Troublesome Trio Incorrect Quotes pt 1

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Troublesome trio is just the twins and Millian so ENJOY-

Millian: * talks about how she's questioning her gender identity and whether she likes she/her or they/them*

George: we support regardless

Fred: just keep us in the loop-

Random person: * overheard* gender is what's in your pants.

Fred: let's see here * reaches into pockets* I have a galleon...

George: * does the same* fake wand

Fred: a small piece of parchment

George: two Knots

Fred: a card from one of the chocolate frogs...

George: and look a chocolate frog

Person: * leaves*

Ron: * whispers to george* I honestly thought you would say-

George: don't worry I'll have a chance to say it if that happens again

* later*

Random Person: gender is what's in your pants!

George: why are you so fascinated with what's in Millian's pants? That's Fred's job

Harry Oblivious Potter; what's that supposed to mean?

George: don't worry about it Harry


George: guys I have this amazing idea for a prank. Meet me in the closet that moves around from time to time

* later*

Millian: where's George

Fred: I'm not sure

Millian: * goes to open the door but it's locked*


Fred: I don't think there was ever a prank-


Umbridge: Good job Millian!

Fred and George: * makes a weird face*

Umbridge: * ignores it* so what was your last name again?

Fred: * whispers to George* bet you 5 knots that she gets detention

George: I'll take that bet

Millian: It's Lupin-Black.

Umbridge: did you say... Black? As in Sirius Black?

Millian: well technically it's Sirius Lupin-Black now

Umbridge: you are related to a wanted criminal?!

Millian: not blood related. My parents were killed

Umbridge: oh dear-

Millian: Yeah they were killed by Voldemort.

Umbridge: ... what-

Millian: well technically they were killed by Peter Pettigrew but Voldemort ordered-

Umbridge: Pettigrew never worked with that wizard you speak of-

Millian: oh no he did. Hence why Harry-

Umbridge: do you know where your father is?

Millian: well biologically he's dead but adopted, which one?

Umbridge: Sirius Black of coarse

Millian: don't you mean Sirius Lu-

Umbridge: DETENTION! My office after class please Millian.

George: * gives Fred 5 knots*


* when Lupin was a Professor*

Millian: * regardless got good grades in DATDA*

Fred: how does she do it?

George: are you rigging the system?

Fred: if so can you help with our grades?

Remus: I can guarantee that I didn't rig it.

Fred: sure

Remus: I could make it a bunch of questions only Millian could get 100% on-

George: like what her personal life?

Millian: Dad, don't answer that


Umbridge; * enjoys the silence with the OWLS*

Fred and George; * fly in on brooms with Millian on the back of Fred's broom*

Umbridge: what the-

George: * throws Whiz-Bangs everywhere*



Umbridge: ...


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