Chapter 14

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That night at the beach was amazing, we spent about about thirty minutes just kissing each other. We finally stopped and went back to Jamie's. It was around 7 when we got back there and Jamie was still in the bed, so Hunter and I went to our own seperate rooms to get some sleep.

"Jena, wake up. It's 12 in the afternoon." Jamie said while shaking my arm a bit.

"Get out." I grumbled while throwing a pillow at him.

"If you don't get out of this bed I am going to pull you out of the bed."

I knew he would do it, so I lifted up. I got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, the door was closed but I knew it was just Jamie's habit. When I walked in I was flashed by Hunter's oh-so-amazing body. I just stood there in shock for a few seconds.

"See something you like?" Hunter smirked as he grabbed the towel off the rack.

I turned around and walked out of the bathroom quickly. That was a different way to wake up in the morning. I went to my room and got my clothes that I was going to wear for the day and waited for Hunter to get out of the bathroom.

About ten minutes later Hunter came out and smiled at me, I just grinned at him. After I took a shower, I slipped on my blue jean shorts, browning tank top and finished the outfit with my boots. I let my hair go free, I didn't feel like messing with it.

"What are we doing today? That just couldn't wait for me to wake up?" I asked as soon as I seen Jamie.

"Nothing, just making sure you were up." Jamie smiled. "And tonight Lance up the road is having a bonfire, we're gonna go there for a while. Might ride over there in a lil while, they up there playing horseshoes." He added after a few seconds of me glaring at him.

"I don't know who that is, so why do I need to go?" I asked.

"Because I said so, plus it'll be fun."

About that time Hunter came out on the porch and sat down on the bench beside me. I looked over at him and all he was doing was smiling. Jamie looked like he wanted to know what he was smiling at but didn't ask. A few minutes passed then my phone vibrated.

I looked down at my phone and it was a text from Jonathan: Hey, just wanted to say sorry again. I never meant anything to hurt you. Enjoy your summer, I'll miss you. Bye.

I smiled to myself then texted back: It's okay, I know you didn't. You have a good one too, text me soon.

Hunter's smile had dropped and was now staring at me looking confused. Jamie had gotten up to go get his dip so we could leave for them to play horseshoes.

"Are you two going to get back together?" Hunter asked, once again not making eye contact with me.

"I don't think so." I replied.

He nodded at me, then got up. I hadn't noticed until now that he was covered in grease, he must've been working on his truck.

"Well, I'm going to go change." Hunter said, breaking my chain of thought.

I sat on the porch waiting for Hunter and Jamie to come out so we could leave. I wasn't very happy about having to go, being I didn't know the guy. I doubted I would even know anyone there.

Finally we were leaving to go to this Lance guy's house. I sat in the middle of Hunter's chevy as we rode to Lance's house. I could smell Hunter's cologne and it had me wishing I was wrapped up in his arms.

"Okay guys, don't get too drunk tonight." Jamie said as he jumped out of the truck.

I laughed at how stupid my brother was then looked over at Hunter, he looked amused about something.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Just last night we were making out with each other and couldn't get enough of one another and now we haven't talked much today. It's just funny I guess." With that he hopped out of the truck.

He looked at me then walked away, shaking his head the whole time. Something was wrong between us, I just didn't know what it was. I wasn't going to worry about it though, I had enough going on. Even though I didn't know these people I was going to relax tonight and have a good time.

I stood around most of the evening just watching the guys play horseshoes. There were a few people from school there, but I didn't speak to any of them. I was kind of bumming about Hunter walking off from me like he had. The way he walked off made me think that, he had somewhat changed because a few months ago if we had of gone to a party like this he would have been right beside me to make sure I didn't need anything. But I guess he figured I could handle my own now.

Hunter's POV:

When we got to Lance's house, I just had to get away from Jena. All I could think about was the way she was smiling when she was texting him. The way she smiled reminded me of how she use to smile at me.

Last night was amazing, the passion we had in our kisses made me feel like we were going to be together again. I loved having her in my arms again, it felt amazing.

I was glad I finally told her about me wanting to get a house in North Carolina when we were together. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Bro, come on. You gonna make us lose money." Jamie cried out from the other horseshoe pit.

"Sorry hoss." I replied then began throwing again.

I hadn't seen Jena since we got there so I figured I'd go search for her after this game, but the game just kept dragging on and on. I was hoping she was okay.

Jena's POV:

At nine that night, more and more people began showing up. Some people were playing beer pong, others horseshoes and some just stood around the fire talking and drinking.

I hadn't seen Hunter since we got there and it was kind of bothering me. I walked away from Jamie and went to sit down at the fire. I was drinking some Jack Daniels with Coke, it was definantley hitting the spot and making me feel a little better. I had gotten a little buzz as I sat at the fire, when someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around hoping it was going to be Hunter, but when I seen who it was my stomach turned.

Jason stood there before me, smirking.


Hope you enjoyed, I'm trying to update more often.

I'm gonna start trying to update at least 2-3 times a week.

Also, go check out my new story 'The Soldier's Daughter's Journey' :)

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