Amortentia in Potions

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Just some senerios that happened while making Amortentia throughout the years with my ocs and their friends and such


Draco: Hey, Mellow. This stupid potions smells just like you.

Onyx: haha very funny Draco, though honestly the potion doesn't smell like me, thank you very much.

Draco: yeah? Well what does it smell like to you, then?!

Onyx: the horrid shampoo that you use once an hour.

Snape: * sighs* class listen up. Now can anyone tell me what is so unique about Amortentia?

Hermione: it's a potion that smells different to everyone. It smells like something that you are most attracted to AND YES ALL OF US HEARD THE COMMENTS THE TWO OF YOU MADE-


Remus: * brewing the potion*

Sirius: ... you didn't put chocolate in this right because for some weird reason it has a somewhat chocolate smell to it


Remus: what else do you smell?

Sirius: old parchment, wilderness, books, and stated before chocolate

Remus: * turns red* great that's great.


Sirius: is... is it supposed to smell like that-


Snape: we are going to brew Amortentia-

Harry: why is Professor Morningstone here?

Snape: to help demonstrate that Amortentia smells different to others

Nebula: * mutters* this is exactly what it was like when we were in Hogwarts-

Ron: so, what do you smell, Professor Morningstone?

Nebula: ... cauldron metal, lilies, books, herbs, and smoke.

Harry: * as oblivious as his father* oh that's a weird combination.


Snape: * sigh* * mutters* I love my job. I love my job...


Fred: what's with this potion?

Millian: it smells like what your most attracted to.

George: yeah I know exactly what Fred is smelling-

Fred: George, not now...

Snape: Mr. Fred Weasley and Ms. Lupin-Black, if you are going to talk through my class, then would you care to share with the class what you smell?



George: HA-

Fred: ... Millian care to go first?

Millian: * sighs* I smell cinnamon and fireworks..

Fred: * ears turn red*

Snape: and you, Mr. Weasley?

Fred: * smirks* chocolate, fire, roses, and quills.

Millian: * blushes and smiles*

* the whole class is either saying OOOOOO~ or chanting for the two to date*

Snape: class-


Severus: potions class is fun.


Nebula: Sev, you accidentally confessed the feelings you had for Lily thanks to an Amortentia potion.

Severus: oh that wasn't about Lily-

Nebula: then who was it about?

Severus: you will never know... but I do know who you like tho.


Nebula: eheehheheheheheh-


Fred: * enjoying life*

Snape 5 minutes later: so today we are basically revealing if you have a crush on someone based off of what you smell

Fred: ... great


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