Hades kids. " in your dreams death breath and Goldie. I beat y'all here." Said Percy. Thalia answered back," no fish face we all know I beat you." Percy  laughed," oh shut up Pinecone face, we all know I won because mist travel is faster." They bickering back and forth for a while before Jason had gotten enough and spoke," Bro, sis. Stop. You two can settle this later at capture the flag." Both Thalia and Percy stuck their tongues out at each other but stopped arguing. Nico awed," I have been waiting for that rematch all week, superman." Jason glared and we all sat down talking and telling each other our stories. ( if you don't know them look them up because I am not writing them) we went quiet when a figure came out of the water. " Your highness, Lord Posidien wishes to speak with you." Said a dark skinned person with blond short hair. He looked like," Kaldur?" I asked. He looked at me,''Wonder Woman, what are you doing here?" He asked. I stood up," what are you doing here aqualad." I asked. Percy snickered, " they call you Aqualad" kaldur's attention snapped back to Percy. " your presence is needed prine…" Percy put his hand up. " Kal, what have we talked about. Do I look like Zues to you? Don't be so formal, it makes me feel old." Kaldur just laughed," of course my friend but we must be going." He said as he disappeared into the water. " Later guys, nice to meet you Diana." With that Percy followed behind Kaldur. I sat back down and we talked a little longer before everyone had to go home.
-TIME SKIP brought to you by the lasso of truth, anyone seen the justice league movie and remember when aquaman sat on it, I literally fell out of my chair-

Percy pov:
I was swimming through the water with Kaldur. He had the day off and wanted me to meet some of his friends from the superhero gig he does. I agreed because all the kids at camp were going home for the school year and I stayed year around. I am now camp director because Mr.D's punishment is over. Annabeth is at college in some other state. Sally and Paul are doing well and I still visited them often. Mostly to see their baby girl, Estella. What most people don't know is that Sally is not my real mom but she adopted me when I was nine. She still knows all that stuff though because she is a demigod. I had a family before even a twin brother but I have no idea where he is and I know my real mom is dead. Poseidon says he is fine and I will meet him someday but I have no idea when. " They are meeting us at the beach, percy." Kaldur said as we swam to the surface. When we came out of the water I saw four people, two girls and two guys. " Hey kal." Spoke the girl with green skin and a yellow swimsuit. I followed Kaldur over to the people," who is your friend." She continued. " guys this is Percy, perce this is Megan, Connor, wally, and Artamis. " He pointed to a different person each name he said. I waved and got ' Hi's and 'hellos back. Wally tossed a volleyball ball up so we were divided into teams: me, Artemis and Megan on one team and Kaldur, Wally and Connor on the other. Let's just say me and the girls dominated. We walked back to the water after our game but a bright flash stopped us. Diana was standing in front of us. " team you are needed at the mountain there is….hello Percy. What might your business be here?" The team watched us " well cuz, I was hanging out with my guard friend and his friends because all of mine are busy or dead." Diana shook her head," would you like to come with me? I will deal with Batman. Tram this is a job for civis so no suits. Nightwing is already on the mountain." She flashed away. I followed the team back to the mountain. " When was the last time you spoke to Aurther?" Kaldur asked. I sighed," just before the last war, he asked if I wanted the crown and I told him I could not take it from him. I don't want to rule the kingdom underwater, it is not for me.something my father does not seem to understand." Kaldur asked,''Does he know you are alive?" I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged my shoulders. Kaldur cringed at that as we walked into a room with a bunch of heroes already there. I felt arms injulf me," oh Percy you are alive. Mera will be so happy with this news." I smiled," hello Aurther." He let me go ," what are you doing here?" He asked. " I am bored and have been following Kal around, Diana said I could tag along." Everyone eyed me then Diana. Batman stepped towards her," why would you let a civilian in the mountain" I stepped in front of Diana and he pulled something out of his belt. He got ready to throw and when he did it didn't get close. A water shield was in front of me and Diana. Everyone stared at me in shock except Diana, Arthur and kaldur. I dropped the shield as another hero came into the room. He eyes Batman for a minute before our gazes meet. He dropped the glass file he had in his hands. I looked over him and gasped as a glowing trident appeared over his head. I know right then and there it was my brother. " dick?" I asked. He nodded. " Percy, it is me." I ran and hugged him tightly. " I missed you frate mia mie. (Little brother)" He said as he squeezed me. " I missed you, big brother." We turned around. Diana, Aurther and Kaldur were all bowing. The others were watching with growing interest. " well B, this is when the truth finally comes out." Nightwing pulled off his mask. " Hi, I am Richard 'Dick' Grayson son of Poseidon,  God of the season, storms, earthquakes, and horses. I am the older twin of the last of the 'Flying Graysons' ." I took up where he left off. " I am Perseus ' Percy ' Grayson, son of Poseidon and champion of Lupa and Artamis. I am the younger twin of the last of the ' flying Grayson 'only by like two hours." I took in his appearance,  we were the same with the exception of scars from both of us and our eyes were different. Mine were seagreen and his were ocean blue. I had finally found him, my twin brother. I finally had him back after so long. We were finally together.

( I found a story where Percy Jackson and Dick Grayson where twins, I really likes it so ididcided to write my own. Hope you like, comment for part 2-tay)

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