Chapter 23

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 The months went by and now Emerson was a year old. He was hooked on Hunter, if he got out of his sight he would start crying. His first word was 'Da-da' and that was all we heard when Hunter was in his sight or out.

My mom called me the day after she yelled at me about keeping the Jason being the dad thing from her, she told me she never meant to yell at me like that.

Deep down, I knew she did. She meant what she said and there was no taking back what she said. My dad and Hunter's mom took it okay I guess. I mean it really hurt Hunt's mom, she was so sad every time she held Emerson. Soon, she got use to the fact that she'd be known as his grandma.

Hunter and I still lived with Jamie so he wouldn't be alone, while we were trying to get money to get our own house. I didn't see us leaving anytime soon though. We put the wedding off for a few more months since I became pregnant again, on accident of course.

I stood in the living room and waited for Hunter to answer his phone. I had been calling him for about ten minutes and he hadn't answered once.

Finally he answered, "Jena, is everything okay?" He asked paniced.

"I..I don't know. I'm bleeding Hunt. This isn't supposed to happen." I cried into the phone.

"Okay, baby. Don't freak out, I'll be there in a few minutes I'm in the field. Just keep calm, we'll go to the hospital as soon as I get there. I love you." With that he hung up.

About thirty minutes later we were pulling up at the emergency room. Hunter was pacing back and forth as I sat in the hospital chair crying.

"Jena, you can come on back." One of the nurses said to me.

I jumped up and began crying even more, Hunter was holding my hand as we walked down the hall to get into a room.

"Baby, it's going to be okay." He told me.

"So, you said you're bleeding and you're supposed to be about 2 months pregnant? Am I correct?" I just nodded. "Okay, well we're going to run a couple of tests and see what's going on." The woman told me as nice as she could.

Hunter and I sat in the room of that hospital for about two hours, waiting to see what was wrong with me. In the back of my mind I already knew what was happening though. Hunter was sitting beside the hospital bed holding my hand. Emerson was with Jamie while we were here.

"Jena, we have the results of your tests." Hunter stood up quickly when the doctor came in the room "Um, you have had a miscarriage."

Then right there Hunter dropped down to his knees and began bawling. He kept asking why and I wish I could make him feel a little better but the truth was I was just as heartbroken as he was. I was leaning down on him crying into his back when the door opened again.

"No, no this can't be happening." Hunter cried to me.

"I wish I could tell you it wasn't." The doctor told us.

I looked up from Hunter's back and seen my mom standing there with tears streaming down her face. She leaned down and hugged Hunter and I at the same time.

"I got to get out of here, Jena. I can't take it." Hunter said while standing up and walking out of the room.

I got up and leaned out of the room to see where he went. He was a little ways down the hall, then he just dropped down again and began bawling. Everyone just stood and stared at my amazing fiance as he cried his eyes out. I walked out of the room and walked over to where he was.

"It's not fair, Jena. How come we had to lose our child?" He asked, sadness written all over his face.

Seeing one of the strongest people I know was the hardest thing for me to see. I had never seen him break down like that before and it was klling me to see him like that.


That's it for chapter 23! I'm thinking about one-two more chapters then the story is done! Hope you enjoyed :)!

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