Chapter 15

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As I looked at him, I began feeling sick to my stomach and my hands started to get clammy feeling. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, I just didn't know what to do. I didn't have Hunter or Jamie with me so he could do what he damned-well pleased to do to me.

"I see you're back." Jason smirked as he sat down beside me.

I swallowed hard but didn't speak, it was like him being around me made me so nervous that I forgot how to speak. He put his hand on my thigh and began moving it up and down. I knew this wasn't going to end well. I just wished someone would come help me or something, anything just to get me away from him.

"Come on, let's go on a walk." Jason said while grabbing my arm and pulling me up.

No one was looking at us, I guess they just thought he was trying to help me since I was a little tipsy just a few minutes before. He pulled me through the yard, I looked around trying to find someone, anyone. But I didn't see anyone who could help, everyone was plastered.

He pulled me to the edge of the woods where no one was around and pressed himself against me. He began trying to kiss me but I kept moving my head so he couldn't. Then he slammed my head into the tree he had me pinned against.

The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was someone running towards us.

Hunter's POV:

I was still at the horseshoe pits when I seen two people at the edge of the woods. I couldn't tell who it was but I could tell that one of them were struggling to get away from the other.

I dropped the horseshoes and began running over to the two people. As I neared them I could tell who it was and my anger grew with each second. Before I could reach them, Jason slammed Jena's head into the tree then she hit the ground.

I ran up to him and began beating the living shit out of him. I was sick and tired of that prick showing up and making her suffer. She did not deserve that.

Someone pulled me off of him and told him to get the hell out of there. Then I hit my knees beside Jena, I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my truck. I had to get her to a hospital and quick. When I got to the truck Jamie ran up to me and opened the truck door for me to put her in there.

When I put her in the truck I looked down and I had her blood all over my white t-shirt. I had to hurry up and get to the hospital before she lost too much blood.

"I'll meet you there." Jamie said as he closed the passenger door and ran through the yard.

About an hour in the waiting room was killing me. No one had came to tell me anything about Jena and it was really starting to worry me.

"Errmm, Hunter?" A nurse asked coming into the waiting room.

I jumped to my feet and walked quickly over to her.

"Jena isn't awake yet but if you'd like to come back and see her come on back." She smiled and gestured for me to follow her.

When we got to where Jena was I nearly knocked the nurse over to get over to her. She looked so innocent, I felt horrible for leaving her alone. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly even though she was knocked out.

"Jena, I am so sorry. I didn't know he was going to be there, I didn't know Lance knew him. I love you so much. I hate that I wasn't there to help you sooner. I should have known better than to leave you. I love you so damn much it hurts. I just wish we could be together and be happy together without all of this dumb shit happening. I want to be with you so damn bad. I want to marry you one day and have kids with you." I blurted out all at once to her sleeping body.

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