The Downed Dragons

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It's been a few hours and I have been keeping my distance so that Hiccup wouldn't notice me. I know how much this means to him. He once told me how much he wanted to be accept by the village, but mostly to have his father notice him. I may have had the Hoffersons but I couldn't help but feel lonely due to thinking and being different. And not having the heart to kill dragons.

I saw him scribble in his journal and sigh in frustration. "Oh. The Gods must hate me." Okay, I wasn't gonna let him talk himself down like that. "Don't even get started." Hiccup yelps and looks back to find me. I covered my mouth to avoid laughing out loud. He can have such cute reactions.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"What the-! (Y/N)?! Uh, what-what are y-you doing here?" I quickly calm down. I could tell she was trying to hide her laughter. She giggles and I couldn't help but find it cute. She sighs and walks up to me, "Well, I couldn't help but feel bad for ya, so I wanted to make sure you were okay. And maybe get some alone time. I have missed hanging out with you." She stands next to me and pats my shoulder. "Uh-Uh. Yeah. I could use the company considering I have yet to find the dragon I shot down." I groan as I remind myself of not finding the very thing that could better my life.

We walk for a bit and I could feel her gaze on me. I look at her, she's just an inch taller than me, and find her (E/C) eyes with concern in them. "Are you really okay?" I roll my eyes because of course, I am not okay. "Oh, yeah. Some people loose their mug or knife. No. I managed to lose an entire dragon!" I hit a nearby branch, only to have it whack me in the face. "OW!" "Hiccup!" Okay, should have seen that coming.

I feel a hand on my face and lower my hand. I look and see (Y/N) checking my face. I pray to Thor because she is very close. "Are you okay? I don't see any scratches." I felt like I couldn't breathe and try to avoid looking at her, only find that the branch that hit me is attached to a tree bent at an awkward angle, as if something had hit it. "(Y/N)," I grab her hands and she turns to look at the tree. "Oh. Whoa." We both look to find a path that was made by something that crashed down.

"Stay close." I tell (Y/N). She nods and grabs her knife she keeps hidden in her boot. Not that I noticed or anything. I trek down carefully and once I look over I immediately get back down. Shocked at what I saw. "Hiccup, what-," I pull (Y/N) down and cover her mouth with my hand. "Stay quiet." She looks at me confused and I let her go and gesture her to look over. When she does, I see her eyes widen with shock and she just stares. "Hiccup. You didn't shoot down one Night Fury." She says frightened.

I look over and couldn't believe my eyes. There wasn't one, there were two Night Furies.

Third Person P.O.V.

It was unbelievable. Hiccup knew he hit something, but he never could have imagined two of the most deadly dragons known shot down. Wrapped in the bola he shot back-to-back. He quickly grabs his knife from his vest and head towards the two, hiding behind a boulder for protection. He tries to steady his breathing due to being scared of the two dragons. (Y/N) quickly followed and while she too was terrified she remained more level-headed than Hiccup due to spending more time training and preparing.

Hiccup looked over and find the two motionless. He walked towards them, "Oh, wow. I did it. Oh, this-this fixes everything. Yes! I have brought down these mighty beasts!" But right when he put his foot on the paw of the one facing him, it groaned and pushed him back. The two teens jumped in surprise. Hiccup held his knife out and carefully walked towards the beasts. "Hiccup?" (Y/N) calls out quietly, not wanting to aggravate the fire-breathing creatures.

Hiccup observed the jet black dragon and soon made eye contact with it. It's eyes were an acid green and it was breathing heavily as if afraid. Hiccup took a deep breathe, "I'm gonna kill you dragon. I'm-I'm gonna carve your heart out and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I'm a Viking!" (Y/N) didn't know what to do. But she then looked at the other Night Fury and saw it had dark purple eyes and it looks as though she was worried about the dragon about to be killed.

She did not do anything as Hiccup takes a another deep breathe and lifts his knife over his head but then looks at the green-eyed dragon again. It breathes heavily and looks terrified. Hiccup close his eyes and it too closed its eyes with a whine, awaiting its demise. The purple-eyed slumped in defeat as well.

But Hiccup, no matter how much he tried to bring the blade down, couldn't. He lowers his knife and looks at the two dragons. "Hiccup?" He looks up at (Y/N) and sees that she looks at the dragons with sadness. "Let's just...go." He says. (Y/N) looks at the dragons one last time and starts walking away. Hiccup looks back at the dragons he had shot down, guilt eating at him. "I did this." He mutters but only after a few steps, he stops and looks back.

A snap was heard. (Y/N) looked back and saw that Hiccup was freeing the Night Furies. "Hiccup!" She calls out and rushes back to him, but he cut the last rope binding the two and the green-eyed one pins him to the boulder they hid behind with the purple-eyed one keeping her at bay.

Hiccup was at the mercy of the beast and it starred him down. He looks back briefly at (Y/N) to find her being held back by the other one. He looks back into the acid green orbs as it reeled back and roar in his face. It then flew with the purple-eyed one following shortly after roaring at the (H/C)-haired female.

The two try to regain their breathes and calm their beating hearts. Hiccup grabs his knife and gets up as he see the two fly away roaring. He turns to leave but then passes out.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I could only stand in shock. I not only got to see not one but two Night Furies. And Hiccup released them. But they could have killed us and they didn't. I then looked to find Hiccup passed out and went over to check on him. He was fine, thank the Gods, but I decided to leave him be and moved him so he was on his back and placed his head on my lap.

I couldn't help but admire Hiccup for what he did. He had the chance to be accepted by killing two Night Furies. I wasn't exactly okay with killing things that couldn't defend themselves, even if they caused us a lot of hardship. I looked down at Hiccup and saw that he was stirring in his sleep and gently caress his face, which was littered with freckles. He leaned into my hand and I couldn't help but blush a little.

I didn't know what to feel exactly; scared that we were almost killed, angry at Hiccup for nearly getting killed, and what is this warmth in my heart when Hiccup snuggled into my hand? "Great Odin's ghost. What am I going to do?" I mutter.

Time Skip: A Few Hours Later

Third Person P.O.V.

Hiccup woke up to be meant with (E/C) eyes looking down at him. "Hiccup. Thank goodness." Hiccup blinked away his drowsiness but then sat up quickly. "What-what happened?" He asks, trying to avoid how he slumbered on (Y/N)'s lap. She lay her hands on his shoulders, "Uh, well. It's kind of," She struggles to explain. But then Hiccup looks up to find that the sky had darken.

"We-uh, we should head back." He says. (Y/N) looks up then back at him and nods. She helps Hiccup up and the two head back to the village. Neither could wrap their heads around what happened. When they arrived to the outskirts of the village the two said farewell and head back to their homes. Not knowing that their problems were only starting.

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