Class Pain ( some class quotes)

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Ah yes the incorrect quotes that Snape and Nebula deal with ( some McGonagall) but I felt motivated to write some of these. Some are them grading the homework and stuff so yeah enjoy.


Snape: * teaching the fourth year Gryffindors and Slytherins ( Chamber of Secrets timeline)*

Fred: * whispers to millian* yk snape has been different since Professor Morningstone started teaching.

Millian: * whispers back* oh yeah definitely.

Snape: * stops teaching*

Fred: * whispers back* somethings clearly going on with that-

Snape: is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Weasley?

Fred: nope.

Random Slytherin: * to their Gryffindor friend ( ah yes the power friendship)* is Fred Weasley flirting with Millian?

Random Gryffindor ( ngl might make the two ocs-): omg Fred and Millian?! Who would've guessed.

George: * overheard the conversation the two were having* yeah Fred stop flirting in Potions class.

Snape: * dying a little inside*


Nebula: * teaching the 2nd year Gryffindors ( Chamber of Secrets timeline)* hello class welcome back from Christmas break. How's everyone doing?

Ron: yk it could be better. My rat Scabbers bit me in my sleep but it's fine.

Nebula: ... I- I don't think that's fine-

Ron: it is tho. I was bitten by a dragon once. Nearly lost my hand due to the venom but it ended up fine.

Nebula: ... w h a t-


McGonagall: hey Severus and Nebula. All the other teachers are grading papers with each other want to join us?

* later*

Nebula: * grading one students paper* they even misspelled their name.

McGonagall: some of the students terrify me.

Lockhart: oh agreed * sitting a little too close to nebula for Nebula and Snape's comfort*

Trelawny: oh the misfortune predicted for this week...

Snape: let me guess another student is predicted to die

McGonagall: happens every year.

Snape: who was predicted to die in our Divination class?

Nebula: me for most of the years. Said that I had the mark of death by my shoulder. She's not completely wrong.

McGonagall: ... what-

Nebula: pretend I didn't say anything.


* back at the marauders era*

McGonagall: any questions?

Sirius: * raises hand*

McGonagall: I'll rephrase it. Any questions relevant to today's class?

Sirius: * puts hand down*


* another paper grading session with other teachers*

Sprout: * grading some work* Neville seems real promising. He does excellent in Herbology.

McGonagall: promising students tend to be the reason me and Albus place bets. There's always a couple every year

Snape: really? Who were the promising students from our year?

McGonagall: well there's Nebula-

Nebula: * sets quill down* I was a promising student?

McGonagall: obviously you were.

Hooch: there was James too. He seemed real promising. Besides the fact that he picked on kids for simply existing.

Snape and Nebula: * flashbacks*

Hooch: didn't mean to bring back old memories-

McGonagall: there was also Remus. Sure he was a werewolf but he had a bright future. And Severus too. Real promising.

Snape: I was promising-

McGonagall: Not every student can simply fix a potion let alone realize the formula needed changing.

Nebula: wait back it up. You said that promising students bring up bets between you and Dumbledore.

McGonagall: yes that is correct.

Nebula: ... what bets did you make during mine and Severus's year?

McGonagall: one was who Remus would end up with. Albus still needs to pay me for that one. Another was who would Severus end up with-

Snape: excuse me-

McGonagall: anyway I won that bet. He still needs to pay me for that.

Trelawny: I'm no longer allowed to place bets.

McGonagall: because you'd always cheat and use the future before placing your bet.

Trelawny: right but I still called who nebula would end up with. And who Millian would choose out of the twins.

McGonagall: yeah that's true.

Nebula: yeah idk how to feel about this-


* marauders era*

McGonagall: * gives the class time to practice*

James: * notices Nebula ( it's the 5th or 6th year around then)*

Remus: Prongs, I know you typically pick on her, but can you not?

James: why not?

Remus: I've seen her break down in the hallways she's clearly not having a good time back from summer vacation.

McGonagall: * leaves the classroom for important matters*

James: * walks over to Nebula anyways*

Nebula: * trying to ignore James*

James: hey Nebdork.

Nebula: ... hey James...

James: * caught a little off guard by Nebula saying his name and just goes back to his seat*

McGonagall: * comes back into the classroom and checks up on Nebula*

James: ... something happened during her summer break-


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