The Kill Ring

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Third Person P.O.V.

Roars of cheers and excitement rang throughout as all of the village gathered around the arena. It was the day for which Hiccup has his final test and tensions are high. Stoick overlooks everyone and let's out a hearty chuckle. "Well, I can show my face in public again!" He laughs as the crowd responds in cheers. They quiet down as Stoick continues.

"If somebody would have told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup would go from, well, being....Ah...Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training," He snickers as he shakes his head, "Well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he's gone mad!" The crowd bellows with laughter. "And you know it!" Stoick laughs too, breathing heavily. "So... Here we are," He calls over the crowd and they quiet down once again. "And no one is more surprised..."

"...Or more proud, then I am." Hiccup clenches the helmet in his hands as he hears his father from the tunnel to enter the arena. "Today, my boy becomes a Viking." (Y/N) is with him and lays a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Today, he becomes one of us!" Stoick proclaims as the crowd cheers once again.

Back to Hiccup, he focus only on his father as the man takes his seat. "Be careful with that dragon." Astrid says softly. "It's not the dragon I'm worried about." Hiccup mutters under his breath. (Y/N) stands next to him and moves her hand from his shoulder to grab his hand, "Hey, have faith in yourself. If anyone can show that dragons are not what they believe them to be, it's you." She encourages him, squeezing his hand gently. Hiccup turns his head to look at her and smiles faintly, but frowns again.

He pulls his hand back and holds his helmet tightly in his arms. He looks at her and Astrid with a serious face. "I have to try. But Astrid, can you promise me something?" He addresses and said female gives him her attention, "Of course." She responds. "If things go wrong... Can you help (Y/N) take care of Toothless and Twilight?" He asks her. (Y/N) felt uneasy as he said that but held her tongue. "I will. Just... Promise that it won't go wrong." Astrid replies as she looks at (Y/N) then back to Hiccup with a concerned look.

"It's time, Hiccup." Gobber calls as he appears from around the corner. "Knock-'em dead." (Y/N) and Astrid sadly smile at Hiccup as he enters the arena. He places his helmet on his head as the gate closes and the crowd cheers from above. Hiccup walks to the weapons rack and grabs a shield along with a small knife. "I'd have gone for the hammer." Stoick says to Gobber as he nods in agreement.

Hiccup stands in front of the gate containing the dragon and shakily exhales, "I'm ready." He raises his shield as the lever was slowly rising and all was quiet. The Monstrous Nightmare bursts through the gates snarling and on fire. It races along the walls, climbs the cage, and spews fire as the crowd dodge and laugh. It hisses as it scales the cage hoping to find an escape. Hiccup gasps softly as the dragon directs its attention to him and drops to the ground. It stalks towards him as the flames disappear from its body. The crowd cheers him on to slay it but Hiccup backs away slowly and drops his shield and knife.

"What is he doing?" Stoick says as he leans forward with his eyebrows furrowed. Astrid watches as her eyes widens leaning closer as she watches from the gate. (Y/N) grips the gate tightly that her knuckles go white as her heart starts beating faster.

"Hey, it's okay." Hiccup soothes the dragon as it continues to growl. "It's okay." The Nightmare looks up at his helmet and hisses. Hiccup knew what he had to do and slowly takes it off. He looks up to his father with a sad expression before looking back at the Nightmare with a determined look, "I'm not one of them." He states and tosses the helmet and the dragon looks at him and snorts softly. The crowd gasp in horror and Stoick leans forward completely, his eyes wide as he gasps softly, "Stop the fight." He demands, as the crowd murmurs.

"No! I need you all to see this!" Hiccup snaps, he looks the dragon in the eyes as he raises his hand and the dragon leans closer to him. "They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill them." Hiccup states. (Y/N) watches with pride as she smiles at Hiccup taking a stand. "I said stop the FIGHT!" Stoick bellows and rams his hammer on a bar on the cage which startles the Nightmare. It snaps at Hiccup and the boy runs away screaming avoiding fire being spewed at him.

But the noise is heard by two Night Furies. Toothless and Twilight wake from their nap abruptly, hearing Hiccup in distress.

Back at the arena, Hiccup continues to run away as the Nightmare pursues him. "Out of my way!" Stoick yells and shoved his way through the crowd. "Hiccup!" (Y/N) and Astrid gasp. (Y/N) thinks frantically and looks to the wall with weapons hanging from it, "Astrid!" The blonde follows her lead and both grab an axe and use them to prop the gate open enough for them to slip under. Hiccup tried to get a shield from the weapons rack only to almost get trampled by the Nightmare. He runs off screaming again, abandoning the shield.

Toothless and Twilight hurriedly try and escape the cove. They hear Hiccup scream again and Toothless growls as he digs his claws into the cliff and pulls himself up with a snarl. He turns back and helps Twilight out of the cove and the two bolt off to the arena.

Hiccup still runs from the Nightmare and was about to get fired at but (Y/N) tackles him out of the way in time. Hiccup thanks her and (Y/N) helps him up and the two run together away from the Nightmare. It spews fire again and (Y/N)'s right arm gets burned causing her to cry out in pain.

Twilight and Toothless hear her and races through the woods. They try to fly but couldn't without their friends but that didn't stop them as they continue to sprint at full speed. Determined to protect their friends.

Stoick opens the gate and hurries down as Astrid watches her friends run for their lives. "Guys!" She looks to the destroyed weapons rack and kicks up a hammer, tossing it at the Nightmare. She hits it on the head and shakes off the pain and turns its attention on Astrid as she runs from it.

Stoick opens the second gate with a huff, "This way!" He yells. Astrid makes it to him and Hiccup and (Y/N) almost made it too but fire from the Nightmare had stopped them, forcing them to run a different direction. But they were knocked to the ground and Hiccup was pinned under one of the Nightmare's claws. (Y/N) was only a few feet away and right as she was getting up, a familiar sound was heard.

It gained Gobber's attention along with the people and right then two blasts were fired on the arena, creating smoke that filled it. The crowd yell in concern and watch closely.

The Nightmare was off of Hiccup and when the smoke clears, it is Toothless combating against the Nightmare as Twilight protects (Y/N). "Night Furies." Gobber breathes out, his eyes wide at the scene. Toothless wrestles with the Nightmare and Twilight roars at it as she tackles it on the side. She moves to her brother's side as the two keep it from approaching their friends. Hiccup pants as he looks to (Y/N) who staggers a bit as she gets up and goes to him. The Furies roar at the Nightmare and it retreats.

Hiccup hurries to them, "Toothless, Twilight, go! Go now!" He tells them, nudging Toothless. "Get out of here you two!" (Y/N) nudges Twilight, ignoring the pain on her arm. Vikings yell in anger as they begin to storm the arena, weapons in hand. "Go, go!" Hiccup shouts, but the two Furies hiss at the Vikings approaching them. "Stoick, no!" Astrid yells as Stoick grabs an axe and rushes towards the dragons.

The dragons see him and growl in anger. "No, no! Stop!" (Y/N) yells as the two fought off the Vikings. "No, no, no! You're only making it worse!" Hiccup pleads. Twilight tackles Stoick and Toothless pins him. They both prepare a blast, Twilight at the crowd and Toothless at Stoick. "No.." "Don't." "NO!" Hiccup shouts, making the dragons stop. They extinguish their blasts and look back at their friends with a whine.

"Get them!" The Vikings took their chance and restrain them. "No. Please don't hurt them!" Hiccup pleads. Astrid holds him and (Y/N) back. (Y/N) tried to get free of her grasp but Astrid held her right arm, avoiding the burn, firmly. She could only watch as her friends were held down roughly to prevent them firing, along with Hiccup watching too.

Stoick pants lightly and looks at the two dragons, who looked at him with deadly glares. One Viking offers him an axe to kill them with but Stoick shakes his head and pushes it away. "Put them with the others." He growls.

HTTYD: Hiccup x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now