LGBT Headcannons

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It'll make sense for the next part

James- closeted pan

Lily- bisexual

Sirius- bisexual

Remus- again, bisexual

Peter- either aroace or aromantic.

Lucius- bi or pan I can't really tell :,)

Narcissa- most likely a freaking homophobe

Severus: asexual and biromantic. No I will not explain why

Nebula: pansexual

Dumbledore: oh yeah he's gay it's cannon

McGonagall; clearly the lesbian mother of Hogwarts everyone needed.

Harry: yet another bisexual

Hermione: * cough cough* BI... maybe pan idk

Ron; actually saw a headcannon that Ron was trans and idk I can kinda see it.

Cedric; you guessed it, ✨bisexual✨

Draco: I see him as Demiromantic and pansexual.

George: hmm probably a straight ally.

Fred: I can see him being pan

Millian; * hits table* BI

Charlie: aroace

Percy: hehe ✨gay✨

These are the only characters I could think of that were important to storylines and such. request other characters that you want to see in case I have to do a part 2

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