Percy meet Ariel

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I walked into my father's palace. He had invited me to a family dinner to make up for not being in my life. Tyson was not going to be there though only dad, step-mother and Triton. My and Triton actually got along after I helped build his temple. I worked with the Athena cabin designing the temple then helped the others actually build the temple. It was nice. A Lot like dads but smaller and more shells and underwater things. I had also helped them rebuild the underwater palace after the war, we had alot of bonding time. Mostly just us complaining about the guards or the gods. We found out we had quite a lot in common. He started treating me like a brother and I consider him my brother. I walked through the halls, me and Triton had a few secret passageways throughout the halls, we used to mess with the guards for fun when we weren't rebuilding. I had finally reached the doors to the dining area. I pushed the doors open looking around the room. Triton was sitting at the table talking to dad. Mom was nowhere to be seen. Mine and Amphitrite's relationship got better As well. I started calling her mom and she loved it. Sally had died a few years ago of old age. She and Paul lived a nice life together. Once I became immortal, I tried to visit as much as I could but building temples was keeping me busy. I became immortal after the war, dad said I needed to be. I mostly did it so I could protect the future campers, which is where I stay the rest of my time. I took Mr. D's place as Co camp director. I helped teach hand to hand and weapon fighting. I did let Chiron keep teaching archery because I can not shoot a bow to save my life. I ended up shooting a nymph last time I tried so I decided to not do that anymore and let Chiron handle that. "Hi Percy," said Triton. I waved,"Hi Tri, hello father." Posidien nodded and pointed to the seat. I sat down and Posidien spoke,"ok, Amphitrite is with her lady's tonight so it is just us three. I wanted to invite others but everyone is busy." He shrugged and took a bit of his food. "What have you been up to perce" Triton asked. "Just helping build temples and watching children, what have you been doing?" I asked. He looked away then at dad. He sighed but answered, "just ruling my kingdom. We have had a few threats come to my attention and we are most sure what we are going to do about it. We have started working with the land people who live next to our waters." I nodded. A guard walked in and went straight to Triton, I started fidgeting with my tail. I had gotten one since I spent alot of time in the water helping rebuild, it was also a lot easier to swim with it then tail was seagreen and faded into a dark blue. I also wore my gold forearm bracelets along with my crown. I also had a trident but it stayed in a charm on my necklace. "I must take my leave, father. I have business in my kingdom that needs to be solved." I stood up, "can I go with you?" Triton sighed but nodded. We bowed our heads to our father and left the room. "Why do you want to come with me, I thought you had responsibilities." I nodded my head, " I do but I want to check out you kingdom, I have never been. Plus I am not the only one building temples and Chiron has got the camp covered." Triton sighed," ok but you must know, there are some things different then what you are used to. We are very proper and the crown on your head makes you a big deal even if they don't know who you are. They are all merpeople. I do not look lile this, but older, older then dad looks. I have seven daughters, they are all extremely different then each other. Arial the youngest is married to a king from the land area above us. The others are looking for someone. But I have told them nothing of you. This is going to be alot of explaining to do." He sighed again and rubbed his face. We were out of posidens palace so Triton grabbed my hand and we vapor traveled to his palace. I followed him to a thrown room and watched as his apparent change from short black hair to long white hair and he had a beard also was white. He looked older but seemed to still have muscle and a fit body. As soon as we entered the room a bunch of merman can up to Triton asking questions as the stared me down, I just cocked my brow. Triton grabbed my arm and everyone went silent. He led me over to his thrown and made one for me. " sit percy." He turned to the men,"silence. This is Prince Perseus of the oceans. This is my little brother, you are to treat him how you treat me. Percy, this is my counsel, they help me run my kingdom and watch it when I am away." I nodded. Triton waved his hand and the men bowed then left the room. I was about to say something but a bunch of mermaids came in arguing. They all looked older then I do. Triton cleared his throught," grils. GIRLS." They all turned to Triton, " father," they said in sink. There where six of them all looking different but ahead small crowns on their heads. They all looked to me, I blushed then waved,"hi" they all waved back with surprised faces," who is he father." The oldest asked. Triton looked around," where is Ariel?" They all sighed," up at the surface." Triton shook his head. " girls this is Perseus, my brother. Percy this is six of my seven daughters, Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista and Andrina. Arial the youngest is up with her lover on land." He introduced us, pointing to each girl when he said their name. " I have a meeting to attend to, girls why don't you show percy around the palace." They swam over to me and grabbed my arms, dragging me out of the thrown room. They ended up dragging me throughout the whole castle. Turns out it was just like dads but it was designed differently. The girl ended up going to their own things as I explored by myself. I was walking down a hallway and turned the corner, running into someone." I am so sorry" can a voice of a girl that had ran into me." No I am sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." I said getting off the floor and pulling the redheaded girl up. She looked me over," I am sorry but who are you, I do not recognize you?" I shuck out my hand," I am just visiting. My name is Persus but most people call me percy unless I am in trouble." She shook my hand," I am Arial, princess, daughter of Triton." I smilled," well, I was finally nice to meet you. Your sisters are very talkative, I would rather listen to the fish." She laughed," who are you hear visiting?" " my brother," I answered quickly. She looked in thought for a minute before smiling again. " well it was nice to meet you percy, sadly I must be on my way. I hope you have a nice time with your brother." She swam away and I continued to swim through different hallways. I saw a few guards every once in a while but mostly was alone. I found a garden with beautiful underwater plants. I swam around the garden taking in all the plants. " And who might you be, sir." Came a voice. I looked around but saw no one then looked down. There was a crab, looking really sassy. I chuckled," Hi, I am Perseus. What might your name be?" I asked. The crab looked around," I am Sébastien. I work for King Triton, and this is a private garden, you can not be here. You must come with me." He led me back through the castle, to the throne room where Ariel and Triton were talking. Ariel noticed first."Why have you come percy." I just rolled my eyes and looked to Triton," I am in trouble with your crab, Tri. I swear I didn't do anything." Triton laughed. "It is ok little brother, but you really should try to stay out of trouble, expercialy when Sébastien is here." Both the crab and Ariel looked at Triton surprised. "Your brother" they both said in shock. Triton nodded," yes this is my little brother Perseus prince of the oceans." I bowed my head at Ariel then turned to Sébastien, " I am sorry if I caused you any problems." It was Tritons turn to be confused," did you just apologize. Who are you and what have you done with my brother." I snickered, "haha, Tri. I can be nice, if I want to, I just would rather be sassy especially around you other immortals. Plus the crab is giving me Mr. D vibes and I just got rid of him so I don't want another one." Triton snickered. Arial looked confused and Sébastien looked like he was ready to pinch me with his clippers. "Ariel, I will meet with your boyfriend but Percy has to come with me." I snapped my head over in their direction. "What is going on?" Triton sighed," we are taking a trip and you are coming with us." I nodded. Triton led me and Arial through the castle once more. We went outside the gates and towards the surface of the water. Arial was up first, looking around. I picked my head out of the water."this place is very nice." I said to Triton, he just shrugged his shoulders. Arial led us to a part of the beach where a man was standing, pacing. Triton changed into a human form so I took the chance to stretch my legs and changed mine as well. I was now wearing my camp shirt and jeans with my blue tiny shoes. I had my camp necklace and trident one, just incase because you never know. Arial walked out of the water with a blue dress on while Triton had his godly garments on. The man ran up to us."They are coming, she is looking for y'all."


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