Second Day

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Third Person P.O.V.

It was the second day of dragon training and Gobber had put up a giant maze in the arena. He was in the stands to survey the teens while the Deadly Nadder was on the loose. Everyone were running trying to avoid the dragon, but Hiccup had other things on his mind.

"You know, I just happened to notice the book had nothing on Night Furies." Hiccup calls up to Gobber. "Is there, like, another book. A sequel? Maybe a Night Fury pamphlet-Whoa!" He was interrupted as a hot blast of fire destroyed his axe. "Focus, Hiccup! You're not even trying!" Gobber scolds him. Hiccup quickly ran away to avoid the Nadder.

"Today is all about attack! Nadders are quick and light on their feet. Your job is to be quicker and lighter!" Fishlegs screamed as he shielded himself from the spines the Nadder shot at him from its tail. "I'm really beginning to questioned your teaching methods!" He whimpers.

"Look for its blindspot! Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!" Gobber says picking his teeth, as the twins skid to a stop in front of the dragon. Hiding in its blind spot between its eyes. "Augh. Do you ever bathe?" Ruffnut questions as she and Tuffnut try to stay in its blindspot. "If you don't like it, then just get your own blind spot!" He snaps at her. "Why don't I give you one?!" She growls back as the two fought but had to run as the dragon try to blast at them.

"Blind spot yes. Deaf spot? Not so much." Gobber chuckles. Hiccup stops and (Y/N) stays behind to protect him. "H-Hey, so, how would one sneak up on a Night Fury?" "No ones ever seen one and lived to tell the tale. Now, GET IN THERE!" Gobber says in frustration. "I know. But, hypothetically-" "Hiccup!" Astrid snaps at him, as she and Snotlout are crouched down. "Get down." (Y/N) pulls him down against the wall as the Nadder rounds the corner. Astrid rolls across and Snotlout follows. (Y/N) quickly sneaks by and Hiccup tried to roll but the weight of the shield was too heavy and got the attention of the dragon.

(Y/N) quickly grabs him and the two run off as the Nadder climbs over the walls. They separate and (Y/N) ended up with Astrid and Snotlout right when the Nadder lands in front of them. "Watch out, babes. I got this." Snotlout throws his mace but missed and hit the wall, the Nadder seem to have laughed at him. Astrid glares at him. "The sun was in my eyes, Astrid." Both girls roll their eyes and run off with Snotlout following as the Nadder tried to blast him. "What do you want me to do? Block out the sun? I can totally do that but I don't have the time." Snotlout says as he races a different way.

The Nadder chases after the girls but (Y/N) turns at a corner and the Nadder continues to pursue Astrid. The chase resulted in the Nadder hitting a wall and, like dominoes, the maze began to fall. The teens try to avoid being squash by the maze. But Hiccup was still asking questions about Night Furies. (Y/N) saw a wall coming down and quickly rushes to him, dropping her shield. "Hiccup!" Gobber calls out right as (Y/N) tackles him out of the way, only for Astrid to lose her balance as she scaled on the walls to avoid the Nadder and lands on the two.

Her axe got imbedded in Hiccup's shield and (Y/N) was sandwiched between them. "Ooohh, love on the battle field." Tuffnut mocks. "She can do better." Ruffnut shrugs. "Okay, how about we just,....move your arm," Hiccup grunts as Astrid and (Y/N) try to get untangled. The Nadder gets out of the rubble and starts heading their way. Astrid gasps and tries to pry her axe free. But it was stuck, so, she stepped on Hiccup's face and pried it off the handles. She smacked the dragon in the face with great force that the shield was reduced to splinters. It waddles away as it whimpers from the pain.

"Well done, Astrid." Gobber praises as he puts the dragon back in its cage. Astrid grits her teeth as she looks back at Hiccup, "Is this some kind of joke to you?!" She demands as (Y/N) helps him up and winces as she continues to berate him. "Our parents' war is about to become ours. Figure out which side your on." This struck a nerve in (Y/N) as she stands up and gets in Astrid's face.

"Well, it doesn't help when someone focuses only on themselves and cares little about those around! Your negligence almost got all of us hurt or killed!" She snaps at the blonde. Astrid is taken aback by this but quickly steels herself and just walks away. (Y/N) growls quietly then calms down and gives Hiccup a hand.

He was astonished that (Y/N) stood up to Astrid. He shook his head then grabs her hand gets on his feet. But what the blonde said got him thinking. As the others left, Hiccup leans towards (Y/N). "I think we already had." The (H/C)-haired girl nods in understanding.

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