Chapter 27

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Momma and Dad took me to Willa's house. They told her what they had told me just over an hour ago and she smiled sadly at me. She was my real grandma and I never knew it.

With tears in her eyes she handed me a photo album. I opened it and seen baby pictures of who I was guessing was my real dad. I continued looking through it until I got almost to the end. When I got to that page, I could have swore my heart stopped for a few seconds. It was him, it was the man that had been it my dreams for quite some time now.

The three of them just sat in their seats watching me look at the pictures. I just stared at that one picture of my real dad in a cap and gown for what seemed like hours. I didn't have to look any further because I knew it was him.

When I looked up, Momma, Dad and Willa all had tears falling down their faces. Dad looked the worse though. When he seen me look up, he got up from his seat and walked out of the house. I walked out behind him. He was kneeling in the yard with his head in his hands, crying his eyes out.

"Dad.." I spoke.

He got up from the ground and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank you Dad." I cried into his arm.

"For what, son?" He asked, confused.

"Being there for Momma." I paused. "For being the Dad I needed, the Dad I would have never had if Momma never met you." I told him.

"It's my job, always has been. Always will be." He told me, softly.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" I could tell he was still crying from the way his voice was shaking.

"Why'd you decide you wanted to help raise me?" I ask.

"I love your momma. Have from the moment I met her in that coffee shop. Hell, I went into her job and ordered coffee just so I could meet her." He told me, knowing I knew he hated coffee. "Me and Uncle Jamie had been friends for years before I met her. I never knew they were related until we went to a mud bog together one time." He laughed.

The man I was hugging was my Dad. He had helped my Momma when no one else was there. He stepped up and helped raise a child that wasn't even his. He stood by my Momma through thick and thin and I know there isn't many guys out there that would stay this long.

He went seventeen years raising me as one of his own, doing things with me just like I was one of his own. Well, I'm pretty sure he'll go through the rest of my life treating me as one of his own.

He was there for me when I was five with a broken arm and helped me do things I couldn't do by myself. He's the one who was there for me when my first girlfriend dumped me.

I couldn't picture my life without my Dad in it.

Hell, the man is my best friend.


Thanks everyone!

Let me know what you thought of it!

xoxo :)

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