The Dragon Manual

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"So, why didn't you?" I ask out loud as I inspect the bola I cut to free the dragons. I couldn't help but think about what Gobber said. If a dragon always goes for the kill, then how come those two didn't kill me and (Y/N)? "They probably spared us because you let them go." I look at (Y/N) and think about what she said.

I get up and walk down where they flew off. "How do we know if they're still on the island?" I look back at (Y/N) as we walk. I honestly didn't know why I was looking for them. To get answers, maybe. But then we stumble upon a hidden cove. It was beautiful and serene with a pond at the center but there wasn't any dragons in sight.

"Well, this was stupid." I feel like slapping myself for thinking I could find them. "Not exactly." I hear (Y/N) say. I look at her and she points down at some strange black things. I bend down and pick one up. It was flat and smooth. "What is it?" I feel (Y/N) behind me but before I could answer, a black blur swoops past us. I jump back in surprise and I look to find one of the Night Furies try to escape the cove but ended up failing.

I feel my heart beat fast and take a few breathes to calm myself. I feel a hand grip my arm and look to find (Y/N) looking at the dragon too. I hear a roar and saw the dragon try to fly upward but couldn't. I carefully moved forward to get a closer look. I feel a tap on my shoulder and find (Y/N) point at the second Night Fury. Who looked exhausted and tries to rest while the other one continues to roar and growl.

I then grabbed my journal to sketch them. It was around the size of a Gronckle but longer and slimmer and had a round flat head with dorsal fins. Spines that traveled down its back with four stubby legs. Large wings for take off, a pair at the base of its tail and two at the end. But I was confused, "Why don't you just, fly away?" The green-eyes one fire a shot at the ground in frustration. "Hiccup. Its tail." I look closely and saw that it was missing a tail-fin. I erase the tail-fin in my sketch.

It tried to take off again only to crash near the purple-eyed one. It roared at them and got up and I saw that it too had lost a tail-fin. "They can't fly." (Y/N) mutters sadly. I realized that I had taken their flight and felt extremely guilty. I lost my grip on my pencil and I try to grab it but missed and it gets the attention of the two dragons.

They look up and saw us. I feel (Y/N) grab my arm again and I continue to look at the two. But they didn't fire at us. I tilt my head and the green-eyed one copies me. The purple-eyed one follows shortly after. I feel (Y/N) gently pull me away and we were soon out of the cove.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Once we were safe I sat on a fallen tree and let out a huge sigh of relief. "Oohhh. What are we going to do?" I groan as I shove my face into my hands. I peek through my fingers to see Hiccup sit down next to me and let's out a groan. "I don't know. This just makes things more complicated." He replies. I lower my arms and give him a punch to the shoulder. "Hey! What was that for?" I honestly didn't know why I did that. I blame that for spending too much time with Astrid.

"Sorry. Sorry. It's just that; those dragons acted like siblings and when they had the chance to kills us a second time, they didn't. And my feelings are sorta all over the place!" I vent. I feel Hiccup place a hand on my back. I could feel him shake a little but he was doing his best to comfort me. "I feel the same way. I don't know what to feel. Maybe we should head back." He says.

I nod my head but then had an idea. "Race ya there!" I ran as I heard Hiccup, "Hey! No fair!" I could hear the laughter in his voice. Things are confusing, but I couldn't help but enjoy this small break for which I could spend with my friend.

Third Person P.O.V.

The two spent a few hours playing and fooling around, but by the time they decided to head to the Great Hall it was pouring. They were a little upset because they were drenched with water and it didn't improve when they entered the hall and saw Gobber with the other teens.

"All right. Where did Astrid go wrong today?" Gobber asks, as thunder bellowed outside. "I mistimed my somersault dive, it was sloppy and it threw off my reverse tumble." Astrid answers in a monotone voice. "Yeah, we noticed." Ruffnut replies sarcastically. (Y/N) rolls her eyes, "Always the perfectionist." She whispers to Hiccup who chuckles quietly. "No, no. You were great. That was so Astrid." Snotlout disagrees.

"She's right, you have to be tough on yourselves!" Gobber praises. As the two approach the table, Snotlout scoot over to prevent Hiccup from sitting with them. The aurburn-haired boy grabs a plate and sits at the next table. (Y/N) ignored the teens and went to sit next to Hiccup.

"Now, where did Hiccup go wrong?" Gobber asks. "Uh, he showed up?" "He didn't get eaten." The twins reply. "He's never where he should be." Astrid answers coldly and got a glare from (Y/N) but ignores it. "Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff. The Dragon Manual." Gobber places a large book on the table with the teens. "Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Thunder roars from the storm. "No attacks tonight. Study up." Gobber tells them and leaves them be.

"Wait, you mean read?" "While we're still alive?" "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you to stuff about?" The twins and Snotlout complain. "Oh, I've read it, like, seven times. There's this one dragon that sprays boiling water at your face!" Fishlegs says enthusiastically. "And there's this-this other one that buries-" "Sounds great." Tuffnut interrupts him. "See, there was a chance I was going to read that..." "But now..." Ruffnut trails, in bored tone. "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff." Snotlout says as he leaves.

The twins follow with Fishlegs trailing after still going on about dragons. Hiccup and (Y/N) walk up towards Astrid seeing as how she had yet to leave. "So, how about we-" "Read it." Astrid says and gets up to leave. (Y/N) glares and was about to say something to her but held her tongue. "All ours, then. Wow. Guess we'll see you," A door slammed closed. "Tomorrow." Hiccup finish.

(Y/N) wraps her arm around his shoulders, "Don't let her get to you. I'll fight her if I must." She smirks. Hiccup smiles in thanks and (Y/N) felt the same warmth in her heart again. She retracts her arm, "So, share?" She coughs. Hiccup clears his throat as he realized how close the two were. "Uh, y-yeah. Sure."

The two waited until everyone else left and with a single candle to provide light they sat together, the book laid before them. "Care to do the honor?" (Y/N) asks dramatically. "Thanks." Hiccup answers sarcastically. But once he opens the book, the two became serious and focused. "Dragon classifications: Strike class, Fear class, Mystery class." Hiccup starts as he turns the page.

"Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." The drawings along with the description sent a chill down their spines. Hiccup turns the page and (Y/N) reads this time. "Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can cut through full-grown trees. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight."

"Scauldron. Sprays scaulding water at its victims. Extremely dangerous-" Hiccup didn't finish as he and (Y/N) jumped from the lightning. The two shake it off and continue reading together, flipping through the pages.

"Changewing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight." "Gronckle." "Zippleback." "Skrill." "Bone Knapper." "Whispering Death." The two took a moment to breathe due to all the scary drawings. Hiccup starts to turn the pages faster. "Burns its victims. Chokes its victims. Turns its victims inside-out." (Y/N) raised a brow in confusion at the last one. "Extremely dangerous. Extremely dangerous." Hiccup reads as he flips through the pages faster. "Kill on sight. Kill on sight. Kill on sight."

Hiccup stops on a mostly blank page. "Night Fury." He and (Y/N) read together. "Speed: Unknown. Size: Unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only hope, hide and pray it does not find you." Hiccup pulls out his journal and opens it to the drawing of the dragon. He looks at (Y/N) who looks at him too. "There has to be more."

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