Chapter 5

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It was my brother, I hadn't seen him in a few years so I sprung up and wrapped my arms tightly around him. He hugged me back and laughed into my shoulder.

"How do you know my sister, Hunter?" Jamie asked after we let go. His arm remained around me, as if he was holding me there so I wouldn't leave him.

I was so happy at that moment, I was finally with my brother. Without the time ticking by, making me remember that he'd have to go home to Dad's in a few hours.

"Your sister?" Hunter raised his eyebrows and looked back and forth between my brother and I. "I had no idea." He added.

"He moved to town and he's in my class, his mom and mom were really good friends." I answered for Hunter since he seemed like he couldn't answer himself.

"Damn, what a small world. My best friend is dating my sister." Jamie laughed. Hunter and I looked up at him and I shook my head like a maniac.

"We're not dating. I rode with him here, mom's here with his mom. Wait, you two are best friends?" I asked dumbfounded. He nodded and ruffled my hair.

We were sitting on the ground for a while then May and Mom came up to us. Mom looked sad and happy at the same time when she seen who was with Hunter and I. Immediately Jamie got up and hugged her.

"Well, I'll see you guys after I finish." Hunter said getting up. "Come on Jena." He added holding his hand out.

"For what?" I asked.

"You're coming with me." He laughed.

"Go Jena, you'll love it." Jamie said as he looked at Hunter.

I got up and walked with him, we walked to a different truck and got in.

"This is mine, don't worry. It stays at Jaime's." Hunter said as he started the truck. Then I realized this truck had the same intoxicating smell as his did, it made me want to bathe in it.

Before I knew it, it was our turn to go through. I was scared out of my mind, I didn't know what to expect. I looked over at Hunter and he gave me a nod to let me know everything was going to be okay. I knew I could trust him but my mind was getting the best of me right now. What if we flip? What if we die? What if we hit someone? Oh God, I hope no ones at the end of this strip, they'll get killed! All of these people are looking at me. Ahhhh! My mind was going crazy with thoughts. Then we took off, I closed my eyes, peaking out of one I seen the mud flying. Hunter was smiling from ear to ear. He looked happier than a kid in a candy store when we got out of the truck.

"That was fun right?" He asked while bumping my shoulder with his. I looked over and nodded.

I couldn't really enjoy myself with my mind freaking me out the way it was but it was fun knowing how happy it made Hunter. He went through a few more times, then it was at the end. Hunter, Jamie and I walked down to the strip where people were in the mud playing and I turned talking to Jamie, Hunter walked away.

"Hey Jena." Hunter said, then I turned around and got a face full of mud, Hunter stood there laughing at me.

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