Connecting Flight

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Third Person P.O.V.

"...Leaving. We're leaving." Hiccup says as he walks to the cove with (Y/N) following him. She had packed a bag filled with supplies of her own and medical supplies as well, even if Hiccup had asked her not to come. "Look. I am not letting you go by yourself." She states strongly. Hiccup puts down his basket and sighs heavily, "(Y/N), I can't ask you to drop everything for me. I started this and....I don't know how to fix it." He says with his head down.

(Y/N) wasn't having it and she sets down her bag and walks in front of Hiccup. "I am not letting you go by yourself." She repeats slowly and gently. Hiccup looks up at her with a frown. "Because, A: you can't fly both Toothless and Twilight. And B: you helped me when I was at my lowest." She says, as she remembers when she had lost her parents.

Hiccup remembers how hard it was for her and how he had found her in the woods, sobbing her heart out. He sat with her and gave her a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and an ear to listen. "I always remain strong to keep everyone else from making me feel less for showing vulnerability. People die every day, but losing my parents broke me in a way that others would tell me to honor them through fighting this war and I hate it!" She says the last bit through gritted teeth. Then takes a breather to calm herself and continues, "But when I'm with you, I can be me. I didn't want anyone to see me so...vulnerable. They would put me down." (Y/N) pauses. Hiccup remembers how they have been when they started hanging out again. She loves to draw, design, and just not act tough and emotionless all the time, he knows she's strong but her patience, kindness, courage, and big heart is what really makes her an amazing person. To him at least.

"You never judged me. And I saw how amazing you are regardless of what anyone said and I just didn't care what anyone else thought about me because it didn't matter anymore. With you, Twilight, Toothless, I don't feel the need to hide who I am. I want to go with you because I can be me when around you and I want to. And I don't want you to beat yourself up because of what others think. They just never took the time to get to know you. The smart, brave, kind, inventive, hard working, and strong willed Hiccup you really are." (Y/N) finish. No one has ever said anything like that to him. And this time, it was genuine. She has been with him through it all.

With a sigh he nods, "Okay. And thanks. For you know.....being here." He tells her. (Y/N) smiles, "No problem. Besides, one of us has to know how to fight and teach you some self-defense." She tells him. He smiles back and the two grab their stuff and make it to the cove. "And are you sure you to want go?" Hiccup asks. (Y/N) sighs, "Yes. There isn't really much for me here anyway. Berk will lose a soldier to fight in this pointless war." She answers dryly as they make their way to the cove.

Once they do they call out to their dragons. "Okay! Let's pack up!" Hiccup calls out. "Yep. We're taking a permanent vacation." (Y/N) adds. The two adjust their riding gear, but then hear something being sharpened. They look to find the source and find Astrid sitting on a boulder and sharpening her axe. They jump up in surprise, "What the-?! Uh, Uh, what are you doing here?" Hiccup stammers nervously. "I want to know what's going on." Astrid answers, dropping the rock she used to sharpen her axe and jumping off the boulder and walking towards Hiccup in a threatening manner.

(Y/N) gets in front of her and looks at her with a stern look. "'What's going on?' Is none of your business." She tells her coldly. "Actually, it is. No one just gets as good as him. Especially him." Astrid bites back. (Y/N) grips the handle of her sword, which is on her hip, tightly, willing everything she has to not do anything rash. "So? Who cares? Just because you're not the best, doesn't mean you can knock people down and walk all over them." She rebuttals.

Hiccup stood to the side and said nothing. He was looking at two of the finest warriors on Berk. If those two start fighting, Thor help us. "He has been doing something. And so have you. What is it?" Astrid demands. But (Y/N) doesn't stand down. "Who cares? They work." She answers. Astrid was fuming, "What is your problem?!" She asks harshly. (Y/N) gives her a glare. "My problem? What about yours? Do you have any idea how frustrating you are. Always wanting to be the best and when things don't go your way you act like a spoiled brat. You work hard Astrid and I admire your strength, but any respect I had for you is diminished." (Y/N) says in a calm voice, but the disappointment was there.

HTTYD: Hiccup x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now