If Snape Were Gryffindor

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Just random thoughts I had with some senerioes on what would happen if Snape was sorted into Gryffindor.

- He would probably end up being friends with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter

- since he would end up being friends with them, he'd become an Animagus and be able to turn into a snake ( which was probably his Protronus prior to it changing) and Nebula would be an Animagus as well and could turn into a raven

- nickname for him would probably be Scales since he's the only one with scales. Nebula's nickname would be Beaker ( works two ways yk since she's smart and she has a beak get it haha)

Remus: full moon is coming up
Sirius: already? Didn't it happen last month
Severus: Pads, it happens every month
Sirius: shut up Scales otherwise I will tell Beaker.
Nebula: tell me what?

- he would've hated Harry, Hermione, and Ron less.

- honestly he would still be a social outcast just less of one

- the amount of sass he would have-

Sirius: * something stupid*
Severus: yk you're not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don't die.

- huge confidence boost

- I just love this AU tbh

- he would definitely help Remus with everyone else's homework and studying

- now some senerios

Sirius: Hey, Beaker
Nebula: hmm?
Sirius: Scales-
Severus: don't
Sirius; ... Scaleslikesyousobye * runs*
Severus; THAT BI- * runs after him*


Peter: hey Scales yk if you can do my Potions homework?
Severus: ... what-
James: oh can you also do mine too?
Severus: hold up-
Sirius: ayy Scales is doing people's homework? Can you do mine?
Severus: no I-
Remus: * sigh* I'll help you, Scales.
Severus: thanks Moony.


* they are in the Muggle world and the tv stops working*
Sirius: wait don't you have to treat electronics like people on life support?
Sirius: * unplugs tv and plugs it back in and nothing changed*
Sirius: yeah the same thing happened with my grandma...
Severus: pads-


Remus: New challenge! Don't say stupid stuff for 24 hours!
Severus: yk that it won't work, right?
Severus: if you say so-
* later*
James: ... why can't we see the stars in the sky during the day?
Severus: looks like you lost.

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