Chapter 17

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Brielle's POV

2 weeks later...

These past weeks have been slow and boring. I have been staying in the house because I can't bare the thought of going out again only for James to find me.

Lorenzo hasn't been in the house really he is actually flying out of country today I believe to take care of some business.

Rosa has been staying out for as long as possible and my guess is it has something to do with Greyson because anytime their around each other they get super quiet and awkward.

I have been in my room most days unless I have the motivation to do something out of my room.

"What the hell is wrong with my cousin?" Romeo exclaims while walking into the home library where I am currently reading a book.

"Well good afternoon to you too." I say while slowly closing my book to give him my attention.

"He is going to Italy and not letting me go with, can you believe that motherfucker."

"Why do you want to go so bad anyways?"

"Um so I can see Massimo." He says while looking at me as if I should know who that Is.

"Who's Massimo?"

"He's our cousin."

"Are you guys close?"

"What? No I fucking hate his guts, but I love annoying the hell out of the motherfucker."

Romeo sighs while laying down on the sofa to where his head is in my lap.

"Do you think maybe that's the reason Lorenzo isn't allowing you to go." I say while laughing at the faces he makes.

"Easy for you to say when you are the one going with him."


"Yeah the jackass is taking you because he wants you to meet the other part of our mafia."

I was not told that I was going at all, it would have been nice to have had a head ups considering I need to pack.

"Don't worry, Rosa packed for you." Romeo said as if he read my mind.

"What time do we leave."

"He has a car waiting for you downstairs so you can head to the airstrip to meet him whenever your ready."

Ok then I guess I'm going to Italy


Once the driver pulls into the lot of the airstrip I am met with Lorenzo standing outside infront of a private jet talking to one of his guard.

Once I get out of the car and his guard takes my suitcase onto the jet.

"Hey." I greeted him while making my way over to him. It is pretty cold considering we are about to enter fall so the New York weather isn't the nicest.

"Took you long enough."

"Oh I'm sorry but I wasn't aware that I was leaving the country until 20 mintues ago."I clap back to him before passing him to enter the jet.

I am in complete awe when I step inside the jet. It is extremely big inside, the exterior was all white with some grey here and there.

There was a mini hall in the back where there were also 2 doors which I learned were bedrooms.

I take my seat on the right side of the jet and directing my attention to the window when Lorenzo makes his way to the seat all the way to the left of the jet.

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