Chapter 16

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Hunter's POV:

"Hunt, I need to tell you something." I nodded. "I heard you..ermm..the night I was in the hospital when you thought I was still knocked out." She told me, looking a little relieved. 

I didn't know what to say, was this going to change things between us? I mean, I told her I wanted to marry her and have kids with her. I was telling the truth but I didn't want her to know that's what I wanted. 

"Oh." I replied. 

She looked away from me and back to where her brother was buried. She sat down beside the tombstone and rested her head against it. Then she began crying, I didn't know what to do so I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her. 

"Come on Jena, let's get you home." I said while helping her up. 

It began raining as we made our way back to my truck, it wasn't just a sprinkle either, it was pouring. When we got to my truck Jena stopped and turned to me. She grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me down to where I was face to face with her. Then she pressed her soft lips against mine. I was quick to react, I put my hand on the small of her back and continued the kiss. 

We stood there in the cemetery kissing each other in the pouring rain. Everything felt perfect to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. 

"Come on, let's get home." I told her when I pulled away from the kiss. 

She nodded and I helped her into the truck. I wanted to hurry and get her home so she wouldn't freeze to death with those wet clothes on. 

When we got home we went to our own rooms to change out of our wet ones. I just put a pair of basketball shorts and went into the living room to wait for Jena to come down. 

She came down wearing a pair of short black shorts and a white tank top. Even dressed like that she looked amazing. She sat on the sofa opposite of me, just looking down at her hands not saying a word. 

The storm was beginning to get worse and I could tell that Jena was scared so I walked over to where she was sitting and pulled her close to me. She laid her head on my chest and smiled. 

She raised her head up a few minutes later and when I looked down at her I began leaning in to kiss her again. Her lips met mine, my heart was racing as we kissed. As we kissed she ended up on the floor somehow, she was laid on the floor and I crawled on top of her to continue the kiss. 

Jena was smiling as we kissed and that caused me to smile into her kiss. As I laid on top of her kissing, my heart was racing even more than it was when we started kissing. I don't know why but I was nervous. 

I had forgotten we were in the living room until Jamie and his mom walked in. Yeah, his mom. That was the most awkward situation I had ever been in. Here I was lying on top of her daughter just making out with her like it was the most normal thing to ever happen. 

Jamie and their mom stood there for a second then they both turned and walked away. Jena lifted up off of the floor and began to blush. 

"Well this is going to be awkward." I told her. 

She nodded and walked out of the room. In a way I felt like if no one showed up we would have made love, so I was glad they came. I didn't want anything to happen between us being that she had just gotten out of a relationship and I would feel like her rebound. 

We decided to cook out on the grill after the storm went away. Their mom stayed to eat but the whole time I was scared to look at her, I felt like she was going to go ape shit on me. 

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