Chapter 20

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 I was now seven months pregnant and there was no hiding the fact. I had told my mom and she was super excited, when my dad found out he wasn't too happy but he grew to like the idea of being a grandpa.

I had decided that I was going to wait to go back to school until after I had the baby. So, we had went to North Carolina and gotten all of my things. Hunter and I were living with Jamie until we found a place of our own. But Jamie told us we weren't leaving.

"Hunt, will you go to the store for me. Please?" I called from the living room.

Hunter walked into the room with a smile on his face. He had been in the extra room setting up the babys things. I think he was more excited than I was.

"Can you go to the store and get me some Cottage Cheese and Pringles?" I asked with puppy eyes to make him go for me.

"Yeah, you need anything else?" He asked as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Nope, thank you."

"Anything for you momma." He smiled and walked out of the room.

He had been calling me momma since the night he asked me to be his, it had kinda stuck to me. I liked being called momma, it made me happy. I couldn't wait until the baby was here. We went to the doctor when I was 20 weeks and found out I was having a boy.

Hunter was really happy when he found out it was a boy. I was hoping for a girl but as long as it was healthy I didn't care. We were doing the baby's room in camouflauge since Hunter's mom got so much camo stuff for him.

We told Hunter's mom that the baby was his too, I just couldn't tell anyone that I was raped. I didn't want them to feel as if the baby was going to be like Jason.

About twenty minutes later Hunter came back with my Cottage Cheese and Pringles. I had been having some weird food cravings since I got pregnant. Hunter stood there smiling at me then turned around and walked away.

After I ate I decided I'd go see how the baby's room was coming along. When I walked into the room Hunter was finishing the crib, he seen me and stopped what he was doing. He walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

We stood there for a few minutes not talking but when Hunter said something to me the baby started kicking. Hunter placed his hands on both sides of my stomach and kneeled down to wear he was eye level with my stomach.

"Hi baby boy. We can't wait to meet you." Hunter whispered to my stomach then kissed it.

I was terrified to become a mom but when I seen Hunter act that way I knew it was going to be worth it. He was going to be amazing with the baby and I couldn't wait for him to be here.

When we had an ultrasound done to find out the sex, the look on Hunter's face was adorable. He looked so happy, I swore I could see some tears in his eyes.

Jamie was pretty excited himself, all he talked about was the baby. He would tell me he was going to get him to love Chevy trucks and to like fishing, I would just laugh at him.

My mom wanted to meet the baby more than anything. I just hated that I was lying to my parents and Hunter's parents. I told Jason's mom about the letter and told her that I was going to tell people that Hunter was the dad. She agreed but asked if she could see the baby. Of course I was going to let her see the baby, it was really her grandbaby.

The guilt of lying was killing me while he was in my stomach so I had no idea how I was going to deal with it once he was born. I felt as if they would be really pissed off if I ever told them. Hunter told me I had nothing to worry about because they would understand.


Ahhh, 20 chapters! That's so exciting! :)

Really short, sorry. I didn't know what else to write about in this one! I already have some of the next chapter written though, so it shouldn't be long before chapter 21 is out :).

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