See You Tomorrow

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Today is about teamwork." Gobber says, as the gates containing the Zippleback bursts open with green gas filling the arena. "Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire, the Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other lights it. Your job is to know which is which."

I was with Astrid and Ruffnut. I heard Fishlegs list off facts about the dragon before Hiccup harshly whispers at him to shut it. I giggle a bit until Astrid elbows me in the ribs. Hard. I send a glare her way but then I heard Ruffnut let out a noise of surprise as she got drenched with water. "Hey! It's us, idiots!" She says to her brother and Snotlout. "You're butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon." Tuffnut snickers. "Not that there's anything wrong with a dragonesque figure-" Snotlout didn't finish because Astrid punched him in the face.

Ruffnut through a her bucket at Tuffnut but then something pulled him into the green haze. "Wait." Astrid whispers. I hear Tuff screaming and my instincts kick in. I jump in time to avoid getting knocked down by one of the Zippleback's tails, but Astrid and Ruff weren't as lucky. Tuff came out of the haze and bumped into me resulting in me dropping my bucket of water. "OH! I am hurt! I Am Very Much Hurt!" He yells.

"Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now." I hear Fishlegs. Then one of the heads reveal itself. It sniffs at Fishlegs and he splashes the water on it. Only for it to be the head that breathes gas. Oh boy. "Oops. Eheh. Wrong head." It breathed a ton of gas on him. "Fishlegs!" Gobber calls out as Fishlegs runs off screaming.

The head turns its attention towards Hiccup and the second head shows itself, making some sparks. "Now Hiccup!" Hiccup tries to splash the sparking head, but he couldn't throw high enough. "Aww, come on." I hear him groan. The dragon lunged with a roar at Hiccup as he fell back.

"Hiccup!" Gobber calls out. I was about to rush to him but then the dragon started backing up. "Back. Back, Back!" Hiccup orders the dragon. I was surprised but then I see that the dragon wasn't scared of Hiccup. They shook their heads as if, oh wait. The eel. Clever thinking.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Now, don't make me tell you again!" I yell. The dragon rumbles as I back it up into its cage. "Back into your cage, now think about what you've done." Once it was in its cage I toss the eel I had hidden in my vest in front of them. It whimpers as I close the gates.

I wipe my hands on my vest and look back to find everyone, except (Y/N) who was smirking, with shocked faces. Fishlegs even dropped his bucket. "Okay! So, are we done? Because I got Yep." I say and start to walk away. I hear footsteps next to me and look to find (Y/N) with a smile on her face. "Right, uh. See you tomorrow!" I call out to the others.

Once we were far enough, (Y/N) bursts out laughing. "Ah Ha! I can't-! Their faces-! You and I, have a lot of work to do." I couldn't help but smile and let out a chuckle. "Uh, yeah. Speaking of which, let's head to the forge." I tell her and we start heading that way. "Can I add some designs?" She asks. "I don't see why not." I reply

Third Person P.O.V.

Hiccup had created saddles to ride on the dragons with (Y/N) helping and having carved in details, lightning for both but a tooth for Toothless and a star for Twilight, (you can imagine the star as whatever you want it to look like), and once they were done they headed to the cove and showed them to the dragons. Toothless decided to play a game and ran off with Hiccup chasing after him. Twilight sniffed at it but allowed (Y/N) to put it on. But the two couldn't help but laugh at the boys playing their game.

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