The Proud Father

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

After dropping off Toothless and Twilight at the cove, and getting smacked on the head by Twilight for almost getting myself and Toothless killed. Ow. But she nuzzles me and I gave her pat. Anyway, me and (Y/N) head back to the village and we part ways. She head back to the Hofferson's house to rest and I needed time to think so I head to my room at the forge.

I was playing with my pencil while laying my head on the desk, not knowing exactly what to do. But then I heard movement and look to find, "Dad! You're back!" He's back. I try to hide the drawings of the dragons so he doesn't see them. "Gobber's not here, so..." "I know." He squeezes through the wall into door frame as he enters the room. "I came looking for you."

"You-you did?" I stammer, still trying to hide the drawings. "You have been keeping secrets." I started to get nervous. "I-I, Uh, I have?" I try to play dumb hoping throw off his suspicions, but this was my dad. Stubbornest person I know. "Just how long did you think you could hide it from me?" I feel my heart beat faster in my chest, "I-I.....I-I don't know...What you're-" "Nothing happens on this island without me knowing." "O-Oh." He was using his Chief voice. Never good. "So, let's talk...about that dragon." I stumble on my desk. "Oh Gods." I felt like passing out.

"Dad, I'm so sorry." I push back my hair as I glance at my drawings. "I-I was going to tell you. I just...didn't know how to..." I push my drawings back more, but then he begins to chuckle which turns into hearty laughter. I didn't know what to do but then laugh along, nervously. "Y-You...You're not...upset?" I question him. "What?! I was hoping for this!" He answers excitedly. Okay, now I am very confused. "Ah, You...Were?"

"Oh, and I heard about you and (Y/N)! She's rubbed off on ya with that warrior's spirit! And believe me, it only gets better! Just wait till you spill a Nadder's guts for the first time! And mount your first Gronckle head on a spear! What a feeling!" He shoves me, which made me fell back and into a basket. I try to get out as he goes on. "You really had me going there, son! All those years of the worst Viking Berk has ever seen." I freeze when he says that. I knew he didn't think much of me, but that hurt.

"Odin, it was rough. I almost gave up on you. But (Y/N), she never did. You have been holding out on me! Oh, Thor Almighty!" He laughs as he takes a breathe. I had gotten out of the basket, still reeling in what he said as he takes a seat in front of me. "With you doing so well in the ring....We finally have something to talk about." This has been the happiest I have ever seen him and I don't feel the same. On one hand, I'm relieved to know that he doesn't know about Toothless and Twilight. But on the other hand, this just makes things a whole lot worse.

I didn't say anything as Dad eagerly waits for an answer. I open my mouth but I could only sigh. "Oh. Here...I, um..I brought you something." He takes out a Viking helmet and adjusts one of the horns. "To keep you safe. In the ring." I take it with a small smile. My Dad has never given me a gift like this. "Wow. Thanks." "Your mother would have wanted you to have it." He says as I inspect it with my hand. This is the closest thing I have to my mother. "It's half of her breastplate." I pull back my hand. Okay, that's a little awkward.

I look up to Dad as he taps his own. "Matching set. Keeps her...It keeps her close, you know." He says that with a sad smile. "Wear it proudly. You deserve it. You have kept your end of the deal." I slowly set the helmet on my desk. I need to think of something. I yawned dramatically and stretch my arms out, "Oh, I should, really....get to bed. Um-" "Yes! Good. Okay, good talk." Dad buys it and gets up. "I-I'll see you back at the house- -" "We should do this again-" "Great. A-hem! Thanks for stopping by. And for the-" "I hope you like it." "-breast hat." "The hat. Well... Yep. Good Night." Dad exits the room.

I sigh heavily, setting my hands on my hips. I am in a lot of trouble. I hear a loud noise and believe Dad must have knocked some metal and gear down. What am I going to do? If anyone found out about Toothless and Twilight they'll be killed. And what about (Y/N)? I roped her into this, she wouldn't be in this if it wasn't for me. I sit back down and set my forehead on the desk.

"Oohhh! What am I going to do?" I groan. This just keeps getting better. And that's the sarcasm speaking.

Time Skip: Morning

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It was the day for if whoever is chosen, they will face the Monstrous Nightmare. I was standing with the other teens as Hiccup and Astrid are the remaining two. The Gronckle was flying around and with pretty much all of the village here, it was pressuring. I may have been doing good but Hiccup was the one who was getting the attention. And I didn't want to kill a dragon after learning the truth.

I look to find Stoick with a proud look on his face. Hiccup had told me about what had happened and I felt bad for him. If he is picked he will have to kill a dragon, but if he is not he will disappoint the village and his father. It was a no win situation. I see Hiccup rise up from one of the wooden covers and see him adjust his helmet as he smiles to his dad but drops it soon after. He really didn't want to be here.

The Gronckle was heading his way and I see Astrid jump across the wooden covers, only to stop and see the Gronckle down near Hiccup who shielded himself from Astrid. She then threw a tantrum and I honestly felt pity for her. "Okay. Quiet down! The elder has decided!" I look over at Stoick as he is next to Gothi: the village healer and is so old I don't know how she's alive. But I had learned some healing from her, so I treat injuries if needed.

Everyone waited in silence as Gobber lifts his hook above Astrid, but Gothi shakes her head no. I can hear a few people murmur and see Astrid with a defeated look. Gobber then raise his hand and points at Hiccup. Gothi smiles and nods and the crowd explodes with cheer. I saw Astrid give Hiccup a death glare.

The other teens rush in to congratulate Hiccup as Fishlegs scoops him up on his shoulders. "That's my boy!" I hear Stoick say with pride. I rush down to comfort Hiccup the best I can. "Yes, I can't wait. I am... So..."

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