✨New ocs✨

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Hopefully these are the last ocs I make for the Harry Potter Universe. Idk so far I have like 3 so adding these ones would make 7. Past three are Millian, Nebula, and Onyx.

Oc 1

Name: Bella Vineguard

- Strawberry blonde hair ( pixie cut)
- tallest out of the four
- dark green eyes
- button nose and large eyes

- Sorted into Ravenclaw
- year below the golden trio
- Pureblooded
- really good in potions and even goes to snape to ask him if certain adjustments for a potion would make it better
- doesn't really like charms
- wicked sense of humor
- friends with Flynn Whitewire, Harp Scamander, and Lilith Rosewater
- Also really good friends with Alina Lovegood
- trust issues mixed with social anxiety
- squishmallow addiction
- currently has feelings for no one ( isn't 100% sure on that tho)
- possible feelings for Colin Creevy ( later on)

Oc 2

Name: Flynn Whitewire

- black hair ( down to his shoulders)
- second shortest out of the four
- gray eyes
- long face with a crooked nose

- sorted into Slytherin
- year below the golden trio
- Half-Blood
- friends with Bella Vineguard, Lilith Rosewater, and Harp Scamander
- kind of freaked out Snape on the first day of classes
- best class is Charms
- him and the library are best friends
- gets along with Onyx and a couple of other Slytherins
- Draco picks on him for being a half blood
- Lilith, Harp, and Bella were his first friends he made ( they met on the train)
- has depression and ADHD
- has the best smile but it's hard to get him to smile
- sassy and dramatic
- possible feelings for Lilith ( later on)

Oc 3

Name: Harp Scamander

- Blondeish brown hair that's usually kept in a braid ( rests a little over half of her back)
- shortest of the four
- blue eyes
- round face decorated in freckles and small nose

- sorted into Hufflepuff
- year below the golden trio
- Half-Blood
- friends with Bella Vineguard, Lilith Rosewater, and Flynn Whitewire
- the youngest of the four
- descendent of Newt Scamander
- has a thing for animals and is the best student in Hagrid's classes
- overly energetic
- literally has no filter
- is seen as the oddball in the Hufflepuffs so she has no friends in her house.
- plays quidditch as a Chaser and loves playing
- actually good friends with the silver trio and the golden trio
- huge crush on Luna Lovegood ( later on)

Oc 4

Name: Lilith Rosewater

- deep red hair
- second tallest of the four
- light brown eyes
- bit of a sharper jawline with a longish nose

- sorted into Gryffindor
- year below the golden trio
- friends with Bella Vineguard, Harp Scamander, and Flynn Whitewire
- Ginny and Hermione are also considered friends of hers.
- also freaked out Snape on the first day of classes.
- has OCD
- best class is Defense Against the Dark Arts
- loves drawing and doodling
- whenever she finds out someone has hurt one of her friends or said something bad about them, you better run out of there
- possible feelings for Flynn ( later on)

And they call themselves...

Ok they need a group name so leave suggestions


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