The Plan

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I stumble as I try to regain my footing since Dad tossed me into the Great Hall. He was mad and glares at me. "I should have known. I should have seen the signs." He growls as he paces and I was beyond scared of what he would do, not to me but to Toothless and Twilight. "D-Dad?" I call out to him weakly and look up to him nervously. "We had a deal!" "I know we did! But that was before-" I rake my hands through my hair as I try to reason with him.

"It's all so messed up!" I groan. "So everything you did in the ring...A trick? A lie?" He scoffs. "I screwed up! I-I should have told you before now, I just.." "And what about (Y/N)? Was she in on it?" Dad interrupts me. I could not let (Y/N) get into more trouble, she's already hurt, thank goodness she was getting medical attention, and I was the one who started this whole mess.

"Take this out on me, be mad at me! But please... Just don't hurt Toothless or Twilight!" I plead again. "The dragons?" He demands, towering over me so I back away. "That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?!" I couldn't let him think that, "They were protecting us! They're-They're not dangerous." I defend. "They've killed hundreds of us!" He shouts. "And we've killed thousands of them! They defend themselves that's all!" I snap back but he just growls and turns away from me. He paces back and forth but I wasn't done.

"They raid us because they have to. If they don't bring back enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves." My voice shakes but I persist, "There's-there's something else on their island, Dad-" There island?! So you've been to the nest." Crap. My heart drops. "D-Did I say nest?" I try to change the topic but I have already made my mistake. "How did you find it?!" He demands as I back up from him as he approaches me. "I-I didn't. Toothless and Twilight did. Only a dragon can find the island." I explain.

But then he stands at full height with realization written all over his mistake and I made my second mistake. My eyes widen and my heart beats faster, "No, no, no, no. Dad! No, please. It's not what you think. You don't know what you're up against! It's like nothing you've ever seen!" I try to reason him but he shoves pass me, his mind fixed on a plan. But I kept trying to reason him.

"Dad, please, I promise you, you can't win this one!" I shout, still trying to listen. But he kept going, "Dad... No. for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME?!?" I shout as I try to grab his arm but he hurls me back and I land on the ground. I look at him as he turns back to look at me. "You've thrown your lot in with them," He speaks with venom in his voice that I have never heard from him, "You're not a Viking." He pauses. "You're not my son." He turns away.

I was shocked and could only shakily breathe as he exits the hall, "Ready the ships!" He slams the door hard and I am left alone.

Third Person P.O.V.

But when Stoick exited the hall he realizes what he had said as he staggers backwards and blinks away tears threatening to fall and pushes on, his face hardening with determination and making his way to the docks.

On the docks, Vikings were working swiftly and loading weapons along with catapults onto the dozen of ships set to sail to the Dragon's Nest. Toothless and Twilight were being readied to be loaded onto the boats, they mouths were muzzled shut so they could not shoot fire and were chained down heavily so they could not escape. Toothless had a large wooden restraint clamped around his neck and Twilight growls aggressively but had one snapped on her as well.

Gothi watches from above and and looks on with sadness in her eyes as she hugs a little boy close to her. Hiccup also watches as he sees his two friends be treated so cruelly but could not do anything to help them. Both dragons continue to struggle as they were lifted and set on the bow of Stoick's ship. "Set sail!" Stoick commands. "To Helheim's gate." He looks up to see Hiccup but shakes his head and walks to the front of the ship, glaring at the dragons as the give him one back. "Lead us home, devils." He spats. The ships set sail and soon disappear off the horizon.

Hiccup stays in place and sighs heavily. He has not only lost his father but his best friends and now his tribe. He feels a presence next to him but doesn't bother seeing who it is. "This. Is. A disaster." (Y/n) states emotionless. She stands next to Hiccup as she watches the horizon. She too felt bad knowing that almost the entire village will die once they make it to the nest. And the fact that Twilight and Toothless will perish for just protecting her and Hiccup, breaks her heart. She felt like she had once again lost loved ones in her life but was too numb to even shed a tear.

But someone was not going to let them wallow in misery. "It's a mess." Astrid says as she joins the two. "You must feel horrible. You've lost everything." She says and looks at Hiccup with sympathy. "Your father, your tribe, your best friends." "Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup mumbles sarcastically, not feeling any better. "I know you're trying to make us feel better, Astrid, but pep-talks are not your strong suit." (Y/N) says bitterly. She was thankful for the blonde's efforts but she was not in the mood.

Hiccup was quiet and shook his head, "Why couldn't I have killed those dragons when I found them in the woods? Would have been better for everyone." He mutters out loud. "No it wouldn't." (Y/N) defends. "Yep. The rest of us would have done it." Astrid pauses and looks to Hiccup. "So why didn't you? Why didn't you?" She asks. (Y/N) was also curious and looks to him for an answer.

Hiccup was quiet as he thinks of an answer. "I don't know. I couldn't." He groans. "That's not an answer." Astrid says. "Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?!" He snaps at her. Astrid flinches a bit as she never seen Hiccup angry but takes a deep breathe, "Because I want to remember what you say, right now." She answers. (Y/N) was moved. Astrid is trying to reach out to Hiccup and is trying to help him.

"Oh, for the love of-" Hiccup spats, facing Astrid. "I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!" He says frustrated. "You said wouldn't that time." Astrid points out. "Well, Whatever! I wouldn't! Three hundred years, and I am the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!" He finish his rant and turns away from the girls. (Y/N) turns her body towards Hiccup, "First to have befriend and ride one." She says and Hiccup perks at this. Astrid speaks up after a moment, "So...?"

Hiccup slowly turns to look at the two, "I wouldn't kill him... Because he looked just as frightened as I was. I looked at him...and I saw myself." He spoke softly. (Y/N) was touched at his response and felt the need to answer as well. "Same here. She looked so scared and worried that something would happen to her family. I know what's it like to lose the ones you love." She says, her voice cracking slightly.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I feel tears in my eyes and I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to find Hiccup smiling at me. I blink a few times and smile back, letting the tears fall down my face. Astrid clears her throat and I look to her, wiping away my tears. "I bet they're both really frightened right now." She pauses, "What are you going to do about it?" She asks. I hear Hiccup humand look to him as he removes his hand from me. "Probably something stupid." He answers.

"Good, but you've already done that." Astrid says. His face then lit up with an idea and I smirk. "Then something crazy." He says and runs off to enact it. "Then what are we waiting for?" I said to Astrid as she smiles. "That's more like it." And we race off to catch up with Hiccup. We are saving our friends and people.

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