The Dragons' Nest

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

We were flying peacefully through the night sky. I couldn't help but be happy for (Y/N) and Astrid. Those two haven't had the best relationship but by seeing how Astrid got to see what dragons really are, it got me thinking. "So, what now?" I hear Astrid ask. "Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow! You know you'll have to-" I hear her pause. "-kill the dragon." She whispers. "Don't remind me." I grumble, remembering my predicament.

But then I feel Toothless grumble becoming alert and he and Twilight quickly flew in a different direction. "Toothless? What's wrong?" "Twilight? What's the matter?" We flew into a fog and almost got hit by a Monstrous Nightmare. (Y/N) and Astrid avoided colliding with a Nadder. Soon more dragons show up and I get Toothless to fly closer to the girls. They all had dead animals in their claws and fish as large as a yak. "Get down!" I whisper to the girls to not get the other dragons' attention. More and more appear, all with food in their claws.

"What's going on?" I hear Astrid asks scared. "They be hauling in their kill." (Y/N) says. "Uh, what does that make us?" We had to get out of here. "I don't know. Toothless, Twilight, you gotta get us out of here, guys." I try talking to Toothless laying my hand on his hand. But he shakes it off and Twilight growls.

All the dragons started to dive straight down and we followed after. We avoided sharp rocks and I soon saw that we were approaching an island with a volcano. We entered it through a hole and at first it was pitch black, until there is red. I look to find so many dragons on ledges and down below was a thick fog for which the red was emitting from along with heat and the only source of light in here. "What my Dad wouldn't give to find this." I say out loud. Toothless landed on a ledge and look to find Twilight with the girls next to us.

We are in the Dragon's Nest and I look back to see all the dragons dropping the food. "Well, it's satisfying to know that all of our food is being dumped down a hole." I scoff, why would the dragons raid and steal from us if they weren't even going to eat it. "They're not eating any of it." I hear Astrid whisper. "But there has to be a reason why." I hear (Y/N) state seriously. I then saw a Gronckle fly over the hole and spit out a tiny fish. A roar was heard and before the Gronckle could escape, it was swallowed in one bite by the biggest dragon I have ever seen.

"What.... Is that?" All the dragons whimper in fear and I was shocked and could only watch in utter disbelief. It rumbles as it goes back down but it starts sniffing and I made eye contact with it. It knows we're here. "Okay. That's it. We. Are. Outta here." I hear (Y/N), she sounds scared. "Alright. Bud, Twilight, we got to get out of here." I urge Toothless. I hear Twilight huff next to us, "Now!" They took off before we could be caught in that thing's jaws. All the other dragons quickly took off and me and Toothless were almost caught but avoided it in time. We made it out and I look back at the island. This explains everything.

Third Person P.O.V.

They all flew back to Berk and made it to the cove. "No, it makes total sense! It's a like a giant beehive! They're the workers and that's their queen! It controls them!" Astrid says once they land. "Let's find your dad!" She gets off Twilight and starts to hurry out of the cove. "Astrid!" "No!" (Y/N) and Hiccup call out to her, as the auburn-haired boy gets off Toothless and gets in front of her, holding his hands out to keep her from leaving. "No. They'll kill Toothless and Twilight. Astrid, we have to think this through carefully." Hiccup and tells her as (Y/N) gets off Twilight as she and Toothless drink from the pond.

"Astrid. Hiccup's right. We can't just go charging into this, we need a plan." (Y/N) says and Hiccup walks towards her with a sullen look. "Guys, we just discovered the Dragons' Nest. The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here! And you guys want to keep it a secret?! To protect dragons?! Are you serious?!" Astrid scoffs, shaking her head.

Hiccup looks to (Y/N) as she nods to him, looks back at Astrid with a stern face, "Yes." He answers in a firm tone, leaving no room for arguing. Astrid's eyes widen and after a moment, "Okay." She answers. "Then what do we do?" She asks. "Just.... Give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out." Hiccup answers, sighing heavily. (Y/N) walks next to him and lays a hand on his shoulder. He looks at her and she gives him a small smile. Hiccup smiles back in appreciation.

Astrid watches the two and clears her throat. She then punches both of them in the arm. "That was for kidnapping me!" She scolds them. (Y/N) rolls her eyes and Hiccup looks back at the dragons with a confused face as the two just snort. But then she hugged them both quickly. "And that's for...everything else." She says shyly. "See you at home, (Y/N)?" She asks. (Y/N) smiles, "Sure." She answers. Astrid starts to walk away and looks back at the two then continues on.

Once she was gone, (Y/N) looks at Hiccup. "I best get going." She says. Twilight walks up to her and nudges her arm. (Y/N) gives her a scratch and Toothless wanted some attention and (Y/N) laughs a little and gives him some. Hiccup looks at her but then remembers about tomorrow. (Y/N) sees him thinking deeply and walks to him and hugs him. Hiccup tenses a bit, "You'll come up with something. I'll be there to support you throughout it all." She tells him. Hiccup relaxes and (Y/N) pulls back.

But when she was about to leave she turns back and gives Hiccup a kiss on the cheek. "F-For good luck." She stutters and then runs off. Hiccup watch her leaves and smiles, blushing a bit as he raises a hand to his cheek where she kissed. Toothless appears to his left and Twilight to his right, both giving him a look. "What-What are you guys lookin' at?!" He defends quickly. Twilight just snorts as Toothless looks away.

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