Chapter 21

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 The months went by and the baby could come at any time. I was sitting in the living room, trying not to complain too much about my contractions. They were getting to the point where I was going to have to go to the hospital. I got up to go to the kitchen where Jamie and Hunter were sitting when my water broke.

"Guys, help! We need to leave!" I yelled.

"Jena, what's wrong?" Hunter asked running into the living room.

"My water just broke, we need to leave!" I exclaimed.

The pain of being in labor wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Jamie and Hunter helped me to my car and Jamie got behind the wheel as Hunter sat in the back with me. I think Hunter was more nervous on the way to the hospital than I was. He called everyone and told them what was happening and they said they'd meet us there.

When we got to the hospital, Hunter rushed out of the car and ran over to my the side that I was sitting on. I slung open the door not knowing he was there and knocked him to the ground. Even though I was in pain, I had to laugh at the situation. He didn't find anything funny but Jamie on the other hand was dying laughing at him.

"Shut up Jamie, we need to get her inside. I don't want the baby born out here." Hunter said as he grabbed my arm to help me walk.

When we got inside and told the people what was going on, the nurse came and got me with a wheelchair and took me to a room. The nurse checked everything and said I was about 4 centimeters dilated. The pain was coming faster and faster, soon I was holding onto Hunter's hand screaming out in pain. Jamie had to leave because he said he couldn't take seeing me in that much pain.

Around 10 the next morning it was time for me to push and let me tell you that was t he worse feeling I have ever had in my life. When the baby was finally born, Hunter leaned down and kissed me. He had tears in his eyes as he cut the cord.

We named him Emerson Cole Smith, Smith was Hunter's last name. He weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces when he was born. As Hunter held Emerson, he had that same look of happiness in his eyes that he had when he held my nephew for the first time.

Everyone was in the room visiting with us and taking pictures of Emerson when the door to the room opened. And when I seen who it was I had tears come to my eyes, it was Kelly. I hadn't seen her since graduation.

She walked over to me and hugged me tightly. Hunter smiled at me and put Emerson in my arms so Kelly could see him. She looked so happy when she held him.

"You and Hunter make some cute babies." She laughed.

"How'd you know I was having a baby?" I asked.

"Hunter called me and told me."

"Oh my God, thank you so much Hunt." I said to Hunter who was standing beside me.

"No problem, momma." He kissed my forehead and walked over to where Jamie was standing and talking to dad.

"I'm here for the week then I have to go back to school. I want to be here for my best friend. I have missed you so damn much. What's been up?" She asked.

"Nothing, um did you hear about Jason?" I asked curiously.

"No, what happened? Did the asshole get put in jail like he deserves?"

" he killed himself about 7 months ago."


I just nodded and she looked at me confused.

Kelly stayed for the week like she said then when it was time for her to leave I didn't want her to go. I was sitting in Emerson's room rocking him to sleep while Hunter was outside clearing a path through the snow so I could get out.

I was taking Emerson to Jason's mom's after his nap. She hadn't met him yet because so many people had been visiting me and I didn't want people to get suspicous. I hated that it had been a week since I had been home with Emerson and she hadn't gotten to meet him yet.

Hunter was going to come with me so I wouldn't be alone. He was in love with Emerson, I swear his smile couldn't get any bigger when he seen that baby. Most nights Hunter would rock him to sleep, he said it was his job to put him to sleep at night. Every night Hunter would sing him a song as he rocked him, most nights it was Conway Twitty. He didn't know I could hear him singing so I didn't tell him.

"Hey pretty momma." Hunter told me as he walked into the room with Emerson and I.

Emerson was fast asleep so I got up from the rocker and put him in his crib. Hunter leaned over and kissed him before we walked out of the room.

"I love you Jena." Hunter said to me as he hugged me tightly.

"And I love you."

About an hour later Emerson woke up so I went to heat a bottle while Hunter got him out of the crib. As I was heating the bottle I seen Jamie walking through the field with our nephew, they had been playing in the snow. Emma asked if Jamie could watch him while she went away on a work trip and Jamie was more than happy to do it.

"I'll feed him, you can go get his diaper bag together." Hunter said while grabbing the bottle from me.

I smiled and walked out of the room to go pack the bag. I was packing the bag when I began thinking about Jason. I thought about him alot, afterall Emerson looked like him so it was hard not to think about him. I hated that I was in the situation I was in, I was lying to almost everyone about who Emerson's dad was.

Emerson was going to grow up thinking that Hunter was his father when actually his father killed himself because of how he treated me. My son was going to hate me when he found out that I had been lying to him all of his life. I was going to hold on to that letter Jason wrote me and when the time was right I was going to show Emerson.

Hunter and I went to see Jason's mom but we didn't stay long because she said she had to go to work. But personally I think it was because it was too hard for her to see Jason's baby without him there.

"Hey, I asked Jamie to watch Emerson for a little while this evening. I want to take you somewhere." Hunter told me on the way home.


"Can't tell you. Just wear that white sundress I like so much and your boots." He smiled.

I nodded. We got home and I went to change as Hunter did the same. He was wearing a black button up shirt with his wrangler jeans and boots, he looked pretty good if you ask me. We both came back downstairs and kissed Emerson goodbye and was on our way.

It wasn't long before we stopped at our destination. I just smiled at him and kissed him.


Where do you think they are?

Like the baby name? I dooo :)

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