All gone at once

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So many voices
Rushing through my head
Screaming, yelling, and fighting
They're so loud and they won't stop
No matter what I do
No matter how much I plead they won't stop

I used to think they were all crazy for trying to stop the voices

But I don't think that anymore

A sense of hope as you swallow ever pill
Each voice getting louder telling you to stop

That they don't want to be quiet
But you don't listen
For all you can think about is that knife in the other room

Or that gun that sits a place you really shouldn't know about

That bottle of pills in the kitchen that you think about every night before you go to sleep

Then it's all gone at once

Well not for me anyways but one can hope

As you hit the ground from the top of the building from which you dropped everything stops

The good the bad anything and everything that ever once was is gone now

You feel empty but I guess this is the price you must pay for these things

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