Friendship Born

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

After what happened at the arena, I had to see the Night Furies myself. (Y/N) is with me as we make our way to the cove. She came up with the idea to bring food because 'everyone loves food' she says. And to be safe I brought a shield and (Y/N) left her sword in her room back at the Hofferson's house.

We found another entrance, it was a narrow path between rocks. I look over and toss my fish. We wait for a bit but nothing happens. I try to enter the cove but the shield got wedged in between the rocks. I duck under it and try to pull it out but it was stuck. "Well, looks like we're going in shield-less." (Y/N) says as she too ducks under the shield. I sigh and grab the fish I toss.

We walked further into the cove. I couldn't see the two dragons, it's as if they disappeared. But then I heard a growl and look to find one jump down from a ledge. It was the green-eyed one. I heard a gasp and saw (Y/N) being starred down by the other one.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Oh Gods. I look behind to see Hiccup being confronted by the green-eyed Night Fury but I knew that if I went to help him it would only get both of us killed. So I looked at the purple-eyed one. They looked at the fish and I offer it to them. They slowly walked up to me but retreated back and growled at me.

I believed they must have smelled my knife, so I bend down and remove it from my boot. It growls again and I jump a bit in fright. I heard a small splash and I figured Hiccup must have threw his knife in the pond. The dragon in front of me growls as I grab my knife and toss it into the pond as well and slowly stand up

Third Person P.O.V.

Once the weapons were disposed of, both dragons demeanor change in an instance. The green-eyed one sits as their pupils dilate. It looks like a puppy. The purple-eyed one did so too but still held caution. Both teens were on opposite sides of a small boulder and each offer a fish to them again. Both dragons crawled slowly towards the fish.

But something odd had caught both the teens attention. "Toothless. I could have sworn you had-"

Teeth suddenly sprout from their gums and devoured the fish in an instant. Startling the teens. "Teeth." Hiccup finish. "That's new." (Y/N) comments. The two then sniffed them as they back up until their backs hit the rock. "Ah. Ah. No, no, no. I-I don't have anymore." Hiccup says scared. But the purple-eyed one then made a swallowing noise and regurgitate half of the fish they ate onto (Y/N)'s lap. The green-eyed one doing the same thing and spat out half-a-fish for Hiccup.

Hiccup groans in disgust while (Y/N) gags slightly. The dragons sat on their back legs and watch the teens. Hiccup and (Y/N) relaxed a bit and watch their respective dragons. It was awkward for a bit until the black-scaled creatures glanced at the fish in their laps.

Hiccup realized what he had to do and gather all his courage and took a bite out of the fish. He held it in his mouth but the green-eyed Fury made a gesture to swallow it. Hiccup groans once again and with difficulty, swallows. (Y/N) heard him and looks at the purple-eyed Fury realizing she had to do the same thing. So, she steeled herself and took a bite. Wanting to spit it out, she covers her mouth as she swallows.

Both teens were disgusted and physically gagged. Both Furies copied them. Hiccup made a nervous smile and this interested the green-eyed Fury. It slowly smiles and (Y/N) looks back slowly to not provoke the purple-eyed Fury. Hiccup was intrigued by it and reached out to touch it but it's teeth unsheathed, growling at him before flying to the other side of the pond. The purple-eyed Fury followed shortly after.

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