Chapter 26

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Emerson's sixteenth birthday came and passed, I still couldn't tell him. Emerson was now 17 and I couldn't bring myself to it, but Hunter had been telling me that we needed to do it. So, today was the day that Emerson was going to find out that Hunter wasn't he real dad.

"Emerson, can you come out back with me and dad?" I called up the stairs to him.

"Darlin', don't worry. Everything is going to be fine." Hunter told me as we waited.

"Yeah momma." Emerson said as he sat down.

"We have some news." I told him.

"I'm going to be a brother again, aren't I?" He asked.

"No, honey. Nothing like that. Um, this might hurt you a bit." I said on the verge of tears.

Hunter ran his hand up and down my leg to comfort me but for once it wasn't working. Emerson looked at me, confused, so I knew I had to tell him. I held the letter that Jason wrote me in my hand tightly.

"Baby, Hunter isn't your real dad." I let out, sadly.

Emerson looked at me with sadness, anger and pain written all over his face.

"What do you mean? You've been lying to me all of my life?" He yelled.

"Hey, don't yell at your momma like that." Hunter warned.

"Where's my real dad?" Emerson asked. I looked over at Hunter and tears began falling. "Where is he? I want to meet him." When he said that last part, I cried even more.

"He killed himself, baby." I told him, then slid the letter across the table to him.

Emerson's POV:


I'm sorry I was such a bad person to you, I wish I could take it all back. I heard today that you were pregnant by me and I am so sorry for that. I never meant to hurt you, I just love you so much it makes me do some really stupid things. I know it seems as if I hated you and I hate myself for making it seem like that. I wish I could have been a better person to you but now I have to pay for what I did to you. You are better off without me in your life. You need someone that is going to always be there for you and will never hurt you, that guy for you is someone who is already there with you. I hope that someday you can forgive me. I know that time is nowhere near though. I have to end my life to make it a safer place for you and our child. I don't want our child around me, I might hurt it. Please, don't put my name on it's birth certificate..put Hunter's because I know he will be there for the baby and I know he'll take good care of both of you. I don't want that child to know that it's dad was an abusive, rapist to it's wonderful mom. I'm sorry that I can't be there to help raise that child and love it. But I need to do this, I can't live with myself anymore. Jena, I love you and our child..and I'm sorry.



As I read the letter that my real dad wrote my momma so many years ago, a tear slipped and hit the letter. I sat there staring at the paper for a while before momma walked over to me and hugged me tight. Then I just let go, I began bawling into her arms. Dad walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I cried even more.

The man that I had grown up thinking was my dad wasn't my real dad. My real dad was a rapist, I'm here by rape. Not out of love like my brothers and sister.

"Emerson, I'm sorry for keeping it from you for so long." Momma told me.

"Momma, it's okay. I understand now, now everything makes sense." I told her.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"I've been having these dreams, a man I've never met keeps coming to me saying 'I love you son'. Do you have a picture of him?" I asked.

"Um, no. But his mom does. Willa is Jason's mom." Dad told me.

"Can we um, go see her? I want to see what he looks like." I asked.

I was acting calm to them but on the inside I was dying. I needed to see if he was the man that was in my dreams.


Okay, I know I ended the story a few weeks ago. But I felt like I needed to add this. There will be ONE more chapter after this and then that's the end.

Let me know after you've read the last chapter if you'd like to see another story of about Emerson's life come out.. xoxo :)

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