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Tw swears

Millian; * minding her own business*

Fred and George: * off to go prank Millian*


Harry: * upset*

Millian: oh Merlin- why are you upset this time?

Harry; fucking Malfoy nearly killed me and my friends.

Millian: hey so do you think that if get in trouble for beating a student half to death?

Harry; wut-


George: oh cmon we are sorry it was just a joke

Fred: we will do whatever you want to cheer you up anything you'd like

Millian: game of monopoly?

George: oh fuck off

Fred: anything but that.


* out in the Muggle world*

Muggle: hey! You guys over there!

Ron; wait us?

Muggle: yes you guys! Come over here!

* the weasley family + Millian, Hermione, and Harry go over to the muggle*

Muggle: wanna see a magic trick?

Ron: * confused* magic?

Millian: * whispers* who told the muggles about magic?

Fred: * whispers back* I think it was Dave. Never was a good person.

George: * whispers back* god fucking damnit Dave.


* in the future*

Ron: hey Harry?

Harry: yeah Ron what's up?

Ron: can like your family stop falling in love with my family


Fred: hey Millian wanna see something hot? Watch me drink raw eggs.

Millian: wait Fred-

Fred: Millian hold on I'm drinking my eggs

Millian: No fred-

Fred: Millian, whatever it is I'm sure it can wait until after I drink my eggs.

Millian: fine.

Fred; * smirks and drinks his eggs*

Millian; hm?

Fred: * almost gags at the last sip but plays it off and looks back at millian* now what is so important?

Millian: you're allergic to eggs.

Fred: * looks at empty glass and looks at Millian* ohh man I am.

Millian: mhmm

Fred: * start laughing*

Fred: yeah I gotta go to the hospital wing.


Sirius: * at the train station dropping off Harry*

Narcissa: tf how is he... he's a little familiar.

Sirius: * sees Narcissa* oh. Last time I saw you was when you disowned me. Now I can turn into a fucking dog at free will bitch-


Nebula: * teaching*

Draco: * mutters* this professor sucks she's not as good as Professor Snape. Plus she's not a pureblooded witch maybe that's why she sucks

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