Chapter 25

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Ten Years Later:

Well, it's been ten years since Hunter and I got married. We have had two kids since then and are expecting another in about two months. Our other two kids are a boy and a girl and we are expecting another boy. The kids names and ages are: Hunter Lee Jr, 8 then there's Emma Marie, 3.

Emerson is now 11 and he is a handful, he loves being outside just as much as Hunter. Hunter and I decided we'd tell him about Jason when he's about 16, I just hope that time goes by slowly. I dread telling him that Hunter's not his real father.

Hunter Jr, is just like his daddy, he wants to help everyone all the time. Even though he's only 8, I can see him being just like Hunter was when we first met. He is the most loveable 8-year old you'll ever find.

Emma, is a sweetheart. She loves playing with her big brothers even though sometimes they're pretty rough with her. But she'll get right back with them. She loves going outside and playing with Jamie's dogs. She's totally Jamie's little girl, she just loves him.

Hunter and I have built a house on the land that he and Jamie bought when we graduated high school. So, Jamie is always at our house or the other way around. I love living so close to my brother, I guess since we weren't together much when we were younger.

I never knew I could make so much out of my life after being in an abusive relationship for so long. In a way, I thank Jason for doing what he did to me, crazy I know. If he had never abused me, I don't think my life would be the way it is right now. I wouldn't have 3 amazing kids and one on the way and I wouldn't have an amazing husband.

I doubt anyone would believe this story if they didn't know me as it happened. It's crazy to think I went through all of that just in high school. I would have never dreamed of me being where I am in life now. I wouldn't believe anyone if they told me, I would have three children and one on the way just 11 years after high school.

As each day passes, I think less and less about my past. I don't want to dwell on the past, it just brings me down in the long run. Jason may have been a bad person but I thank him so much.

Who knew?


Welp! There's the last chapter!

I know it was kind of short, but I think it pretty much summed everything up :)

Thanks to everyone who has read, if you'd like to read more I have a new story out called: 'Summer Away From Home.' :)


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