The Aftermath

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Third Person P.O.V.

Hiccup rests peacefully in his bed as his mouth is parted slightly, snoring softly. Toothless has been watching over him, waiting for him to wake up. He purrs lowly as he leans forward towards Hiccup and sniffs his friend. He lets out a whine and sits back and huffs impatiently, growling softly for his friend to wake up.

Hiccup stirs after a moment, his eyes fluttering open. Toothless rumbles happily and nudges his face against Hiccup's as the young Viking groans. "Hey, Toothless." He greets. Chuckling as the dragon nudges his hands and face. "I'm happy to see you too, bud."

Toothless steps on Hiccup's stomach and the boy lurches forward in pain, now fully awake. "GYA-OH! I....Uh." He looks around with his eyes widening as he realizes that he is in his house. "I'm in my house." He says slowly. And looks to Toothless who shakes excitedly. "You're in my house." The dragon then jumps around while also knocking some stuff down. "D-Does my dad know you're here?" Toothless rushes over to him and sniffs his hand then continues jumps around while Hiccup rambles. "Uh, okay, okay!"

Toothless then jumps onto a beam, "Toothless, no. No. Toothless!" He looks down at Hiccup upside-down. "Oh, come o-" Hiccup moves to stand but stops when he realizes something was off. He removes his blanket and his eyes widen. Toothless lands on the ground tilting his head and lets out a small rumble. Hiccup softly exhales and lowers his feet. His right one fine, but his left one is replace by a prosthetic metal foot.

Toothless sniffs the fake appendage then looks at Hiccup as the boy swallows thickly and rises from his bed. He takes a step but grunts as he limps, not use to his new foot. He takes a deep breathe and takes another step but helps in pain as he falls over. Toothless catches him and helps him stand while also supporting him. "Okay.... Thanks, bud." Hiccup thanks Toothless, as he limps forward towards the door. Toothless' tail swishes behind him, revealing his missing tail-fin. On the same side as Hiccup's peg-leg.

Hiccup grunts as he opens the door but a Monstrous Nightmare comes into view roaring causing Hiccup to gasp and slam the door shut. He takes a few short breathes, "Toothless, stay here." He opens the door again only to find Snotlout riding the Nightmare. "Come on, guys! Get ready!" Snotlout laughs and flies off with two dragons following him with Vikings riding on their backs. "Hold on tight! Here we go!"

Hiccup staggers forward in disbelief as he looks at Berk now having dragons everywhere but not raiding or fighting, rather living peacefully along side the Vikings. Hiccup is gently nudged and looks to find Twilight look at him with concern eyes. "Twi-Twilight." He stutters. The purple-eyed Fury nuzzles his cheek as she purrs, relieved to know he was awake.

"So, you enjoyed your beauty sleep?" Twilight left his side to go see Toothless and Hiccup looks to find (Y/N) walking towards him. He noticed her left arm completely covered with bandages. She has a slight limp but he notices that she still has both feet. Hiccup lets out a sigh of relief happy to know she was okay.

But when (Y/N) approach him she gives him a punch to his shoulder. "Ow! Wha-What was that for?!" He asks. She just looks at him with her (E/C) eyes hardened. "You nearly gave me a heart attack and almost made me had to go through losing someone I cared about again!" She explains with a bit of anger in her voice. Hiccup rubs his shoulder and felt a little bad. "I-I'm sorry but I had to know you were safe and-" But before he could finish a pair of lips collide with his.

(Y/N) breaks the kiss and smiles with a blush on her face, leaving Hiccup with a shocked face, "But you're here. And I couldn't be anymore relieved." She tells him. Hiccup couldn't fathom what was happening. "I knew it. I'm dead." He deadpans. (Y/N) let out a snort and laughs. Stoick chuckles as he pats his son's shoulder and stands by his side. "No, but you gave it your best shot." He jokes, then gestures to Berk. "So, what do you think?"

"Hey, look! It's Hiccup!" Someone yells as the villagers rush to the three and crowd around them. "Turns out.... All we need was a little more of.... This." Stoick says to Hiccup. "You just gestured to all of me." Hiccup mumbles, Stoick smiles and nods. "Well, most of you." Gobber joins. "That bit's my handy work. With a little Hiccup flair thrown in. You think it'll do?" He gestures to Hiccup's prosthetic leg. Hiccup peers down at it, "I might make a few tweaks." The crowd laughs at his joke.

Hiccup yelps as someone punches his shoulder again, he turns around to find Astrid. "That's for scaring me." She then punches (Y/N)'s right shoulder, albiet softer. "And the same goes for you." (Y/N) rolls her eyes, "She wanted both of us to suffer together." She whispers to Hiccup then hugs him. "Ye-yeah. B-But you are more hurt then me so-" He gets cut off as (Y/N) kisses him again. The crowd, mostly Gobber, 'ooohhhs' at them. (Y/N) pulls back and smiles as Hiccup's face blushes red. "I could let it slide this once." He finish his sentence. Astrid smiles at the two and nods her head.

Gobber then gives the two of them a new saddle and tail-fin, both he and (Y/N) made together. With the same designs (Y/N) made carved into them. "Welcome home." Gobber says and Hiccup smiles.

But then two roars were heard, "Night Furies! Get Down!" Toothless pushes through the crowd and jumps on them. Twilight playfully follows and the two stop in front of their friends. Hiccup and (Y/N) laugh together then put the saddles on the two dragons.

Hiccup sets his prosthetic foot in place and opens Toothless' new tail-fin which was now bright red with a white picture of a Viking/dragon hybrid painted on. Hiccup looks over the (Y/N) who was on Twilight and saw that her tail-fin was violet with the same drawing but yellow. (I think the two colors go well together and if you disagree, deal with it.) (Y/N) smiles back at him as Astrid gets ready with her Deadly Nadder, Stormfly.

"You ready?" Hiccup asks Toothless, who snorts in response as Hiccup pauses as he looks around. "This... Is Berk." Vikings and dragons bustle throughout the village, getting along greatly. "It snows nine months of the year and hails the other three." Toothless and Twilight take off flying together with Stormfly following after them. "Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless." They fly throughout the Berk and a Viking nearly choked on his drink as the dragons fly past him. "The people that grow here are even more so!"

Twilight roars playfully as she and (Y/N) fly ahead of him. Hiccup grins and he and Toothless catches up to them. Astrid laughing with joy as they all fly above the ships. "The only upside are the pets." They fly overhead the docks as Fishlegs joins with them on his Gronckle, Meatlug. They slam into the walls multiple times but Meatlug is unaffected and happily follows the others. "While other places have ponies or parrots..." Snotlout joins the group with his Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang. And finally the twins with their Hideous Zippleback, Barf and Belch.

"We have..." They while group flies together towards the sky. "Dragons." Toothless and Twilight fly higher and spiral around each other with Hiccup and (Y/N) laughing and cheering together.

HTTYD: Hiccup x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now