Random facts anout my ocs bc why not

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Random facts let's go! ( these are completely random)


- she has this random freckle on her ring finger

- Patronus is a raven

- mother was a muggle ( maiden name being Knight) and her father was a wizard

- most listened to artist is Queen.

- knows a lot about the muggle world

- almost always has the best comebacks


- has ADHD

- patronus is a duck

- remembers her biological mom and dad very vaguely

- has one dimple on the left side that shows up every time she smiles.

- best class is Potions

- plays quidditch as a Chaser


- has fairly good grades

- patronus is an otter and is an Animagus

-almost became friends with Pansy but is friends with the golden trio and the silver trio

- socially awkward

- best class is charms and Professor Morningstone is their favorite professor

- knows how to play like 5 different instruments


- almost got killed by Draco

- patronus is a snake

- has two younger siblings

- the one that swears the most

- favorite animal is actually a penguin

- theatre kid


- is the one who is either way to early or way too late no in between

- patronus is a doe

- the one who needs the most motivation to do anything

- seems sort of intimidating at first but is a really kind person once you meet her

- oblivious to everything

- really good at wizard chess


- favorite magical creature is a niffler or a thresteal

- patronus is a fox

- all of her friends aren't even Hufflepuffs

- plays a chaser on quidditch

- really smart and loyal

- has this weird shaped birthmark on the back of her ear


- is mostly ignored by people who aren't her friends because she's a Ravenclaw. Draco still picks on her tho.

- patronus is non-Corporeal

- has a twin sister, though she isn't a witch/wizard

- goes to visit Hagrid with Harp every week.

- favorite animal is a stingray

- became quick friends with Colin Creevey since both of them get easily excited over little things

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