Chapter 3

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Today had been a busy one. I had just finished my 5th solo mission. There had also been 2 group ones a few hours ago. I grabbed myself a glass of ice cold water to soothe my dry throat and dehydration. I dowed the glass within 20 seconds and then began to wash it up.

After I put the glass back I walked to the sofa. I allowed myself to fall into the cushions and closed my eyes.


My eyes snap open. Shit. I had fallen asleep. 6 familiar faces now surrounded me.
"Y/nnnnnn, you have another mission," Masaaki informed in a sing-song voice. It was too early.... late for signing.
"There is a masquerade event that you are attending. Some new villains that are circling the internet are attending. Your goal is to eliminate them and escape with as much discretion that is humanly possible. There is a ring on your desk. You have to press the button on it if there is any danger. There is also an outfit and mask that you are wearing on your bed."
I listened intently.
"I think there is something off about this mission. The caller used a voice changer and other voices could be heard. There was also noise from nearby computers. Just be careful."
I nodded at my dear friend and set off to my room.

There was a red dress, heels and a mask that matched the dress perfectly. Although this was typical attire for a masquerade event, it was highly impractical. A dress was difficult to fight in. Of course the heels are too but they could easily do damage. I switched the dress out for some smart trousers that could stretch without getting ripped, a blazer and a beautiful crop top that was surprisingly elegant. I put two daggers in the pockets of my blazer and another ring that stored a small blade. I did my hair and anything else that needed to be done then set off.

Samui informed me that my red lamborghini was waiting around the block for me [very basic but I like red ok]. I entered the lift and then left the building. Like Samui said, there was a beautiful car waiting just for me. It was illegal to drive at my age but so was killing people so it didn't matter. I was a safe driver anyway [mhmmm].

I strapped myself in and drove off to the destination that was given to me.


About 20 minutes later, I pulled up to an extravagant mansion. People in expensive clothes made their way through the huge double doors at the top of the stairs. All kinds of shiny cars were parked around the oversized fountain that was placed in the middle of the estate's front garden. Booming music was coming from inside the tobrightly lit building.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and through the doors. There I was stopped by some kind of bodyguard.
Masaaki hadn't told me it so I slightly panicked. There was then some static in my ear before a voice told me what I presumed was the password.
"Killer." With that my path was no longer blocked. 'such a fitting password, tch.'

I made my way through the building until I was in the main hall. The music was a lot louder now and there had to be over 100 people in there. I looked around the room in an attempt to find my targets. ' why make my life so difficult dammit? '. I hadn't noticed the man behind me until he tapped me on the shoulder.

I snapped my head around. I heard
"Target located" in my ear. 'Bingo'.
"Hey, you're a very pretty lady. Why don't you come and meet my pals."
He was very clearly drunk which just made my job easier. I agree and follow him to another room.

The music was very distant now and there were no people around. The lights were also dimmer. We made it to a room with a single door. Even from behind it, the scent of alcohol and other substances were strong. The man swung the door open. There were 3 other men who were scattered around the room. All of them were probably old enough to be my dad.

They were all obviously wasted. 'this will be boring.' The door closed and locked behind me. All of the men slowly began to get up and walk towards me. I flick my ring causing a tiny blade to reveal itself. They had all spoken at least once now but I hadn't paid my attention. I quickly brought the ring to one of the men's faces and pushed it into their eye. The other's faces dropped and became mad while the injured one stumbled back towards his seat with his hand over his eye. "You little bitch." One of the others spoke up. The only thing he got as a reply was a smirk.

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