Chapter 6

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"Well, when I first met Jason he was fine. He was sweet and loving but as the months went by he got more and more abusive. It finally got to the point where I get hit whenever we're together. The hate in his eyes is insane, like I can tell that I mean nothing to him but I'm too scared to leave.." I started.

"You.." He interrupted but I cut him off.

"Just listen right now, please. I want go get all of this out. If I don't get it out now, I might change my mind about telling you. I'm too scared to leave because I'm scared he will do something more extreme to hurt me. That's why I enjoy work so much and school. I hate being alone with him. He uses me as his human punching bag." I told him, tears streaming down my face as I laid on the dock with Hunter's eyes burning with worry. "The abuse is horrible but when he raped me, it brung a whole different kind of feeling on me. A feeling that I was nothing but dirt and I'm cheap." I cried then sat up and dangled my feet off the dock. After I sat there without saying anything he found out he could talk again.

"So he abuses you? How long ago was it when he raped you?" He asked, putting his hand on my knee.

"Today.." I wiped the tears and jumped into the water. Hunter sat there for a second, looking at me then jumped in with me.

I swam around until I was out of breath, when that happened I just stood in the water and ran my hands over top of it. Hunter had gotten out and was now sitting in the sand. So I decided I'd go join him. When I got up to him he looked at me and smiled.

"So, he raped you this morning? How are you acting so okay with it?" He asked in a whisper. I sat down beside him and began rubbing tanning oil on my skin.

"I'm not okay with it, I'm actually freaking out. But I've gotten so used to hiding things from everyone I don't let anyone see my emotions." I told him.

"That's bullshit that you have to go through that, wait until I see that little prick." He suddenly grew angry. "You don't deserve to be abused let alone raped." He said kind of loudly. "How could you just let something like that happen? How could you let someone like him have sex with you?" He added. I lifted up suddenly and looked at him.

"I don't want it to happen. How do you think I feel? I don't have sex with him, he stole my virginity from me." I cried out. Tears began falling, unwillingly.

Hunter's POV:

I had gotten home around 9, I spent the day with Jena. I didn't want to leave her alone. Jena told me that she was abused and was raped. She had to go through that while I was still sleeping, she had to be put through pain to make someone else happy. I knew she was being abused and I hate that I didn't do anything about it the second I saw. I feel like it's my fault she got raped this morning, I could have stopped it. She wouldn't be home most likely crying her eyes out right now. I have to put an end to this. My mom raised me better than to let a girl get abused.

Around midnight I was laying in my bed, still thinking when my Mom came into my room in a panic. She began babbling about something but she was talking to fast for me to understand what she was talking about.

"Jena. She's being taken to the hospital, she's asking for you.." She began. But as soon as she said she was asking for me, I grabbed a jacket and ran out of the house. I was in a pair of sweats and had no shirt on but I didn't have anytime to waste.

I got into my truck and floored it all the way to the hospital, running every red light I came to. I had to get to her, I had to let her know I cared. I didn't want her alone. When I got to the hospital, I ran up to the desk and asked for her, they let me back and I ran around trying to find her.

Then I heard her crying and I slowly pushed the door back. She had bruises all over her face, her face was bloody and her arms...her arms were bruised horribly and had scrapes all over them. Her eyes were almost swollen shut. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, Candace, her Mom sat there beside her crying. When she saw me she got up and walked out.

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